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Synonyms and Antonyms of document in the Synonyms.net Directory. Meaning of .
Xapian provides support for storing a synonym dictionary, or thesaurus. This can be used by the Xapian::QueryParser class to expand terms in user query .
Find the most suitable synonym for documentation here on Synonymfor.com - one of the best synonym finder sites on the web. Our website is a synonym .
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Procedure documentation Tables/Views/Synonyms Locate this document in the .
. ``the standard pprint dispatch table'' is generally used within this document, it is . stream associated with a file n. a file stream, or a synonym stream the target .
synonyms. hierarchical. All three functions are developed for using the database of . You can use a synonym of a field of your choice for the whole value only. .
SynonymMatch.java in » Natural-Language-Processing » LingPipe » com » aliasi » coref » matchers » Java Source Code / Java Documentation Java Source .
Add synonym to existing table or view or sequence. Can be used to create local synonym to remote table in other schema or in other database Examples: .
Substitute the name of the new synonym for name and the name of a table for table . information on working with synonyms, refer to your Oracle documentation. .
<xs:element name="synonym" type="Values" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=" unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>A synonym that can be used to .
Delete any documents indexed by a term from the database. . . Add a synonym for a term. If synonym is already a synonym for term, then no action is taken. .
Synonyms for certificate at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus .
Synonyms for document, on the free online English thesaurus/synonym finder with over 2.5 million synonyms.
Background documentation CREATE SYNONYM Statement .
Aqua Data Studio is the tool allows developers to easily create, edit and execute database queries. Aqua Data Studio provides an integrated database .
schema specifies the name of the schema that the synonym resides in. If you do not specify a schema name, the synonym is created in the first existing schema .
The synonym expansions will be federated across all the configured collections. </wsdl:documentation> <wsdl:input message="tns:synonymExpansionTerm"/> .
Developer Zone · Downloads · Documentation · MySQL Server . Before 5.0.3, BIT is a synonym for TINYINT(1) . . These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1) . .
Documentation: Synonym of the Reference with less ambiguity; the word ' reference' is also used as relationship, just like the word 'name' can be used either .
Jun 15, 2011 – Of course, the type synonym itself is documentation. For instance, 'type Success = …; type Failure = …; newtype Continuation = Cont .
Generally, documentation (to document) refers to the process of providing . (or other kinds of product documentation); a synonym for the term document .
May 5, 2011 – Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged bug status- completed tag-synonyms privileges documentation .
Oct 19, 2009 – Please refer to SQLAlchemy documentation for a list of types supported by . The Synonym class (see the properties module) provides a similar .
Synonyms: financial backing, backup, financial support, sustenance, backing .
Synonym for DOCUMENTATION. Find another name for Documentation at Thesaurus.net.
Ranks calculated for documents with and without stop words are quite .
Jan 25, 2011 – Home > Support > Technical Documentation > Firewall Filter Match Conditions Based on Numbers or Text Synonyms. Print. Rate and give .
Browse By; Synonyms · Antonyms · Definitions . (documentary validation; "his documentation of the results was excellent"; "the strongest support for this view is .
Nov 11, 2010 – The tag synonym documentation currently says. Users with .
Synonym of Technical documentation: Wikipedia English - The Free .
documentation software synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English .
Synonyms and Antonyms question: What is a synonym for documentation? Evidence, writing, photographs, graphs, video tape, or Help (computer software).
Jun 5, 2011 – Jean T. Anderson added a comment - 17/Jun/05 04:25 Committed .
Oct 4, 2011 – When a document is indexed, its individual fields are subject to the analyzing and . .. Solr3.1 Outputs file path hierarchies as synonyms. .
Ranks calculated for documents with and without stop words are quite different: SELECT . A synonym dictionary can be used to overcome linguistic problems, .
We have 12 synonyms for documentation. Find the perfect synonym of documentation using this free online thesaurus and dictionary of synonyms. Thesaurasize .
Aug 8, 2011 – LucidWorks Enterprise Documentation · System Configuration Guide · Crawling and Indexing Configuration; Synonyms, Stop Words, and .
user documentation synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English language, .
Jul 31, 2011 – Simple Validators; Using Descriptors; Synonyms; Custom Comparators . . This reference document uses a mix of Declarative and classical .
it documentation synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English language, definition, . it documentation synonym, it documentation definition | Thesaurus .
Synonym of Documentation: Documentation Synonyme from Moby Thesaurus Moby Thesaurus documentation Synonyms and related words:account, .
Aug 8, 2011 – This model is used to represent a synonym (a different name for a word). It is used when searching, so when someone searches on a word, .
Synonyms for document at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
This class allows you to parse the prolog file “wn_s.pl” from the WordNet prolog download into an object suitable for looking up synonyms and performing query .
Jan 5, 2009 – The thesaurus functions are designed to help you manage thesaurus documents and then use those thesaurus documents to lookup synonyms .
Background documentation Synonym Name (synonym_name) Locate this document in the navigation structure. A synonym name (synonym_name) identifies a synonym .
HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation . Module identifiers; Command parsers; Initialization; Command synonyms; Status line fields; Exit handlers; Quit .
Synonyms and Antonyms of documentation in the Synonyms.net Directory. Meaning of documentation. What does documentation mean? documentation .