Jul 26, 11
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  • Jul 20, 2010 – ORM Doctrine. //Doctrine style $row = new Example(); $row->name = 'Hello'; $row- >other = 'World'; $row->save(); .
  • Dokumentasi doctrine (Database Abstraction Layer + Object Relational Mapper) v2. x.
  • 3 answers - Feb 12An very simple example (like the sandbox but little more advanced) with a page which list the content of a table with doctrine ORM and an .
  • You are currently browsing the symfony API for the 1.4 version. .
  • The development section of application.ini in the SNOwball example . . See the resources.doctrine.orm.entityManagers.xxxx section of application.ini. .
  • Doctrine Object Relational Mapper API Documentation (1.2). home · about .
  • You are currently browsing the symfony API for the 1.2 version. . sfFormFilterDoctrine is the base class for filter forms based on Doctrine objects. .
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  • Nov 3, 2010 – API documentation is generated with PHPDoctor. Documentation for 1.2 version: .
  • The Doctrine ORM aims to provide transparent object persistence for idiomatic, object-oriented PHP. It is very similar in nature and API to the Java .
  • Jump to Official Doctrine Documentation‎: “The Doctrine ORM API ”: “ The Doctrine ORM Guide for PHP .
  • Apr 7, 2008 – . An Interactive One Hour Tutorial on Doctrine's ORM for PHP . Mysql 5.0.45 - Doctrine 0.10.3 and 0.10.4. 2. REAL WORLD EXAMPLE .
  • Zend Framework – Adding Doctrine ORM into Zend Framework 1.8+ . Example given below is easy to understand and use in your project(s). Enjoy! .
  • This is an HTML interface for the search script used by the Doctrine ORM 1 API Lookup Firefox search plugin, which makes it easier to get to the information .
  • Wed design and Web development company portfolio – Doctrine ORM. WDG offers high quality programming services and web applications on Open-Source platforms.
  • Anyone doing any significant amount of work with Symfony / Doctrine ORM will . Looking at the Doctrine_Collection API one will quickly find the get() .
  • Feb 1, 2011 – If the query string yields only one result, and that result is selected, the relevant page in the API documentation will be displayed. .
  • The mapping information is populated to Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata .
  • Apr 21, 2011 – Please add extension for Doctrine ORM. Offtopic: Was asking .
  • Feb 5, 2011 – Doctrine ORM 1 API Lookup makes it easier to get to the information you need in the Doctrine documentation. .
  • I consider using ODM/ORM/mixing ODM and ORM entities in my new Doctrine 2.0 . For example holds many good .
  • #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Not the same Old PHP ORM Doctrine 2 . . Much improved over Doctrine 1 in regards to the API for database introspection and schema .
  • Sep 10, 2010 – 22:54:51 <lsmith> which would be kind of cool .. because then i could easily switch to using the Doctrine ORM API in case i need to do .
  • Doctrine ORM API Documentation Search. Search service and Firefox search plugin. Doctrine is a set of open-source PHP libraries for working with relational .
  • Nov 16, 2009 – doctrine-orm-php5 If you are following twitter (you can find me there . Quick example: let's image that our application consists of Order .
  • Posted in API, Doctrine ORM, PHP, ZendFramework | Tagged adapter, auth, authentication, basic, digest, doctrine, http, resolver, zend, zendframework | Leave .
  • When you call add() with string, it internally evaluates to an instance of Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Expr\* class. Here is the same query of example 6 written .
  • 16 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jan 4I'm not able to find any tutorial with the version 2 of both api. . http://www .
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  • Jun 4, 2011 – If you have a small RESTful application and you only use one transactional manager, for example the Doctrine ORM then your configuration is .
  • #1 J:\wamp\www\\public_html\src\plugins\Doctrine\lib\vendor\Doctrine\ DBAL\Schema\ . Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool->getDropSchemaSQL(Array) #8 .
  • 1 post - Last post: Jun 22however it is not preset in the api docs for the same version http://www. .
  • Dec 22, 2010 – Note that DBAL API can be used independently of the Doctrine ORM API. So you can use the DBAL library even if you are unfamiliar with the .
  • doctrine/orm/query/ast/package-summary.html">Namespace</a></li>. 22, <li class=" active">Class</li>. 23, <li><a href="../../../. .
  • Doctrine Object Relational Mapper API Documentation (2.0). home · about · projects · orm · dbal · blog · development · contribute · community · wiki .
  • You are currently browsing the symfony API for the 1.4 version. Switch to: .
  • $class is a string of a class-name which has to extend Doctrine\ORM\Query\Node\ FunctionNode. This is a class that offers all the necessary API and methods .
  • Doctrine is a PHP ORM(object relational mapper) for PHP that sits on top of a . Here is the same example in YAML format. You can read more about YAML in .
  • Doctrine is a PHP ORM(object relational mapper) for PHP that sits on top of .
  • - ZendFramework + Doctrine ORM, Facebook API, Twitter API, MySpace, jQuery. . - ZendFramework + Doctrine ORM, .
  • Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\Node: Extended by Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST .
  • Located at Doctrine/ORM/Query/Exec/AbstractSqlExecutor.php . Nella Framework - API API documentation generated by TR ApiGen. .
  • Jul 17, 2011 – ORM Designer is an excellent visual design tool for Doctrine, Propel, . For example: Say you have a common user module stored in a common .
  • Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\Node: Extended by Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST .
  • In dql-doctrine-query-language.rst, when comparing examples from sections 12.2.5 . Using INDEX BY and 12.7.2. Pure and Mixed Results, .
  • Jun 15, 2011 – Lets do an contact form example to understand how to use doctrine orm within codeigniter. Lets create an table on our mysql database named .
  • Clean API; Killed the Magic; Focus on Persistence; Based on JSR-317/JPA Specification. DoctrineORM Architecture. Entities. Not a final class or contain any .
  • doctrine/orm/mapping/package-summary.html">Namespace</a></li>. 22, 10acab65 .
  • Apr 24, 2011 – Propel and Doctrine are the two most popular ORM engines for PHP today. . . without full initialization by using a lightweight API class: .
  • Doctrine is a PHP ORM(object relational mapper) for PHP that sits on top of .

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