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4 answersAccording to this page: http://www.all-about-lowering-cholesterol.com/cholesterol -level-scale.html The ideal total cholesterol level is less than 200. The ideal .
HDL is referred to as "good cholesterol" because it helps remove LDL cholesterol from the blood. It is wise to know what the desirable levels of cholesterol are, .
So if your total cholesterol is in the desirable category, it's possible that you may have unhealthy levels of HDL (too low) and LDL and VLDL (too high). Think of .
Jul 4, 2008 – A high cholesterol level can cause many problems down the line. . ideal level: cholesterol level in the blood less than 5mmol/l. mildly high .
Cholesterol will not mix with water, and therefore needs some assistance to travel throughout the blood stream. With the help of a . HDL levels have an inverse relationship with coronary heart disease. The ability of . >60, Hight (desirable) .
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by M Miller - 1990 - Cited by 92 - Related articles
A total cholesterol level below 200 mg/dl is desirable. Cholesterol levels between 200 mg/dl and 239 mg/dl are considered borderline, and cholesterol levels of .
There is some controversy over what the ideal cholesterol level should be but it is generally reckoned that the lower the better. The situation is slightly more .
More than half of Americans, and according to American Heart Association figures, most of them have less than desirable cholesterol levels. What this means is .
We all know how serious it can with high cholesterol levels, and that there is a strong relationship between high cholesterol levels and the current number .
Here's what your cholesterol levels mean. . you get your cholesterol test (lipid panel or lipid profile) results back to see if your cholesterol falls in an ideal range. .
Discuss with your healthcare professional what is considered high for you. A desirable cholesterol level consists of a total cholesterol level of less than 200 .
Desirable cholesterol levels Your CholesterolWe can edge you desirable cholesterol levels your desirable cholesterol levels level. .
Jun 1, 2011 – Figuring out the best cholesterol levels to aim for can be confusing. . lipid profile) results back to see if your cholesterol falls in an ideal range. .
Recently, a post hoc analysis of the IDEAL and the EPIC prospective studies found an association between high levels of HDL cholesterol (adjusted for .
Oct 5, 2010 – What do the different cholesterol levels mean? Here is a list of . This is the ideal level when there is no vascular disease present. Borderline to .
The level of cholesterol in the blood is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl ), which is equivalent to parts . LIPID, Typical values (mg/dl), Desirable (mg/dl) .
Less than 200 mg/dL. Normal. 150-199 mg/dL. Desirable cholesterol level. 100- 149 mg/dL. Low, may be due to malnutrition; ok if due to cholesterol-lowering .
It is important to know that cholesterol levels need to be interpreted in light of other clinical factors. For example, a cholesterol level of 195 might be desirable in .
Normal cholesterol levels will usually fall into one of three categories: desirable, borderline high risk, and high risk. A desirable safe cholesterol level is when the .
Mar 23, 2010 – High cholesterol levels can lead to a build-up of plaque in the arteries, which can . HDL cholesterol: more than 0.9 mmol/L is desirable. .
This will tell you the total number of all of the fats you have in your blood. According to the National Cholesterol Education Program: A desirable level is less than .
1 answerIf your LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels are also at desirable levels and you have no other risk factors for heart disease, total blood cholesterol below 200 mg/dL .
Since high blood cholesterol signals a higher risk of heart attack, it's important to have . "Desirable levels" presented here are meant for the general population. .
Jul 7, 2011 – Describes how the HDL cholesterol test is used, when an HDL cholesterol . A desirable level of HDL is greater than 1.0 mmol/L for men and .
1 day ago – Read about HDL and LDL cholesterol ratios, and what your numbers should be to . and low total cholesterol lowers the ratio, and is desirable. .
Mar 28, 2011 – Desirable Cholesterol Levels. Your cholesterol levels are usually measured as a part of a lipid profile, which includes separate measurements .
A millimole (mmol) is 1/1000 of a mole. Total cholesterol levels: less than 200 mg/ dL (5.17 mmol/L) is considered desirable; 200 mg/dL - 239 mg/dL (5.17 mmol/L .
Find out all about what is a desirable total cholesterol level, including how it works and what it means for you, as well as common risks and side effects. .
Excess cholesterol is harmful for the body and hence, a person must try to keep his cholesterol levels in check and also maintain the ideal cholesterol ratio. .
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What is a high cholesterol level? The following levels are generally regarded as desirable: Total cholesterol (TC) - 5.0 mmol/L or less. However, about 2 in 3 .
Sep 14, 2007 – Specific target levels or the recommended cholesterol values you should try to maintain, are established only for LDL or "bad" cholesterol. .
Aug 26, 2010 – Desirable Cholesterol Levels. Total cholesterol, Less than 170 mg/dL. Low LDL (" bad") cholesterol, Less than 110 mg/dL. High HDL ("good") .
High cholesterol numbers recorded at lipo protein profile should be analyzed with normal cholesterol . Less than 5.20 mmol/L or 200mgs/dl)----------Desirable .
If you are thinking of the high cholesterol diet necessary to improve & maintain desirable cholesterol levels, consider the following: 1. Copper: This will help you .
What is a Healthy Total Cholesterol Level? Here are the three basic categories for total blood cholesterol: - Desirable — Less than 200 mg/dL - Borderline High .
Jun 10, 2011 – New Study Challenges Conventional Thought on Desirable Cholesterol Levels, Links Very Low Cholesterol to Cancer. Posted on June 10, .
Jul 29, 2011 – Less than 200 mg/dL, Desirable level that puts you at lower risk for coronary heart disease. A cholesterol level of 200 mg/dL or higher raises .
Jump to What Do Your Cholesterol Numbers Mean?: Total Cholesterol Level, Category. Less than 200 mg/dL, Desirable. 200-239 mg/ dL, Borderline High .
Oct 9, 2006 – While an ideal cholesterol reading varies for each person, in general, a total cholesterol level under 200 mg/dL is desirable. Likewise, LDL .
Once you know your cholesterol numbers, you can work with your doctor to find the ideal cholesterol ratio. Then, by making simple lifestyle changes such as .
Sep 26, 2009 – Does cholesterol testing confuse you? Make sense of your cholesterol numbers, including LDL, HDL, and . Less than 200, Desirable. 200 - .
One person can eat large amounts of animal fat, and the total cholesterol level does not rise above desirable levels. Another person can follow a strict low-fat .
Oct 4, 2011 – What are desirable cholesterol blood levels? Since no "normal" cholesterol levels have been established, doctors rely on "desirable cholesterol .
Dec 13, 2007 – But what about this “ideal” cholesterol level, is a score of 199 really healthy? Okay, you decide. In Eat to Live Dr. Fuhrman discusses the .
High levels of LDL cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis – a process in which fatty . Your cholesterol levels are mainly influenced by the other fats that you eat. .
The higher your total blood cholesterol, the greater your risk for heart disease. In general, a total cholesterol level of less than 200 mg/dL is considered desirable. .
Oct 18, 2010 – My cholesterol is 245. Is this high enough to warrant high cholesterol medication ?