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Jan 19, 2011 . The U.S. Army's attempt to start the program to replace the .
May 20, 2010 . FORT KNOX, Ky. - Two days before industry proposals were due, Gen. Peter Chiarelli, vice chief of staff of the U.S. Army, provided new .
Apr 8, 2011 . US military news is offered including United States defense . the $20 billion to $30 billion GCV program if it's only a minor upgrade from .
Jan 20, 2011 . 3 Teams Submit Bids for U.S. Army GCV Program . LONDON - Britain's defense and security industry will have to change the way it does .
A blue-ribbon panel, which first met in June, has authored white papers .
Jan 22, 2011 . The BAE Systems-Northrop Grumman GCV offering will be the first . . DTN News - DEFENSE NEWS: Turkey Has Postponed Purchase Of 100 F-35 JSF .
"Experts Study U.S. Army's GCV Plans, Schedule". Defense News. Army Times Publishing Company. http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=4619649&c=AME&s=LAN. .
Oct 5, 2010 . The U.S. Army will set out its revised requirements for the Ground Combat Vehicle in three tiers, service officials told industry officials .
Jun 20, 2010 . The U.S. Army's chief of staff wants to put the service's Ground Combat Vehicle program on a diet.
Oct 6, 2010 . WASHINGTON: The Army's next combat vehicle must perform through the full spectrum of Army operations, be designed to protect itself and the .
Dec 2, 2010 . The Army released the new RFP for the GCV. An earlier attempt was canceled due to the response from industry.
Mar 2, 2010 . The GCV acquisition program will follow Department of Defense best acquisition practices and be a competitive program with up to three .
International defense news, analysis, defense partnerships, . phase of the Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) program. .
Apr 6, 2011 . The U.S. Army's top acquisition generals continued to make the case for the service's Ground Combat Vehicle program even as senators lined .
GCV – Tracked, Auto Guns, 40 Tons? Department of Defense - 542 days 22 hours 59 minutes ago . Defense Technology News - 15067 days 17 hours ago .
Mar 16, 2011 . Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., sees no reason why it should take seven years for the U.S. Army to build a Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV).
Jan 21, 2011 . The same three industry teams that competed during the first round of the U.S. Army's Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) program have submitted new .
defense news Archive. PARIS - With a decision now even further away on . its Request for Proposals for the Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) program close to .
Jun 21, 2010 . U.S. Army Chief Of Staff Wants Lighter GCV - Defense News: "Gen. George Casey said he thinks the future replacement for the Bradley Fighting .
Mar 22, 2011 . Congressman Dicks: Seven Years Is Too Long for U.S. Army GCV. Defense News. The ranking member of the House Appropriations defense .
Aug 26, 2010 . More on GCV in the following Defense-Update articles: . features please check Defense-Update.com. For the news blog click here for news. .
Mar 12, 2011 . News From defensenews.com. URL : http://www.defensenews.com/ . . development contracts for the Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) program, .
Aug 26, 2010 . The Army will delay its Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) program, cancelling the . U.S. Army Delays Ground Combat Vehicle -- Defense News .
boeing gcv aerospace, shows, exhibitons, market research, C4ISR, artillery, naval, fighter aircraft.
Mar 11, 2010 . And according to the chief of staff's preferences, this new GCV should have . DoD insulated from U.S. automakers' woes in Defense News, .
The GCV IFV is the Army's modernization effort replacing the canceled . “We think it's in tune with where the department (of Defense) is taking us, .
"Fewer FCS Technologies for GCV Round Two". Army Times Publishing Company .
defense-update.com - Modified Puma, Hybrid Armored Vehicle up for U.S. Army .
Tags: Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV), Int Defense News, International Arms Deal, International Defense Treaty, US Armed Forces, US Army, US Army's Ground .
Apr 2, 2011 . "The program rescheduled the GCV Pre-Proposal Conference to allow . . The INSIDER is a twice-weekly news report for defense professionals. .
Oct 16, 2009 . Follow Defense-Update on Twitter News | Photos | Jobs . the next generation Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) was the hottest item on the AUSA .
U.S. Army Unveils New GCV Requirements http://bit.ly/i9sHtY.
Dec 9, 2010 . In settling on a $9 million to $10.5 million cost target for the Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV), the U.S. Army included future upgrades to its .
Nov 30, 2010 . The Army issued a GCV request for proposals last February .
Jan 24, 2011 . The intense focus by the Army and the defense community on the GCV program is somewhat ironic since there is a better example of responsive .
Search PakPasban Defence News. Search for: Follow us on . The GCV Infantry .
Jan 22, 2011 . Defence News BAE Systems-Northrop Grumman team submit bid for GCV Ground Combat Vehicle program Read more http://www.armyrecognition.com .
News. US Army 'Re-Releases' GCV RFP. November 30, 2010 . in particular AT&L [ Office of Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics] .
Sep 22, 2009 . Recent Armor & Protection News: More armor news from .
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Nov 30, 2010 . The Army has issued its new request for proposals for its .
Jan 21, 2011 . Defense Industry News - BAE Systems . The BAE Systems-Northrop Grumman GCV offering will be the first combat vehicle designed from the .
Oct 14, 2010 . Search for Military News: . This article first appeared in Defense Technology International. . The Army canceled the GCV request for proposal (RFP) this summer and froze funding and development for all major .
Feb 22, 2010 . Uber-connected defense consultant and analyst Loren Thompson reads the tea leaves, and a Reuters news article, and concludes that Army plans .
Mar 9, 2011 . Before the U.S. Army issues technology development contracts for the Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) program, it needs to answer outstanding .
Apr 6, 2011 . Indonesian and World Defence Defense Military Technology News and . and that we incrementally improve GCV over time," Chiarelli said. .
Nov 4, 2010 . Aviation News Releases Magazine | Civil, Defense, Space & Tourism . New GCV RFP Will Feature Tiered Approach. By Michael Fabey .
Jan 18, 2011 . Advanced Defense Vehicle Systems, whose bid on the Army Ground Combat Vehicle program was rejected during the original proposal solicitation .
U.S. Army GCV Protest Not Expected to Cause Delay http://bit.ly/a6Qt8Z .
Mar 17, 2011 . The Army launched the so called GCV program in April 2009 as part of . Defense News reported that the Government Accountability Office had .