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Note that the days of the week in Spanish are not capitalized. el lunes: Monday; el martes: Tuesday; el miércoles: Wednesday; el jueves: Thursday .
Nov 4, 2010 . Learn the days of the week in Spanish and be able to explain why and what you like to do on that day, all in Spanish with a video lesson.
This version is what I use the first day of class with Spanish I to test . and expressions used to talk about days of the week, months, seasons, etc. .
One interesting change in Spanish is that their week begins with lunes or Monday , not Sunday. They also do not capitalize months or days of the week. .
Jan 1, 2008 . Can you name the days of the week in Spanish? Enter a day in the box below; Correctly named days will show up in the table below .
Days of the Week in Spanish. Click on the image to hear the Spanish pronunciation! . Use our free Spanish test to estimate your level of fluency. .
Our subscribers' grade-level estimate for this page: 2nd - 3rd. Answers · EnchantedLearning.com. Label the Days of the Week in Spanish · Spanish Activities .
See the Glog! Days Of The Week In Spanish : days, friday, funny, hilarious, hola , monday, of, saturday, spanish, sunday | Glogster.
Basic Spanish Vocabulary - Days of the week, Months, Seasons.
The days of the week tutorial in Spanish by Profesora Lugo.
(are not capitalized in Spanish) domingo Sunday lunes Monday martes Tuesday miércoles Wednesday jueves Thursday viernes Friday sábado Saturday.
Days of the Week. Notes: The written lesson is below. Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left. In Spanish-speaking countries, the week begins on .
Maybe you've seen an international calendar listing the days of the week in different languages, including Spanish. But which of those were the Spanish .
Askisi 8 (The days of the week) · Days of the week · spanish 1 week 1 part 3 · Days, Weeks, Months, and Seasons in Spanish · 7-1 Days of the Week & Inviting .
Aug 4, 2010 . It's time for Spanish! Children are going to learn to say and write the days of the week, in.
Aug 3, 2010 . You can teach your child the days of the week in Spanish and use that vocabulary to talk about family activities. .
The names of the days of the week have similar origins in Spanish and English but they do not sound alike. Majority of the etymology of the days are .
Spanish days of the week are all masculine in gender.
Days of the Week in Spanish. Click on the image to hear pronunciation. . Popular Phrase: estas definiciones | Spanish Days of the Week .
Sep 12, 2010 . If days of the week in English are capitalized, when we write, do we capitalize Spanish days of the week too? .
Top questions and answers about Days-of-the-Week-in-Spanish. Find 9 questions and answers about Days-of-the-Week-in-Spanish at Ask.com Read more.
Learn the days of the week in Spanish. Learn Spanish vocabulary for kids. Listen to the audio and practice with some Spanish puzzles and activities.
English to Spanish question: Do days of the week in Spanish have capital letters ? No, you do NOT normally capitalize the days of the week in Spanish.
Spanish grammar. Discussion: days of the week. . E. Suggested writing exercise : Write seven sentences using all the days of the week. .
One interesting change in Spanish is that their week begins with lunes or Monday , not Sunday. They also do not capitalize months or days of the week. .
Apr 14, 2011 . Teaching today's students how to think and speak in another language should begin early.The language lessons don't have to be difficult as .
Nov 14, 2009 . The days of the week follow slightly different rules in Spanish than they do in English. You need to know the rules of the days of the week, .
Free on-line Spanish flashcards with sound for learning basic vocabulary like . http://www.spanishspanish.com. Monday. Mouse over the days of the week. .
The names of most of the days of the week in both English and Spanish come from the names of planets and the Roman gods.
Aug 5, 2010 . This is a song for learning the days of the week in Spanish. The week on Spanish -language calendars starts on Monday, just as the list of .
Apr 15, 2011 . The days of the week in Spanish don't appear to be similar in any way to the days of the week in English. Let's take a look at the origin of .
Answers to Days of the Week in Spanish Printout. . martes (Tuesday), miércoles (Wednesday) sábado (Saturday) la semana (the week) viernes (Friday) .
Here are the most common cases where English capitalizes that Spanish does not: Calendar: Names of the days of the week and months of the year use .
How to Say the Days of the Week in Spanish. If you can speak Spanish already, then you probably know how to say the days of the week in Spanish.
5 answers - Jan 15, 2008mon =Lu tue = Ma wed=Mx thur = Ju Fri = Vi Sat = Sab Sun = dom . Yes: Dom. = Domingo (Sunday) Lun. = Lunes (Monday) Mar. = Martes (Tuesday) Mié. .
Days of the Week/ Los Días de la Semana. English/Spanish. AUDIO: Click on an underlined word for . In Spanish the days of the week are NOT capitalized. .
Feb 3, 2007 . Here are some few Spanish and English words for the Days of the Week and the Month of the Year. If you know the language then test yourself .
Answer these questions about the days of the week and the months of the year in Spanish. . The Days and Months in Spanish .
Spanish Days of the Week from eLanguages.info. Free Spanish tutorial online, written by Jennifer Wagner of ielanguages.com. Tutorials for Spanish students .
Learn the days of the week in Spanish. Monday in Spanish, Tuesday in Spanish, Wednesday through Sunday in Spanish.
Rating (9 votes): 4. Added: 09-04-2009. Description: Singing Seven Days of the Week Categories: Elementary Tags: Spanish. Embed Code: .
Jun 19, 2007 . Vocabulary words for Spanish days of the week and months. Includes studying games and tools such as flashcards.
SPANISH LESSON - DAYS OF THE WEEK / MONTHS OF THE YEAR IN SPANISH . Want to really improve your Spanish? Then learn Spainsh at a Language School in Spain! .
Feb 14, 2010 . One of the first things you should learn in any language is how to talk about the days of the week. In Spanish this is no different than in .
Feb 13, 2011 . This video goes over the days of the week. As is mentioned in the video, notice they are not capitalized and the week in Spanish tends to .
0008-The days of the week in Spanish is a free Spanish lesson with audio from Byki List Central - free shared lists for language learning.
Nov 27, 2001 . Teachers.Net Lesson Plans: Lesson Plans: Spanish days of the week song (all, Music)
Vocabulary list for the names of days of the week in Spanish, with translations in English and sound.