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Hear about my life of Starcraft, its downs and ups and everything in between.
Feb 15, 2011 . Day[9] is now on Justin.tv!! Update your bookmarks and favorites! Day[9] All The Time. Sean "Day[9]" Plott" is a Starcraft caster and pro .
Live at www.day9.tv w/ Dreamhack SteelSeries LAN! Hopefully the viewer count becomes unglitched :P.
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: 2 hours agoHi guys, especially Zergies! Feast yourselves on this daily with a VERY new Zerg playstyle that is very interesting to say the least! .
day[9]tv. Starcraft 2 strategy and commentary on competitive matches from an 11- year veteran and top Diamond player. games we cover .
Day[9] Daily 7pm PST Sunday through Thursday! For archives: day9tv.blip.tv <3! : D.
This is a website report about day9.tv. The site is currently hosted in , United Kingdom on a server with the IP which is hosted by ISP .
TV Tropes Org . "Play hard, consciously try to get better, and watch Day9!" . To shake things up, Day9 features a rotating schedule of theme-based .
Directed by Bobet Vidanes. With Billy Crawford, Luis Manzano, Kris Aquino, Ai-Ai de las Alas.
Day[9] Day[9] Daily 7pm PST Sunday through Thursday! For archives: day9tv.blip. tv <3! :D.
Jan 5, 2011 . Day9 Pre Daily - Day9 Plays Text Twist. . Justin.tv is the easiest way to create live video and show anyone in the world what's happening .
Play games and win! Online computer game contests, competitions, tournaments and league for Starcraft 2.
Relatives, Nick Plott (brother). Website. day9.tv . The Day[9] Daily is a daily webshow where Sean talks about professional Starcraft games under the .
#day9 tv · block notes reblog. eatenbythedistance: day[9] daily #256 encore. one of the best dailies in…damn, a long time. Really cool strats, great humor .
Jul 27, 2010 . Day[9]'s Starcraft 2 Birthday Countdown! -- Monday, July 26, 2010 | Tuesday, July 27, 2010 -- Claremont, CA.
Dec 23, 2010 . Tipps und Tricks zu Starcraft 2 bekäme. Day9 war eine Empfehlung davon. Also gebe ich den Tipp weiter, da mir Day9 bisher sehr gute Ansätze .
7 posts - 7 authorsDay[9] Daily #285 - Newbie Tuesday: Stealing a Build. By: Day[9] TV . . Day[9] Daily #273 - Funday Monday! Team Monobattles In this Funday Monday, .
Nov 25, 2010 . RE: dreamhack sc2 tourney @ www.day9.tv. Date Posted: 11/25/2010 12:28:PM. rofl actionjesus 6pools vs lucifron god damn europeans .
Jan 17, 2011 . He currently hosts the program Day[9] TV on TeamLiquid.net that analyzes recent professional StarCraft matches. Day also casted for hundreds .
Sean "Day[9]" Plott has been rated A+/A on ICCUP/PGT on multiple accounts over multiple sessions, . The transition from SC1 to 2 has been so fun with Day9 .
Feb 16, 2011 . Day[9] is now on Justin.tv!! Update your bookmarks and favorites! Day[9] All The Time. Sean "Day[9]" Plott" is a Starcraft caster and pro .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Feb 18[IMG] Glad to see Day9 on JTV, but regarding the custom IRC chat, I'm hoping they roll this out to everyone and not just him.
Dec 2, 2010 . Day[9] TV Starcraft 2 Videos @ Ustream.TV: High level Starcraft / Starcraft 2 commentary from an 12 year top player and veteran.
Oct 3, 2010 . Day[9] TV 10/3/10 06:55PM PST:10/3/10 06:55PM PST recorded on USTREAM. Gaming Entertainment.
High level commentary on competitive Starcraft matches from a 12-year veteran and top player. Day[9] has been rated A+/A on ICCUP/PGT on multiple accounts .
Oct 22, 2009 . Youtube www.youtube.com/day9tv. Hello all! Welcome to the Day[9] Daily. I'll be providing high level analysis / commentary for a whole bunch .
Feb 19, 2011 . day9.tv. . HK rating: Day9.tv site details. DAY9.TV — has 1 keywords. Do you like day9.tv? . Day9.tv in other positions. .
Day[9] is now on Justin.tv!! Update your bookmarks and favorites! . Daily Stream (Sunday through Thursday, 10PM EST, 7PM PST, 4AM CET): http://day9.tv .
Sean Plott (day9tv) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow Sean Plott ( day9tv) and get their latest updates.
Hosting report about Day9.tv. Day9.tv is currently hosted at Webfusion Internet Solutions. The IP links to a server in , United Kingdom.
Day[9] Daily #270 – A Grubby Special! Hooray grubby! He sent me this replay, so we're going to DO IT :D . Day[9] Daily #264 – PvT Analysis from Germany .
High level starcraft ii archives lt Displays picture accordingly through archives lt Day9.tv From turn at w dreamhack steelseries the s of making Collection .
Spanishiwa coming on the Day[9] Daily tonight! Yeah! 7pm PST www.day9.tv. He'll be showing us the NO GAS + MASS QUEEN zerg :> 19 hours ago .
day9 tv · Live Broadcast by Ustream.TV · Home. Designed by Free CSS Templates. Make a Free Website with Yola. Quantcast.
Nov 26, 2010 . Day[9] TV 11/26/10 02:48AM PST:11/26/10 02:48AM PST recorded on USTREAM. Gaming Entertainment.
Feb 16, 2011 . starfeeder: Don't forget to watch day9 TV, day9 gives players tons of tips to get better at #starcraft2 http://fb.me/UEO41d1j.
Pop-out Video. Open Chat (Popup) View on Justin.tv. Races played: T Z P. Description: Day[9] Daily provides high level commentary on promatches! .
Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about day[9].tv, a collection of shared knowledge concerning day[9].tv.
Day[9] vs. orb - iCCup TV Extravaganza. Day[9] vs. orb in a best of 3 during the iCCup TV Extravaganza, casted by Raelcun and JoshSuth. .
Apr 11, 2011 . Day[9], day9fan.com, sean plott fan site, day9, day9 daily. . Day[9] Daily Extra Footage · Chat on Day[9]TV's IRC · Day[9] on iTunes .
Day[9] Daily #286 - Friendday Wednesday with Spanishiwa · Day[9] Daily #285 . The Knowledge Base is great for those new to Web show production on blip.tv. .
Jan 27, 2010 . Day 9: TV Pilot -- Pie Delivered by Bicycle. Day Nine's shoot started early in San Francisco -- in a torrential downpour. .
26 posts - 14 authors - Last post: Oct 6, 2010The email for Funday Monday submission is monday@day9.tv, please include a 2 sentence (ONLY) description. Cheers, .
Jan 4, 2011 . Day9 gives a state of the daily address to the sc2 community and explains some of his plans to get everyone involved in bringing e-sports to .
Wiki domain report about day9.tv. We see that day9.tv is hosted on a server with the IP which is managed by Webfusion Internet Solutions in .