Jul 27, 11
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  • Davis-Bacon Act and Related Act contractors and subcontractors must pay their . The Davis-Bacon Act directs the Department of Labor to determine such .
  • The Davis-Bacon Act, as Amended. WH Publication 1246 (Revised April 2009) (PDF). PUBLIC LAW 107-217-AUG. 21, 2002 [as amended 1]. AN ACT .
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  • Legislation that contains language imposing Davis-Bacon wage and reporting . determined by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act, .
  • Mar 28, 2011 – Is the Davis-Bacon Act–the federal law that inflates the cost of government construction and keeps unions in business by requiring payment .
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  • The DavisBacon Act of 1931 is a United States federal law which established the requirement for paying prevailing wages on public works projects. .
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  • The Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C.A. §§ 276a to 276a-5) is federal law that governs the Minimum Wage rate to be paid to laborers and mechanics employed on .
  • In addition to the Davis Bacon Act itself, Congress added Davis-Bacon .
  • Grantees involved in hiring employees for construction work should review the Davis-Bacon Act when using federal funds. Davis-Bacon Act .
  • The Davis-Bacon Act as amended, requires that each contract over $2000 to .
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  • The Davis-Bacon and Related Act applies to contractors and subcontractors who are working on federally-funded or federally-assisted contracts in excess of .
  • Apr 18, 2011 – NORFOLK When it was signed into law in 1931, the slogan could have been: “Hire locally.” The federal Davis-Bacon law was meant to shield .
  • May 10, 2010 – Oregon passed its prevailing wage rate (PWR) law, sometimes referred to as the “ Little Davis-Bacon Act,” in 1959. As the nickname implies, .
  • The Davis-Bacon and related Acts ( DBRA ) web information service provides public access to Davis-Bacon information and supports the user in filling out the .
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  • Davis-Bacon Act Training - June 19, 2009. Recording date: Friday, June 19, 2009 3:15 pm. Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00). Panelist Information: .
  • This website provides a single location for federal contracting officers to use in obtaining appropriate Service Contract Act (SCA) and Davis-Bacon Act .
  • Feb 14, 2011 – Congress should stop requiring the federal government to hire four construction workers for the price of five.
  • 3141. Definitions; § 3142. Rate of wages for laborers and mechanics; § 3143. Termination of work on failure to pay agreed wages; § 3144. .
  • In 1931 the Davis-Bacon Act was adopted to create a "prevailing wage," usually the union rate, for any construction contract over $2000 funded in whole or .
  • These Acts include by reference the requirements for payment of the prevailing wages in accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act. Examples of the related Acts .
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  • The Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) is a Depression-era wage subsidy law enacted in 1931, when the federal government was the largest construction contractor, .
  • Davis-Bacon - Wage Determinations By State. (Click on the State below to access General Decision County Index). ALABAMA · MARYLAND · RHODE ISLAND .
  • May 10, 2011 – Here you can find information and materials dealing with compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) requirements of the 2009 Recovery Act for .
  • The Davis-Bacon Act. ---DISCLAIMER---. 40 U.S.C. 276a Rate of wages for laborers and mechanics. (a) The advertised specifications for every contract in .
  • Davis-Bacon - Search Wage Determinations This database is updated every Friday Morning by 9:00 am Eastern U.S. time. .
  • The Davis-Bacon Act (1931) requires federal contractors to pay prevailing wages -- in other words, public funds cannot be used in price discrimination.
  • Davis Bacon Act. The Davis Bacon Act (DBA) requires the payment of appropriate customary wage rates for all Federal construction projects in excess of $2000 .
  • The Davis-Bacon Act of 1931. In 1931, laws were enacted both in Washington and in Wisconsin to guarantee fair competition on federal and state construction .
  • Jun 13, 2011 – The DavisBacon Act (DBA) requires the government to pay construction wages that average 22 percent above market rates. .
  • The Davis-Bacon Act was passed in 1931, requiring the Secretary of Labor to determine the wages found to be “prevailing for corresponding classes of labor .
  • Nov 8, 2009 – The Davis Bacon Act mandates that all Federal Government construction contracts and the contracts for federally assisted construction over .
  • The Davis-Bacon Act, passed by Congress in 1931, re-quires private contractors to pay "prevailing wages" to employees on all federally funded construction .
  • The Davis-Bacon Wage Determinations contained on this web site are wage determinations issued by the U.S. Department of Labor under the Davis-Bacon and .
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  • Sep 28, 2005 – Let's start with a brief review of the Davis-Bacon Act which was passed . The Davis-Bacon Act as amended, requires that each contract over .
  • National trade association representing merit shop contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers and related firms in the United States.
  • Q. What are the rules and/or regulations for using Davis Bacon wages on a contract where the work is less than 1 month's time? A. The Davis Bacon Act .
  • by D Bernstein - Cited by 12 - Related articles
  • Subcommittee on Workforce Protections. April 14, 2011. "Examining the Department of Labor's Implementation of the Davis-Bacon Act". Archived Webcast | .
  • Jun 13, 2011 – Rep. Justin Amash (MI): Davis-Bacon Act 06/13/11 . Amash Davis Bacon U S House of Representatives Jun 13 · 2011 2 51 PM .
  • Mar 24, 2010 – How prevailing wage laws benefit unions at the expense of taxpayers.
  • ITEMS 7 - 20 – The Davis Bacon Act as amended requires that each contract over $2000 to which the United States is a party for the construction, alteration, .
  • Here you can find information and materials dealing with compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) requirements of the 2009 Recovery Act for the U.S. .
  • Jul 21, 2009 – These Related Acts include by reference the requirements for payment of the prevailing wages in accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act. .

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