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Apr 15, 2011 – Why were Sheila Martin's children burned alive? She actually thinks it's because God wanted it that way.
The Branch Davidians (also known as "The Branch") are a Protestant sect that originated in 1955 from a schism in the Davidian Seventh Day Adventists .
The Branch Davidians can be traced back to a group called the Millerites. The Millerites were a group that branched off from the Baptist church to follow .
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Feb 28, 1993 – The Branch Davidians- How It All Began. The way David Koresh's cult came into . The Branch Davidians- The End of Houteff's Davidians .
Sep 1, 1996 – Research resources on religious cults, sects, and alternative religions - Branch Davidians.
Two of the Branch Davidian village members had been able to hack into the Pentagon/CIA/FBI Black Ops databases, and discovered that the CIA with the .
The History of the Branch Davidians. Victor Houteff is hardly a household name. Yet he is the father of a notable religious organization. Houteff's Davidian .
The ATF raided the Branch Davidian compound to serve arrest and search warrants as part of an investigation into illegal posession of firearms and .
Apr 19, 2011 – A CNN documentary on the 1993 standoff at the Branch Davidian compound outside Waco offers moments that are exasperating, mundane and, .
The Branch Davidians (also known as "The Branch") is a Protestant sect that .
Although it is not common knowledge, there are actually a number of Branch Davidian factions. There are ANTI-Koresh Branch Davidians, while the survivors of .
Apr 14, 2011 – On Tuesday, Martin and a handful of other surviving Branch Davidians will gather at a hotel off a freeway in this dusty Central Texas town .
Read all about the controversial siege between the ATF and the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. Many believe that the massacre could have been prevented, .
Account of my quick look at the Branch Davidian location, or what's left of it. . In 1993, members of the Branch Davidian religious group died a fiery .
NEW LIGHT PUBLICATIONS. WELCOME. Home · Book of Revelation · August 2012 · The Image of Elohiym · Book of Daniel. Home.
The Branch Davidians are most often characterized as a "dangerous cult group," and David Koresh as a "mad cult leader." Marginalizing the Branch Davidians .
(1) (this is the basics of what happened, there are many more details I won't include. because I don't have time to sit on my computer all day. s.
Government agents lived among the Branch Davidians, pretending to be part of the group. Who was whom?
Thanks for visiting the unofficial home page of the Branch Davidian Seventh Day Adventists. Please use the links to the left to explore the site. .
FRONTLINE investigates the April 1993 FBI siege of the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, Texas. With access to secret government documents, audio and .
David Koresh, the leader of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, thought he was an angel and an agent of God. The government thought he was in possession of .
May 20, 2011 – David Koresh led his Branch Davidian sect, an unsanctioned offshoot of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, to its doom in a compound near Waco .
Sep 28, 1995 – A very detailed look at the "Davidians", from the perspective of ReligiousTolerance.org.
FBI List of guns recoved from the 1993 Branch Davidian operation.
From 1993 to the present day, “Branch Davidians” are typically characterized as followers of David Koresh (Vernon W. Howell). The terrible fiery end of the .
Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples.
Jan 19, 2008 – The purpose of this site therefore is to provide a five minute introduction to the Branch Davidians, some background information, .
Branch Davidians. . Add to. Share. Loading. Alert icon. Sign In or Sign Up now! Alert icon. Uploaded by hliebbe on Dec 22, 2007. Branch Davidians .
[Photographs and commentary by libertarian Daniel Tobias on the consequent fate of the Branch Davidian site near Waco after the raid and siege. .
Jan 20, 2008 – texemarrs.com article. UPDATE: Due to an angry email I recieved, I want to emphasize that I doubt the part of the article where Texe says .
Waco Davidians, Branch Davidians, Waco standoff, David Koresh, Vernon Howell, Waco.
Apr 19, 2011 – The Branch Davidians actually came into existence in 1955 as a sect of the Davidian Seventh Day Adventists, hence the “branch” in the name. .
I was one of millions of Americans who, after seeing the April 19, 1993 burning of the Branch Davidian church outside of Waco, Texas wondered: Did these .
The Branch Davidians of Waco, Texas, fame were themselves a division of a small offshoot group known as the Shepherd's Rod, who left the Adventists Church .
The Branch Davidians were a sect that decided to split away from the Seventh-day Adventist church in 1942. The SDA church is well known for their belief in .
Jump to Ascent to leadership of the Branch Davidians: The founder of the Davidian movement, Victor Houteff, wanted to be God's .
As this book will detail, the adult Branch Davidians, particularly David Koresh, played a large role in the disaster. But while most Americans are not .
Waco: Before and After · WACO: The Government's Failure to Understand Destructive Cults · Branch Davidians caught in yet another power struggle .
Waco Branch Davidians siege Robert Rodriguez has accepted that he'll forever be linked with the ATF's ill-fated raid of the Branch Davidian compound, .
OVERVIEW OF THE DAVIDIAN MASSACRE by Carol Moore. I was one of millions of Americans who, after seeing the April 19, 1993 burning of the Branch Davidian .
Branch Davidian (religious organization), an offshoot group of the Davidian Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church that made headlines on February 28, 1993, .
Nancy Kerrigan never staggered under such a handicap as the surviving Branch Davidians had to overcome in their murder and conspiracy trial, one year after .
Branch Davidian summary with 22 pages of lesson plans, quotes, chapter summaries , analysis, encyclopedia entries, essays, research information, and more.
The trial is over, but both Branch Davidians and supporters of the government are disappointed that reports of lying and misconduct have been ignored. .
She is a Branch-Davidian, from before the time of David Koresh. She objected to David Koresh and is involved in some sort of lawsuit to gain control of the .
News about the Branch Davidians. Commentary and archival information about the Branch Davidians from The New York Times.
Branch Davidians. Religious sect that believes in the imminent return of Jesus Christ. It was founded in 1935 near Waco, Texas, by Victor Houteff as a .
The Trial of the Branch Davidians. As reported by: The Outpost of Freedom. Nearly a year after the initial BATF assault on a little Church in Waco, Texas, .
Assortment of links on Waco and the Davidians. Widest variety of views possible (no endorsement implied!)