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GigaSpaces XAP Elastic Caching Edition delivers an in-memory data grid for fast data access, extreme performance, and scalability. XAP eliminates database .
Products and Services · Oracle Fusion Middleware In-Memory Data Grid . Oracle Coherence is the industry's leading in-memory data grid solution, enabling .
450+ items – News Archive--Data Grid There may be articles in this archive .
Advanced Power of PHP - best solutions for web developers. Development of free and low-cost high quality PHP scripts. PHP script for generating data-bound .
Ingrid is an unobtrusive jQuery component that adds datagrid behaviors (column resizing, paging, sorting, row and column styling, and more) to your tables. .
Custom Flex DataGrid/Advanced DataGrid with Filter, Paging, Footer.
A grid view or a datagrid is a graphical user interface element (widget) that presents a tabular view of data. A typical grid view also supports some or all of the .
1 day ago – Home · Download PHP DataGrid . New version of PHP DataGrid 6.7.5 was released . New product - ApPHP DataGrid Wizard released! .
Ajax Powered, Editable DHTML JavaScript DataGrid . Smart Rendering and paging support allow this JavaScript datagrid to work effectively even with huge .
The LIGO Data Grid is the combination of LIGO Scientific Collaboration computational and data storage resources with grid computing middleware to create a .
In a previous example, “Changing the default sort arrow skin on a Flex DataGrid control”, we saw how you could change the sort arrow skin on a DataGrid .
Provides an unmatched rich, fluid, high-performance experience, with the industry's most advanced data virtualization.
Xceed DataGrid (DataGrid) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow Xceed DataGrid (DataGrid) and get their latest updates.
Allow users of any technical level to display and interact with SharePoint List or BCS data sources. Navigate through any SharePoint site, select a source, and .
Apr 19, 2011 – To show a basic data grid , just drop a DataGrid control to your view and bind the ItemsSource to a collection of data objects and you're done. .
livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/2/langref/mx/controls/DataGrid.html AdsOpen Source Data Grid You +1'd this publicly. UndoAdvanced In-Memory Data Grid
Displays ADO.NET data in a scrollable grid. The DataGridView control replaces and adds functionality to the DataGrid control; however, the DataGrid control is .
Represents a control that displays data in a customizable grid.
HTML 5 datagrid tag - the HTML tag for specifying a datagrid.
Hazelcast - In-Memory Data Grid. Home · Products · Support · Downloads · Documentation · Company · Testimonials. Open source clustering and highly .
Infinispan is an extremely scalable, highly available data grid platform - 100% open source, and written in Java. The purpose of Infinispan is to expose a data .
The DataGrid Project might not be on your mind, but the implications of this project will affect anyone who uses a computer.
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"Zend Framework DataGrid" is a project / component written in PHP5, specially developed to work with Zend Framework, aims to generate grids or list from a .
The DataGrid control is like a List except that it can show more than one column of data making it suited for showing objects with multiple properties. .
DataGrid is a project funded by European Union. . After a very successful final review by the European Commission, the DataGrid project is coming to .
Geo-ID GPS/GIS datacollectors store input data from three external sensors ( standard) using serial or analogue input, and store the data alongside GPS .
I've talked in the past about sorting a Datagrid without ViewState. The key to getting this to work is calling .DataBind() on the DataGrid during Page_Load in order .
Infragistics' WPF data grid control provides the ability to present information in a tabular style while leveraging the powerful grid features.
A data bound list control that displays the items from data source in a table. The DataGrid control allows you to select, sort, and edit these items.
Home About NDGF Activities Documents and Presentations Management Internal Wiki. Home. Home. Announcements · About NDGF · Activities · Documents .
This software includes voluntary contributions made to the EU DataGrid. For more information on the EU DataGrid, please see http://www.eu-datagrid.org/. .
Synopsis. The Xataface DataGrid module uses the Ext DataGrid component (http: //extjs.com) to add an editable grid component to your Xataface application. .
-If a filter is specified and "Display All" isn't checked, the datagrid won't populate until a filter is selected. Version 2.1.2/3.1.2 -Added Parameter Substitution for .
DATAGRID , TREE VIEW DATAGRID WIDGET Datagird is an . DataGrid is a client-side solution loading data dynamically through Ajax callbacks. Lazy Loading .
Aug 4, 2011 – Bar Code DataGrid Docking & MDI Editors Gauge Navigation PropertyGrid Ribbon SyntaxEditor .NET Languages Add-on Web Languages .
Tutorial on a plethora of advanced techniques for datagrids including item renderers, label functions, styling and more.
Apr 5, 2002 – One of the most useful Web controls available in ASP.NET is the DataGrid Web control, which renders collections of data (such as database .
docs.dojocampus.org/dojox/grid/DataGrid - Similardojox.grid.DataGrid — The Dojo Toolkit - Reference GuideAt a high level, a DataGrid can be defined either declaratively in HTML markup or programatically in JavaScript. In markup, the following high level structure is .
The Eyesis Data Grid Control is all you need when it comes to displaying data from a MySQL database in tabular format. No flashy dynamic updating or complex .
livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/. /dataGrid.jsf?c=dataGrid - SimilarphpGrid | Instant PHP Datagrid SolutionphpGrid is a simple, powerful and fully customizable PHP component for generating PHP AJAX datagrid for create, read, update, delete (CRUD) records.
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Feature-Complete Components, IDE Tools, and Business Application Frameworks for Visual Studio, Delphi and C++Builder.
DataGrid is a Spark component that displays a mutable list of data items in a scrollable table or "grid", one item per row. Each of the grid's columns displays a .
20+ items – Override defaults with $.fn.datagrid.defaults. Dependencies .
Jakarta Project: Data Grid Tag library. Version: 1.0. Table of Contents. Overview; Requirements; Configuration; Tag Summary; Tag Reference; Examples .
DataGrid component has been designed in a way to reduce development time at the utmost and require no specific knowledge from developers. You do not .
The DataGrid type exposes the following members. Constructors. Name .