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Mar 2, 2010 . Happy Birthday to Daniel Craig! By Greg Hernandez on Mar 2, . as murderer Perry Smith – a gay role – in Infamous (the other Capote film). .
Sep 4, 2006 . Daniel Craig's Gay Kiss. . casting in the role and this latest news seems certain to cause more furore. .
Oct 1, 2007 . Radcliffe recently beat 007 Daniel Craig to win the best male award at the . If it was a good gay role then of course I would do it.” .
Jun 5, 2010 . DANIEL Craig locked lips with another man at a gay bar last month. . It's how the audience “thinks” about an actor in a role when they .
Mar 21, 2011 . The Puerto Rican singer confirmed he was a gay man in 2010 after more than a decade . Pierce Brosnan urged Daniel Craig to go for 007 role .
Jun 30, 2008 . Daniel Craig became famous when he was cast as James Bond, and he used that fame to make "Flashbacks of . Daniel Craig's Role As James Bond Allowed Him To Become A 'Fool' . . Movies; Gay Movies · New Movies. MTV Logo: .
Collection of Daniel Craig Gay Role pictures and photos from web using image- search-engine.com, a free search engine for image and picture search.
TalkTalk have created this exclusive biography of Daniel Craig - we believe . Having turned down big money to take the role of Biggles on TV, Craig moved . he'd be accosted on the red carpet by gay journalist Johan Hari who'd make a .
25 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Jun 11, 2010There are rumors about Daniel Craig again being gay. . camp or gay, but even if Craig were gay, he could easily act in the role of bond, .
Nov 29, 2010 . To the casual observer, it seemed like Daniel Craig had ruined the role, before he had even said a line of dialogue. .
Dec 31, 2006 . But before you typecast him, his next role is as the gay . James Bond star Daniel Craig in drag for International Women's Day - video .
Nov 29, 2006 . Craig Wants Gay Bond Scene | Daniel Craig Is Urging Movie Bosses To . know believes Craig was the wrong choice from his first Bond role. .
Apr 23, 2007 . I'd fire the manager, first of all, then I'd think about how playing gay did nothing to harm the careers of Daniel Craig, Phillip Seymour .
Le fameux Baiser dans Infamous de Daniel Craig (James Bond en personne ! . Then Craig perfom well even gay role character since he's simply obscenely .
Jul 31, 2008 . Daniel Craig has stated many times he would like to play a gay role and win an Oscar for it. It is what it is. Boorman directed the 1982 .
Oct 22, 2008 . Daniel Craig stars as James Bond in Quantum of Solace. Is Daniel Craig . REHIRE Brosnan while he can still do the role. Best Bond ever. . I heard he's gay. He actually was bugging the director/producers to make a gay .
Jul 23, 2007 . Undeniably handsome, Daniel Craig stole our hears as the first blond Bond . Craig hasn't shied away from gay roles and has a penchant for .
May 26, 2010 . According to the National Enquirer, 007 star Daniel Craig may be bisexual - or even gay. The actor was spotted kissing a good-looking guy on .
Nov 18, 2008 . Daniel Craig, to the delight of many of his gay fans, comes out on top again. . In “Quantum,” Craig takes on the Bond role with as much .
Aug 30, 2009 . Le fameux Baiser dans Infamous de Daniel Craig (James Bond en personne . Then Craig perfom well even gay role character since he's simply .
15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: May 30, 2010Daniel Craig gay scandal. Cover your eyes and ears ladies - if . . I say the Bond franchise should retire, not just DC from the role. .
Dec 16, 2009 . Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig Have Big Gay Love . Like any respectable theatre actors, they got into the role of charity fundraisers. .
Apr 10, 2008 . James Bond star Daniel Craig has put the super-spy's womanizing image in . the macho role - urging them to turn the secret agent gay. .
Daniel Craig has officially signed on to play the lead role (character Mikael . . Gay dudes love their gadgets. You know there would be photos of Daniel in .
Nov 15, 2006 . Contrary to his acting roles Daniel claims to be straight, . Buy the DVD of Daniel Craig in the gay film, Love is the Devil, .
Nov 29, 2006 . Tags: boycott, casino royale, CasinoRoyale, cinematical, daniel craig, drama, fandom, film, gay, james bond, james+bond, JamesBond, movies, .
Sep 23, 2008 . Daniel Craig also played gay in the play "Angels In America" (in 1993 in . .. attraction and not just him forcing himself to play a role. .
Dec 4, 2006 . And if Daniel Craig has anything to say about it, it will be gay. . Mr. Craig did a great job in Casino Royale playing the role of James .
Biography for Daniel Craig with 32 free wallpapers and 594 other Male Celebrities . Ricky Martin honoured for being gay role model. Wingfantasy.com - .
British actor Daniel Craig will reprise his role as James Bond for the 23rd . .. Daniel Craig would only do a gay scene in the new James Bond movie if he .
Sep 4, 2006 . Daniel Craig will have a male love interest in the next Bond movie. The British actor has attracted a large gay following after sharing an .
May 27, 2010 . Daniel Craig is one of the good examples of gay or bisexual actor . here but if Craig is a faggot then say goodbye to your BOND role, .
Aug 9, 2009. Bond actor Daniel Craig's philosopher stepbrother to a major policy role. . It is difficult to see how gay adoption can provide that. .
Apr 17, 2008 . Washington, Apr 11 (ANI): James Bond star Daniel Craig has admitted that he . Keyword tags: daniel craig gay gay bond (edit keyword tags) . . Robert Wagner on turning down Bond role · DIY Another Day: Brosnan builds .
Mar 22, 2010 . Sources say that the Gay Bond movie would have Daniel Craig playing the lead role and could be titled one of these – The Man with the Golden .
British actor DANIEL CRAIG has found an unexpected benefit since taking over the role of JAMES BOND - he is now a gay icon. Craig, who is currently filming .
23 posts - 16 authors - Last post: Feb 5"Actually, NO, Daniel Craig isn't an actor because he's basically just playing himself, a male. Get him playing a female role. now that's .
Apr 5, 2006 . British actor DANIEL CRAIG has found an unexpected benefit since taking over the role of JAMES BOND - he is now a gay icon - DANIEL CRAIG .
Nov 17, 2006 . Daniel Craig's gay appeal has to have been helped by his role in the recent Truman Capote biopic Infamous (even though he played a killer) .
Actually, Daniel Craig can drive a stick shift, and his teeth weren't . .. Reportedly Tom Cruise was interested in the role of a gay James Bond, too. .
Jun 11, 2009 . Sources say that the Gay Bond movie would have Daniel Craig playing the lead role and could be titled one of these – The Man with the Golden .
Jun 1, 2010. that Daniel Craig was pushing James Bond producers to write in a gay . if anyone walks in, you just shout “I'M RESEARCHING FOR A ROLE! .
\nDidn't he say when he first got the role of Bond that he thought Bond . Report of Daniel Craig's Gay Kiss Will Shake Some, Stir Others\n\nLast week, .
Apr 24, 2009 . He's on "Brothers and Sisters" and plays a gay character. . Hunky Daniel Craig is sending out mixed messages about nudity. .
the two-minute video, Daniel Craig reprises his role as James Bond. . raped because they are gay to 'correct' them, suffer Female Genital Mutilation which .
15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: May 28, 2010Daniel Craig gay scandal. Cover your eyes and ears ladies - if Daniel Craig is your . My third reaction:Maybe it's for a movie role? .
Daniel Craig's Steamy Gay Kiss". Similar stories were found previously in .
To the casual observer, it seemed like Daniel Craig had ruined the role, . lose if they were to cast a gay man in such an role for a tent pole movie. .
3 answersIs Daniel Craig gay or not. .. need the truth here.? . a bunch of gays mobbed him at some event (because of rumours stemming from that particular role), .
May 12, 2009 . Playing gay in Hollywood used to be (and still is) a . Reeves to play gay roles in one of the filmmaker's most important films, My Own Private Idaho. . stealer in Layer Cake (with Daniel Craig leading the cast). .