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13 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jan 16I have narrowed down my choices to the Nikon D3100 and the Canon t2i. Anyone here good with DSLR's (or have one they might want to brag .
7 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Dec 13, 2010Ok we went to the store to buy a couple of T2i's but the clerk indicated that since we will be using the cameras specifically for video, .
The Nikon D5100 now fits between the entry level Nikon D3100 and the upper end . .. The Canon Rebel T2i receives a number of updated features vs. the T1i .
11 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Sep 24, 2010I am hoping to buy a camera soon. I just started photography, and I've been using my dad's old 35mm Minolta X-700. Should I get a Nikon .
4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Feb 21Ok I am looking at getting the nikon D3100 or the canon T2i as my first DSLR. I really like that the T2i has a higher resolution sensor and people .
Deciding between the two and I'm going later today…
Aug 22, 2011 – I am pretty sure that the issue on Nikon D3100 vs Canon T2i .
Aug 3, 2011 – I'm sure all of us enjoy to possess this nikon d5000 vs d3100 digital camera and nikon d3100 vs canon t2i that records all of the photos .
Aug 21, 2010 – Nikon's D3100 takes on the Canon Rebel T2i · Nikon has introduced . Should I base my start-up in Chicago, or move to A. FCPX Part 3: The .
6 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jul 17I'm going to be abroad for a few months, and I'm trying to find a good camera to capture shots of the city/nature in the area. So I'm looking for a .
Canon does have a 5X better LCD screen, higher megapixels 18 vs 14 . Nikon D3100 is a high basic-level SLR, the Canon T2i is a mid-level camera. So the .
The comparison between Canon 550D and Nikon D3100 is still going on. One say that Nikon D3100 is way better DSLR camera for the price and other prefer .
Aug 25, 2011 – This is our first comparison shot of these two great DSLR Cameras. Both prove to be great in many aspects and in our next shots you can see .
Feb 7, 2011 – The Canon Rebel series or SLRs have always been favorites as . .. the T3 is more on a level with the K-r and D3100 than the T2i and T3i, and .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 30The 550d was recently brought to my attention, just wanted to know the pros and cons of each camera, so I can see which one works better for .
9 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Dec 3, 2010Intríngulis Popóchilus. ALobpreis's Avatar. Join Date: Jul 2002. Location .
11 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Aug 21, 2010But I was told by a few to just save up extra and go for the T2i. Now i've been let in on the secret of the Nikon D3100. Throw down the Pros and .
9 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jun 15I'm looking for some advice on which camera to buy for myself, a first-time DSLR user. I've done my research but would like some actual user .
6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Feb 27Hello All - Thanks in advance for any comments! I have been researching dslr package deals for several weeks. After reading almost every .
3 answers - Jan 21, 2007Top answer: Actually if you want to compare cameras, look at the Nikon D3100 vs. Canon T3 or the Nikon D5100 vs. the T2i/550D Here are the sensor performance of those two .
10 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Feb 12I am sure this will open a canon vs nikon debate, but I am looking to get a new camera. I am an amature at best. Looking for general .
Sep 2, 2010 – As you might expect, the 1080p video on the T2i vs. 780p on the D90 is causing my heartburn. Throw in the soon to be released D3100 and its .
Aug 31, 2010 – I've been researching other cameras whilst waiting for the K-r announcement. 2 that interest me are the D3100 and the T2i. The T2i i am almost .
10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 4im currently looking for a new DSLR camera. and i recently posted a topic about the 3100 and what its like. but now ive limited my selection .
Snapsort compares the Nikon D5100 vs Nikon D3100 to find out which is the .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Nov 9, 2010Hi all! I've checked out the forum many times before but I finally have a .
Dec 11, 2010 – CAMCRUNCH: http://www.camcrunch.com TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/ CamCrunch FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/w4drf This a videos for all of .
5 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Sep 24, 2010Hi. I am a starter in the DSLR market and i was wondering which cameras u guys think is better. I am leaning towards the D3100 cause of its .
I am pretty sure that the issue on Nikon D3100 vs Canon T2i will create a great debate among those people who have a great involvement on either of the two .
Mar 2, 2010 – Nikon D3100by NikonClubTv313671 views · Thumbnail 0:12 . Nikon D90 vs canon T2i on a steadycamby syberfilm45658 views · Thumbnail .
So, in my opinion, d3100 its not a real dslr hybrid. It takes lovely stills, but for video, i rather stick with t2i, lumix g2, g10, gh1, gh2 or sony a33, 55. Report abuse .
Cannon Rebel T2i / 550D with HD Video or Nikon D3100. Canon and Nikon have been the frontrunners in camera and lens technology since the dawn of .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 1Nikon D3100 vs D5000 vs t2i ( 550 D ) Cameras & Lenses.
20 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Dec 3, 2010[Archive] Canon 550D (T2i) vs Nikon D3100 Photography. . I already have the D3100 and just ordered the T2i due to a deal I just couldn't pass .
5 answers - Dec 24, 2010Top answer: I've been using a Nikon camera ever since. I recently bought the Nikon D3100 and I find it very user friendly and the shots are definitely the shots I wanted. You can .
1 post - Last post: Dec 24, 2010Hello, I am picking up photography as a new hobby. I am looking to buy a DSLR, and I have narrowed it down to NIKON D3100 vs. Canon EOS .
Feb 12, 2011 – Canon Rebel T2i 18 MP sand Nikon D3100 14.2 MP are good at low light photo. They both have very good response time and same lcd size .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Dec 30, 2010Digital cameras: Canon t2i or Nikon D3100 - Read digital camera discussions and get tips and advice on this topic and others on CNET .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Aug 27, 2010which one? i realize that the canon probably has better/more functions but the nikon seems like it would be more user friendly as i am a .
Snapsort compares the Canon T2i vs Nikon D3100 to find out which is the winner . Key differences include: screen resolution, lens focus motor, low light .
9 posts - 7 authors - Last post: May 31Hey there guys, my friend is trying to choose between the Canon t2i and the Nikon d3100. price isn't that big of a deal for him so i told him to .
6 posts - 6 authors - Last post: May 24Which? Canon t2i or Nikon D3100 or Nikon D5100 Photography Board.
Support Cameralabs by shopping at our partner stores or donating via Paypal .
Nov 15, 2010 – I am looking to make an investment in either the D3100 or the Canon. I noticed that someone above mentioned the T2i pitted against the D3100 .
12 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jul 18Canon 40D vs. t2i vs. D3100 -- *HELP?* Canon EOS Digital Cameras.
Comparison between a Canon 550d/t2i and a Nikon D3100 . nikon-d3100-vs- canon-550d-0 However, photographers are now debating whether they prefer the .
by Gordon Laing
Aug 21, 2010 – If you were shopping for a new entry-level DSLR today and assuming you don't have thousands tied up in Canon gear, would you consider the.
Aug 28, 2010 – Overview and comparison of several current video DSLRS including the Nikon D3100 , Nikon D5000, Canon T2i/550D, Canon 60D, Nikon D7000, .
vs. 36% fewer buy. 32% bought. Nikon D3100 - Digital camera - SLR - 14.2 .