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I am interested in purchasing a vintage engagement ring. I've noticed that most Old European cut diamonds have an open cutlet. Is this considered a flaw?
Examine and buy the best cushion diamond at GemFind.com, cushion cut . display the diamond's clarity to good advantage as well due to an open “cutlet,” or .
Oct 20, 2008 – Explore different methods of cooking Diamond Cutlet with .
6 posts - 1 author - Last post: May 24, 2008I am just curious 1 Are all diamonds esp. in fancy cuts having off center .
What is the cutlet part of the diamond? Simply put, it is the point at the bottom of the diamond. Diamond cutlets typically where hidden inside the diamond .
Each diamond has its own unique set of properties: Diameter, Table, Crown, Girdle, Pavilion, Depth and Cutlet. The Diameter measures the width of the stone .
Nov 26, 2009 – Depth percent is the ratio between the depth of the diamond, cutlet to table, and the width of the diamond. 4; 9. GreggO December 1, 2009 .
Can anyone tell me what the general consensus is amongst experts regarding cutlets on Cushion Cut diamonds. Is is best to have none or a .
A cushion cut diamond uses a cutlet inside the diamond to add a feeling of depth , but one which overuses this can also effect the elegance of the diamond. .
8 posts - 5 authorsWhat Is A Diamond "Cutlet"? . What Is A Diamond "Cutlet"? Quote this post and reply to it Post#1 @ 11-15-06 , 07:58 PM. Is a question many consumers ask. .
2 posts - Last post: Dec 29, 2004I am looking at the following diamond from a dealer in Alexandria, Northern .
Discover how to make Diamond Cutlet using our easy to make Diamond Cutlet recipes and videos. Share and Recommend Diamond Cutlet recipes.
Cutlet. If you are interested in purchasing a diamond, one of the terms you might have heard is the “diamond cutlet”. It also goes under the name Culet .
May 30, 2011 – Posted in Engagement Rings, Jewelry Advice | Tagged crown angle, crown depth, diamond crown, diamond cutlet, diamond depth, diamond diameter .
24 posts - Last post: Jun 6It happens every so often; I'm speaking to a customer about diamonds and he/she asks me about the.
If you are shopping for a diamond, one of the important terms that you might find . Diamond Table · Diamond Facets · Diamond Girdle · Diamond Cutlet .
The symmetry of a pear cut diamond is vital as it ensures the light is evenly refracted or dispersed, especially in the point or cutlet. .
design a diamond ring choose cutlet and flourescence pendant watches 1950, cheap jewelry sealife wholesale, diamond jewelry new york city, .
What is the cutlet part of the diamond? Simply put, it is the point at the bottom of the diamond. Diamond cutlets typically where hidden inside the diamond .
2 posts - Last post: Jun 7, 2004First of all I''d like to say "Thank You" to everyone on this list for sharing their experiences/knowledge regarding diamonds, e-rings etc.
10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Feb 9, 2007Should I be concerned with a diamond that has an abraded cutlet? Does this .
1 post - Last post: Feb 16, 2006I'm still looking for a good diamond. I found one that is already set and is beautiful except for one thing. When looking down into the .
The Round Cut diamond shape typically has 58 facets. (including the cutlet) On the Crown of the diamond (upper section) there are 8 bezel facets, .
Oct 20, 2008 – Ingredients Wheat flour :1/4 kilo Egg ( boiled ) : 4 Salt .
Cushion Cut Diamond · Radiant Cut Diamond. Diamond Specs. Diamond Depth .
Girdle: The outer edge of a diamond. Pavilion: The lower portion of a diamond, located below the girdle. Cutlet: The bottom facet of a diamond. .
If a diamond has a girdle of very think to extremely think, what does that mean? Is it good or bad? Is is good or bad if the cutlet is pointed?
Girdle Thickness, Ranges from extremely thin to extremely thick (assessed visually). Depth %, Depth of diamond relative to diameter of diamond. Cutlet Size .
Information on loose diamonds, diamond engagement rings and buying a loose . Diamond Depth Diamond Table Diamond Facets Diamond Girdle Diamond Cutlet .
What is the cutlet part of the diamond? Simply put, it is the point at the .
Is it realy important to have a cutlet (small) on an emerald cut diamond. The diamond that I am looking does not have one and it makes a significant .
Nov 26, 2006 – Information about the cutlet part of the diamond. Learn about the cutlet or culet as well as other parts of the diamond.
Diamond Terms and Anatomy: Have you ever wondered where the cutlet of a .
The cutlet is the tiny facet at the bottom of the pavilion, parallel to the table, and is often used to even out the facets of the diamond and give it a .
Identifying a black diamond requires checking the girdle and cutlet for translucence.The girdle is where the top and bottom of the diamond meet. .
24 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Feb 13, 2009BTW- there's a lot of confusion about gridles and cutlets. Diamonds have girdles , and culets, while gridles and cutlets are best in the .
Dear Mr. Cuellar, I am looking for a nice diamond ring for my fiance. I would like really a PERFECT diamond. I have a now a chance to buy for a nice price .
Three main areas are considered in this grading system of GIA diamond rings, which are the size of the cutlet, the thickness of the girdle and the finish .
The lifted diamond setting allows light to shine up through the cutlet of the diamond (the bottom pointed tip) and out the table of the diamond (the flat .
Keywords: wholesale2011 spring summer fashion diamond new Europe and the wind light cutlet stereo Butterfly round neck short sleeve t-shirt TE688, .
Cubic Zirconia - A man-made gemstone that is a simulate of a diamond. Cutlet - The small facet on the pointed bottom of the pavillion on a diamond. Cutlet .
May 30, 2011 – Often, you won't see the pavilion of a set diamond because .
Girdle - Thickness of Girdle, relative to the size of the diamond and its condition (frosted, polished or faceted). Cutlet - Size of Cutlet Facet (if any) .
Apr 26, 2003 – Important things to learn about a diamond include: Table %, Depth %, Crown Angle , Pavillion Angle, Girdle Size, Cutlet Size, .
12 posts - 1 author - Last post: Sep 6, 2007I''m confused, I understand that a cutlet is an extra facet in a diamond that creates a "window" but. is that a good thing or .
10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Oct 8, 2005One of my major concerns to make sure I purchased a diamond with a perfect .
It is best not to have a cutlet (it affects the diamond's refraction), but a very small is acceptable. Diamonds without cutlets must be carefully kept to .
Sep 9, 2008 – This is because of the technology available, which will make the modern diamonds more symmetrical. There may also be a cutlet in the stone .
The girdle is the portion of the diamond that is held when it is set in jewelry. The cutlet is the point in the bottom. You don't want the cutlet to have a .