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11 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jan 22, 2010Cradle Cap of face and legs. : Hey. How is everyone? I'm just wondering if anyone else has dealt with cradle cap (dermatitis) on their baby's .
Cradle cap is the term used when seborrheic dermatitis affects the scalp of infants. . If on face or chest, apply medicated lotion twice per day. Recently, creams .
If the cradle cap does not improve with treatment or your baby has signs of cradle cap on the face or body (seborrhoeic dermatitis), see your health visitor or GP .
www.mumsnet.com/Talk/general. /76436-cradle-cap-on-the-eye-browTerrible face rash/cradle cap - Cloth Diapers & Parenting . 3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 6 days agoThen the cradle cap started, but we were just doing the gentle washing, light brushing, olive oil, that kind of thing. Then the face rash .
Cradle Cap On Face - Conversations, Articles, Blogs, and Communities about Cradle Cap On Face on Circle of Moms.
Gives treatment advice for cradle cap in infants. . If the scaling is severe, very red, or has spread to the face or diaper area, contact your health care provider. .
10 posts - Last post: Aug 1A list of home remedies for the topic Cradle Cap. . the olive oil residue as i hear if you leave the oil on to long it could cause baby rash on face. .
. also known as infantile seborrheic eczema or more commonly cradle cap, is a . This spreads over the face, down the neck to the diaper area, and may also .
Jun 7, 2011 – . the scalp. Red flaking skin may also be found on the face or behind the ears. . Often referred to as cradle cap when affecting infants, many .
Dec 8, 2007 – Read all 18 responses: "My third baby is almost 2 months old. All my kids had a little cradle cap at this age and I successfully treated it with the .
May 4, 2007 – My baby was dx with ISD when she was 3 weeks old. The doctor said it should go away at the most by 6 months. She's now 3 months and still .
Feb 23, 2011 – One of my 7-week-old twin boys has got cradle cap which we're treating with the Dentinox shampoo but he also has it in his eyebrows and has .
Baby Bouquet 100% Natural Baby Eczema & Cradle Cap Oil is extremely . It is usually seen on the scalp as mild dandruff, but can spread to the face, ears and .
Jun 15, 2011 – It is also common during infancy; this is called cradle cap. . many oil glands, including the scalp and face; dandruff of the scalp is a mild form of .
3 answers - Oct 28, 2008Top answer: My son had eczema as an infant so I can understand what you guys are trying to deal with. The best thing I could ever do is keep the eczema areas dry. .
In severe cases, cradle-cap may spread to the face, armpits and diaper area and it is therefore a good idea to address cradle cap from a preventative point of .
Dec 5, 2010 – For mothers of infants with cradle cap that are breastfeeding you can . (The discomfort is not only on the face, but as well as I just didn't feel ok .
10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jul 5, 2000Since it is in her scalp too, I'm wondering whether it is the beginning of cradle cap . I'm not putting any soap on her face and am washing the rest .
Jul 31, 2011 – You'll notice from the picture his face looks red and blotchy. Cradle Cap is baby dandruff. For some reason the dry skin and rash can spread. .
Aug 17, 2010 – How To Treat Cradle Cap On The Face. Seborrheic dermatitis is a condition that can occur in infants during the first few months of life.
Oct 6, 2009 – Tags: cradle cap eczema, cradle cap face, cradle cap go away, cradle cap oil, cradle cap on face, cradle cap on forehead, cradle cap remedy, .
Jun 18, 2011 – Cradle cap, or seborrheic dermatitis, occurs in most infants during the first few . It can extend down onto the face, the neck, and the upper chest.
Jump to Cradle cap or baby acne on 3-month-old's face?: He said it happens sometimes when cradle cap will descend to the face and that .
So, parents should take care to prevent both these two things from happening. The rest of the things are not to be worried about.
If the scaliness and redness spread to the face, neck or armpits, or even the diaper area, doctors call cradle cap "seborrheic dermatitis". Even though it looks .
9 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Mar 8, 2007Cradle Cap On Face-need Advice . my dd has very very bad cradle cap. . My ds got really red blotchy and bumpy skin on his face when he .
Apr 14, 2011 – And nothing like a cranky infant irritated by diaper rash, cradle cap, or another skin . Eczema may occur on baby's face as a weepy rash. .
Jan 1, 1999 – Cradle cap is a skin condition which commonly occurs on the scalp of . If the cradle cap extends to cover the skin of the face, neck or trunk .
Oct 5, 2009 – Read all 17 responses: "Hi, My request is actually on behalf of my sister (I keep telling her to join!) My niece is 6 weeks old and had a mild case .
In babies, it is known as "cradle cap." Seborrheic dermatitis can also affect the skin on other parts of the body, such as the face and chest, and the creases of the .
Aug 12, 2010 – How To Treat Cradle Cap On The Face And Neck. Young babies develop a skin condition on their scalps called cradle cap. It looks like flakes .
Aug 15, 2011 – This is especially a good idea if your baby's cradle cap is spreading to the face or getting worse with treatment. More than likely, your doctor will .
This condition is known as "cradle cap" and is pretty common in brand new babies. If the redness and scaliness also occurs on the baby's face, behind the ears, .
9 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Nov 17, 2010My Lo has cradle cap which I've been treating and its been getting better but now she has developed a rash on her face - like small red raised .
Having a full head of hair does make treating cradle cap more difficult since you need to apply the treatment (Lavender Face and Body Balm) to the affected .
Nov 27, 2010 – If there is Cradle Cap on face or around the eyelids, use diluted baby shampoo to cleanse the area. Pour 3-5 drops of baby shampoo into half .
FInd out what you can do to cure, treat, and prevent cradle cap for your baby. . however, that formula allergy rashes are usually more pronounced on the face. .
Find out the symptoms of cradle cap, what causes it, and how to treat your baby's . my 7 week old old has rash on face n bottom. been tryin baby oil n cortisone .
Jul 28, 2010 – So my daughter is 6 wks and at her 1 month check up the doctors said she had baby acne. While it looked like baby acne it started getting .
Jul 7, 2011 – If scaly patches appear on the face or other parts of the body, this is not cradle cap and needs to be checked by your doctor. Cradle cap is not .
Jul 13, 2010 – In infants, it occurs as cradle cap or, uncommonly, as a flexural eruption or . Tinea versicolor of the face in black children in a temperate region. .
11 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Mar 5, 2005My son had cradle cap and cradle face. It went down on his forehead, and into his eyebrows, was about the most disgusting thing I had ever .
Mar 31, 2011 – Cradle cap is a common form of dermatitis which usually appears on the scalp, face and head of infants in the few first months of the infants life. .
Sometimes cradle cap can cover the whole of your baby's scalp but it can also appear on her face, and around her nappy area, armpits and nose. In these .
May 1, 2005 – Cradle cap is a disease of the scalp in babies, characterised by . If the treatment does not work, or if the baby has eczema on the face or body, .
. scalp to involve the eyebrows, nasolabial folds, face, ears and the back of scalp. . Management of mild forms of cradle cap is simple by rinsing the scalp with .
Mar 20, 2007 – Untreated cradle cap can move from your baby's head down to their face. It is much more difficult to remove when it gets to that point. Simple .
8 answers - May 29, 2008Top answer: diego too it doesnt seem to hurt him it will go away on its own if you dont do anything..but it will take time with the baby oil it should go away in 3days to a week all .
Cradle cap usually occurs at the back of the head, but can affect the entire scalp and upper face. It affects both sexes. Findings may include: Plaques around .