Sep 10, 11
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  • Definition of coverture from Webster's New World College Dictionary. Meaning of coverture. Pronunciation of coverture. Definition of the word coverture. Origin of .
  • DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLANS GAIN AND LOSS ANALYSIS – COVERTURE FRACTION. For Defined Contribution Plans, such at 401(k), Thrift, Savings, .
  • You can complete the definition of coverture given by the English - Definition dictionary by looking at other English dictionaries : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, .
  • This is the title used instead of a QDRO. Coverture Method - Method of valuing defined contribution plans. Coverture Fraction - A tool used in valuing pensions to .
  • Coverture Meaning and Definition. (n.) The condition of a woman during marriage, . Coverture: words in the definition. A, And, Because, Called, Condition, .
  • The Use of Coverture Fractions in. Defined Benefit Plan QDROs. Robert Treat, Esq. When dividing a defined benefit retirement plan by Qualified Domestic .
  • See also Alternate Payee; Defined Benefit Plan; Defined Contribution Plan; Coverture Fraction; "Double Dipping"; ERISA; ESOP; QDRO; Pension Valuation; .
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  • The Legal Term * Coverture * Defined & Explained.
  • An archaic term that refers to the legal status of a married woman. At Common Law, coverture was the protection and control of a woman by her husband that .
  • At common law coverture disabled a woman from making contracts to the prejudice of herself or her husband without his allowance or confirmation. Also covert. .
  • Married women lived under the strictures of coverture. As defined by English common law, coverture meant that once a woman married she could not own .
  • Definition of coverture from Webster's New World Law Dictionary.
  • 2004) In a deferred distribution, the marital portion is defined under Risoldi to be the benefit at retirement x coverture fraction at retirement. The benefit as of date .
  • Definition of Coverture provided by Aces Law. More definitions such as Coverture can be found by browsing on the navigation or searching using the sites .
  • Under a defined benefit pension plan, no interest or investment earnings are . .. The logic for employing coverture applies equally to defined benefit plans that .
  • Coverture refers to the period during which a woman is married and reflects an old-fashioned common law legal concept regarding the status of a woman during .
  • May 16, 2011 – Model Separate Interest, Coverture-Based QDRO for Defined Benefit Pension Plans; Model Separate Interest, Fixed-Dollar QDRO for Defined .
  • Definition of covertur in the Online Dictionary. Multiple meanings, detailed information and synonyms for covertur.
  • The present value of a defined contribution plan would be the account balance as of any point in time reduced, if applicable, for a marital coverture fraction and .
  • Coverture Formula definition: A method of proportionate division of a spouse's pension benefits as accrued during the period of marriage. In Kimek, Justice .
  • cov·er·ture. noun \ˈkə-vər-ˌchu̇r, -chər, -ˌtyu̇r, -ˌtu̇r\. Definition of COVERTURE. 1. a : covering b : shelter. 2. : the status a woman acquires upon marriage .
  • Coverture, * The state or condition of a married woman. 2. During coverture, the being of the wife is civilly merged, for many purposes, into that of her .
  • Coverture Meaning and Example Sentence: Meaning, definition, sample sentence of Coverture.
  • Definition of Coverture with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and additional links for more information.
  • The legal definition of Coverture Formula is A method of proportionate division of a spouse's pension benefits as accrued during the period of marriage.
  • Oct 22, 2010 – Dower Defined Dower is a life estate which a widow has in one-third of the lands of which the husband was seized during coverture. The estate .
  • With defined benefit plans, a "coverture fraction" must be calculated to determine the marital portion of the benefits. In this formula, the denominator is the .
  • The trial court did not err by using a time-based coverture fraction to divide a defined contribution plan. The trial court erred by not considering the effect of a .
  • A QDRO is: A domestic relations order ("DRO")(see below for definition) That creates . portion is this monthly benefit multiplied by the following frozen coverture. .
  • Retirement Benefits can be divided into two main categories: Defined Benefit Plans . its marital and non-marital portions solely by use of a coverture fraction. .
  • Definition of coverture , meaning of coverture , Coverture - 1 coverture covering; shelter; defense; hiding 2 coverture the condition of a woman during .
  • During coverture, the being of the wife is civilly merged, for many purposes, into that of her husband; she can, therefore, in general, make no contracts without his .
  • Coverture Fraction: A procedure to compute the marital/community property portion of the Titled-Spouse's pension benefit. Regarding Defined Benefit Plans, .
  • Definition: In English and American law, coverture refers to women's legal status after marriage: legally, upon marriage, the husband and wife were treated as .
  • May 18, 2011 – “The trial court arrived at this nine percent figure by utilizing the “coverture fraction” that is typically applied to defined benefit plans. However .
  • noun. 1. a cover or covering; shelter; concealment. 2. Law. the status of a married woman considered as under the protection and authority of her husband. .
  • The value of a defined contribution plan is the total account balance . balance as of the Date Marriage Ended/Cut-Off Date is multiplied by a coverture fraction to .
  • Coverture: The Equitable Approach to Dividing QDROs Under a Pension Plan. There are many ways to define an alternate payee's benefits under a defined .
  • The definition of Couverture chocolate - From the Candy Glossary at
  • . particularly as they were defined by the principles of coverture and marital unity . He acknowledges the feminist critique of coverture as patriarchal, hierarchical .
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  • What terms are not defined? 6. Are there different ways of determining a "marital portion"? 7. How does "coverture on divorce" determine the marital portion of a .
  • IMPROPER VALUATION METHODS. Coverture Method. The coverture fraction is used to determine the marital portion for Defined Benefit pensions, not Defined .
  • Coverture formula is a method of proportionate division of a spouse's .
  • COVERTURE: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation, synonyms, and antonyms of the term COVERTURE in the Online Dictionary. What is .

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