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Buchalter Nemer is a full-service business law firm representing local, national and global clients in eight primary areas of practice: Bank and Finance, .
Jun 12, 2011 – Called covered bonds, these debt instruments are obligations of banks that retain the mortgages they write on their balance sheets. .
The Covered Bond programme allows for issuing medium to long-term funding secured by segregated portions of ABN AMRO N.V and its subsidiaries .
Jun 22, 2011 – WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A House of Representatives panel on Wednesday approved a bill designed to create a market for covered bonds, .
The page you have requested is only available to registered users. If you already have an account, simply log in. If you have forgotten your password, please .
Mar 27, 2011 – US proposals for a covered bond market risk wrecking the .
Bringing greater transparency to Standard & Poor's covered bond rating process - and greater confidence to your covered bond analysis.
The ECBC announces its LABEL INITIATIVE, which highlights to investors the value and quality of covered bonds and further enhances the recognition of, and .
Jul 29, 2008 – Here's a not-so-quick note on covered bonds. What is a covered bond? It is a form of secured lending, where a bank borrows money and offers .
AMIC Members and Observers · ICMA Covered Bond Investor Council (CBIC) ICMA Covered Bond Investor Council (CBIC) .
The RCBC represents UK regulated covered bond issuers in discussions with regulators, legislators, rating agencies and other trade bodies.
Jul 8, 2008 – What is it about covered bonds which makes them so impervious to English? Hank Paulson had nice things to say about them today, but if you .
This event will herald the first substantial gathering of the covered bonds industry in 2012 with more than 500 professionals expected to attend. Last year we .
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Sep 26, 2011 – European Central Bank policy makers are likely to next week debate restarting their covered-bond purchases along with further measures to .
Jun 22, 2011 – A U.S. House of Representatives panel signed off on a bipartisan bill aimed at encouraging a robust market for covered bonds, a type of .
In addition, until 30 June 2010, the Eurosystem purchased euro-denominated covered bonds under the Covered Bond Purchase Programme (CBPP) and, since .
Sep 21, 2011 – Find out about a safe investing alternative that could have prevented the subprime meltdown.
Skip Navigation Links Euromoney Conferences Home / The Euromoney / ECBC Covered Bond Congress. Event Details | Programme | Sponsors | Print | Email a .
Covered bonds are debt securities backed by a guarantee from the issuing entity and secured by a dynamic pool of assets on that entity's balance sheet.
Mar 16, 2011 – It's good news that Tim Geithner is throwing his weight .
Mar 23, 2011 – Our colleague Jennifer Hughes cites the worries of fund .
Sep 15, 2010 – Covered bonds could end the global credit crisis. Money Morning - Only The News You Can Profit From.
May 31, 2011 – The asset class is flavour of the moment, both with issuing banks and regulators. But some analysts wonder if the bonds are as safe as they .
The newest addition to the U.S. bond market is a staple of the European debt markets. Covered bonds are similar to the asset-backed securities that led to the .
4 days ago – Two of Australia's biggest banks are getting ready to sell covered bonds, marking another step in the global spread of the debt, traditionally a .
Australia's only event focused on bringing funding and investment strategies for covered bond issuers and investors.
Sep 22, 2011 – Reposted with permission from EconomicPolicyJournal.comThe big news yesterday was not of the twist type, but of another dance number (or .
Apr 16, 2011 – Reform for the Covered Bond Industry on the Horizon - The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation - A .
by SL Schwarcz - 2009 - Related articles
by SL Schwarcz - 2010 - Related articles
Jul 28, 2008 – A financing method that will help the mortgage market could also finance infrastructure projects.
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Daily online news service dedicated to covered bonds: breaking news on new covered bond issues, secondary market information, regulations and league .
Covered Bonds: Potential Uses and Regulatory Issues. Wednesday, September 15, 2010 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM 538 Dirksen Senate Office Building .
Book your Covered Bonds: Credit & Market Risk Workshop training course. A Financial Institutions training course provided by Fitch Training.
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Barclays issues covered bonds which are compliant with the UK FSA's Regulated Covered Bond Regulations. Barclays Bank PLC has been on the UK FSA's .
Covered Bond Investor - News Analysis and Resources for the North American Marketplace. Covered bond news updated each weekday.
Covered bonds are debt instruments that have recourse either to the issuing entity or to an affiliated group to which the issuing entity belongs, or both, and, upon .
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European Covered Bond Council. . Australia. Australian Covered Bonds. Austria . Pfandbriefe · FBS - Fundierte Bankschuldverschreibungen. Belgium .
Jul 30, 2008 – Promoted by Paulson as a safer way to fund mortgages, the bonds just transfer risk from buyers to the FDIC.
Covered bonds are increasingly used in the marketplace as a funding instrument, in addition to savings deposits, mortgage-backed-securities, etc. The issuance .
Swedbank Mortgage is the largest mortgage institution in Sweden. We offer competitive loans with different maturities and various possibilities of amortizations.
Covered bond. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. Covered bonds are debt securities backed by cash flows from mortgages or .
Aug 6, 2010 – Covered bonds are a hot topic lately, but while they are well known in Europe they are not as well known in the U.S.What is it about covered .
With the possibility of new legislation coming that would create a statutory framework for covered bonds in the U.S., Covered Bonds Handbook arrives at an ideal .
Jun 22, 2011 – Issuers of covered bonds are on the hook against losses. Payment to investors is via swap agreements and are meant to cover the scheduled .
Bonds issued under the UBS Covered Bond Programme.