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May 20, 2011 – If you have a .75 cent coupon, it cannot be doubled, but would be increased to . 99 cents. Kroger offers a customer loyalty card. (I love this thing! .
10 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 27, 2009Kroger has partnered with various different services to allow consumers to load 1 time use coupons onto their Kroger Plus card! As of right now, .
Aug 3, 2010 – Then they select the discounts they are interested in and click the “Load Coupons to Card” option to load them onto their Kroger Plus Card. .
CASPIAN: Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering. [ Coupon Image 3] What Savings? CASPIAN Shoppers Discuss Kroger "Card .
Sign in to view your weekly ad and Kroger Plus Card points, see what's happening at your local store, . Download coupons directly to your Kroger Plus Card .
Kroger Plus Card: Scan this to receive the weekly advertised price. When you register your Store Loyalty Card, you will begin to receive Home Mailer coupons. .
Sign in to view your weekly ad and Kroger Plus Card points, see what's .
Dec 29, 2008 – Kroger has weekly deals and coupons to save even more!You'll find out how to the save the most by adding coupons to your loyalty card!
Jun 2, 2011 – Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.Powered by WP Greet Box WordPress .
Jun 21, 2008 – You register your Kroger card and then "load" virtual coupons onto your Kroger card. Then when you go to the store, swipe your card and buy .
- from 16 users - Free
Nov 4, 2009 – Here are NEW coupons from Cellfire.com - download right to your Kroger Shopper Card. These are e-coupons that can be loaded on to your .
Find and share The Kroger Co. coupon codes and promo codes for great discounts. . 013824 RxPCN: RXCUT FAMILY COVERAGE THIS CARD IS ACTIVE .
18 hours ago – (will need to sign in to your Kroger.com account); Click “Load Coupons to Card” at the bottom; You earn one free spin, click “Click Here to Spin” .
May 31, 2011 – Whether you load your coupons or not, you MUST use a Kroger card. Your shopping dollars are tracked and you receive other benefits such as .
Feb 26, 2011 – Digital coupons are non-paper coupons that are loaded to your Kroger Plus card, then redeemed automatically when you buy the product. .
For example, if I add a $1.50/1 Huggies coupon on to my Kroger card using Cellfire.com and a $1/1 Huggies coupon on to my Kroger card using Shortcuts. com, .
Also, load your Kroger card with ecoupons including Cellfire, Shortcuts, and Kroger. You can no longer combine digital coupons with paper coupons and they .
There are several eCoupon (clipless coupons) sites that you can link your Kroger loyatly card to. Once you register your card with the sites you upload the .
Apr 9, 2011 – If you are are Kroger shopper and have a plus card you should be getting coupons in the mail. Most likely the do not have an address on file. .
In order to load these coupons to your card, you will need to sign into your Kroger account or set up a Kroger account and enter your card number. Please click .
How do I get a Shopper's Card? A Shopper's Card can be obtained at any Kroger (see participating stores below). Digital Coupons Guidelines. How can I view .
Sign in to view your weekly ad and Kroger Plus Card points, see what's .
This is based on the Kroger Store Ad in Central Arkansas. Most Prices are based on using your Kroger Plus Card. You can download coupons to your Store .
1 answer - Jun 20i saw on extremem couponing people had coupons on their kroger . You can register your card online at the kroger website and they will show .
When you register your Store Loyalty Card, you will begin to receive Home Mailer coupons. Also load your Kroger Plus Card number to your Upromise account .
Feb 4, 2011 – Double coupons do not apply to free item, Kroger, Catalina .
Jun 27, 2011 – If I have coupons loaded onto my Kroger card, can I use one of those + a coupon from the paper for the same product or is it only one coupon .
Jump to Kroger: Kroger. Does not have an “official” policy. Doubles manufacturer's coupons up to face value of $.50 every day with your Kroger Plus Card. .
These Kroger coupons are available for anyone with a Kroger card. All you need to do is create a Kroger account and then click on the Kroger coupons you .
Feb 6, 2011 – The available coupons change often. Cellfire updates Kroger every Tuesday. You can load up to 150 on your card. You need to remember that .
If you shop at Kroger you can load e-coupons directly onto your Kroger card. When you check out, they will automatically get used. You may combine these .
Jan 1, 2009 – here is a link that you can upload coupons to your kroger card and use them in- store be sure to scan your card first before you order and that .
They also have the right to limit the number of coupons used in one transaction. Kroger accepts electronic coupons which are loaded to your Kroger Plus card. .
8 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Apr 1Have your total rung up before handing your Kroger card to scan. Then give them your coupons, then the last step, give them the Kroger card. .
Nov 7, 2007 – Kroger and P&G Brands have teamed up to offer coupons that you download to your Kroger shopper's card. Go to www.kroger.com and click on .
Mar 12, 2011 – If you want to remove Kroger.com coupons from your card log into your account then click on active coupons then click on remove. As of right .
from 1666 users
Jan 26, 2011 – If you shop wisely, pay attention to sales, and use coupons, then you can save a ton! I am going to show you how! Kroger Plus Card. The first .
Feb 4, 2011 – Kroger is my main grocery store. I think they would double your coupons without the store card, if your store doubles. I always use my store card .
May 23, 2008 – ShareKroger is rolling out more and more e-coupons. These can usually . to load all of the current e-coupons to your Kroger card and then go .
Apr 7, 2011 – NEW Cellfire coupons were just released this week. You'll want to save them ( load to your Kroger card) before April 18, 2011. They will expire .
This Does Not apply to “Free”, Kroger, Retail Food Store coupons, Electronic Coupons on the Kroger Plus Card or items prohibited by law. Pharmacy Coupons : .
Mar 31, 2011 – Remember only coupons loaded from Kroger.com can be removed from your card before shopping. All other eCoupons will either come off .
Mar 23, 2011 – Has anyone been able to figure out how to remove cellfire .
Apr 13, 2011 – Fuel discount program begins as double/triple coupon deal ends . "Our Kroger Plus card data shows that only 7 percent of households take .
Shortcuts.com is your savings destination: offering free electronic coupons, grocery coupons, savings card coupons, printable grocery coupons, online coupon .
Sign in to view your weekly ad and Kroger Plus Card points, see what's happening at your local store, . Download coupons directly to your Kroger Plus Card .
View your Kroger Plus Card points and savings; Download coupons directly to your Kroger Plus Card; Sign up to receive your weekly ad by e-mail; See what's .
Sign in to view your weekly ad and Kroger Plus Card points, see what's happening at your local store, . Download coupons directly to your Kroger Plus Card .