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Definition of figurate counterpoint , meaning of figurate counterpoint .
In its most general aspect, counterpoint involves the writing of musical lines . By definition, chords occur when multiple notes sound simultaneously; .
Definition of counterpoint in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of counterpoint. What does counterpoint . counterpoint; contrast. Context example : .
Counterpoint that makes significant use of dissonance more than consonance. . 4-CD Musical Example Bank -- Disc 2, Track 13; Aleatory counterpoint: .
The work itself has a complete circle of meaning and counterpoint. And without your involvement as a viewer, there is no story. .
4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jan 24, 2010"In its most general aspect, counterpoint involves the writing of musical lines that sound very different and move independently from each .
(verb) write in counterpoint. "Bach perfected the art of counterpointing". (verb ) to show differences when compared; be different. "the students contrast .
double counterpoint: meaning and definitions - double counterpoint: Definition and Pronunciation; triple counterpoint: meaning and definitions - triple .
Definition of counterpoint , meaning of counterpoint , Counterpoint - 1 . two or more melodies 2 contrast, counterpoint to show differences when compared; .
Definition of counterpoint from Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary with Spanish and English word translations and examples.
Interactive Annotation Info Graphics Animation Observe Analyze Make Cue Movement Material Alignment Counterpoint Definition Audio Commentary Story Process .
Definition of quadruple counterpoint from the Merriam-Webster Online .
What is counterpoint/contrapuntal? Instantly find the definition and translation of counterpoint/contrapuntal at TermWiki.com.
Define counterpoint. What is counterpoint? counterpoint meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.
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Meaning of double counterpoint. Pronunciation of double counterpoint .
counterpoint definition : counterpoint (counterpoints plural )Something that is a counterpoint to something else contrasts with it in a satisfying way.
Definition of counterpoint in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of counterpoint. Pronunciation of counterpoint. Translations of counterpoint. counterpoint .
counterpoint in which the voices, while retaining their original form, may be interchanged above or below one another in any order. .
counterpoint: definition, pronunciation, and examples from free Oxford . contrast to something else:the sauce made a piquant counterpoint to the ham .
Definition of 'counterpoint', Random House Webster's College Dictionary . ( verb) contrast, counterpoint to show differences when compared; be different .
Definition of Imitative counterpoint in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of Imitative counterpoint. Pronunciation of Imitative counterpoint.
Skip to definition. . "the students counterpoint considerably in their artistic abilities"; - contrast; (music) write in counterpoint .
Counterpoint definition, the art of combining melodies. See more. . to emphasize or clarify by contrast or juxtaposition. Use counterpoint in a Sentence .
po·lyph·o·ny (p -l f -n ). n. pl. po·lyph·o·nies. Music with two or more independent melodic parts sounded together. .
2-part counterpoint so constructed that either part may be above or below .
Definition of "COUNTERPOINT", examples of usage, realted terms, . 2 senses for counterpoint as a Verb: Synonyms: Contrast; Counterpoint .
Provides a definition of counterpoint. . Synonyms: contrast; [verb] write in counterpoint; "Bach perfected the art of counterpointing" .
counterpoint, in music, the art of combining melodies each of which is independent though forming part of a homogeneous texture. The term derives from the .
Define counterpoint in American English. What is counterpoint? counterpoint .
COUNTERPOINT: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation, . COUNTERPOINT is a 12 letter word that starts with C. Synonyms: contrast .
Definition of counterpoint: a musical form involving the simultaneous sound of two or more melodies.
Definition of counterpoint from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary English. The Longman English Dictionary provides support and resources for .
Definition of Counterpoint : Counterpoint is when two or more melodies are combined, so that they form a harmonious tune in themselves. .
0 Responses to Design Pattern 6: Definition lists : point/counterpoint. Zack Frazier May 6, 2008. Technically, a DL is called a “definition list.” .
Meaning of counterpoint. Pronunciation of counterpoint. Definition of the . Music To write or arrange (music) in counterpoint. To set in contrast: “The .
English definition, English-Spanish, English-French, English-Italian, Spanish- English . 1 Music add counterpoint to (a melody). 2 emphasize by contrast. .
A definition of the classical term: counterpoint. . Definition: Counterpoint is a term describing the composition of two melodies following a set of rules .
Counterpoint is common in musical theatre, especially in songs that try to compare or contrast two or more characters' views. Stephen Sondheim, for example , .
Definition of counterpoint from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
Definition of TRIPLE COUNTERPOINT. : three-part musical counterpoint so written that any part may be transposed above or below any other .
Free online dictionary definition and pronunciation of counterpoint from the bestselling . contrastThis work is in austere counterpoint to that of Gaudi. .
counterpoint noun - definition from Cambridge Dictionary Online: the combination of two or more different tunes played at the same time.
By definition, chords occur when multiple notes sound simultaneously; however, . .. Which of these was written in direct contrast to counterpoint music? .
Definition of unequal counterpoint from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
What is the definition of counterpoint? Counterpoint is the art of adding one or more parts or melodies to a given melody, the latter being known as the .
Definition of counterpoint. a musical form involving the simultaneous sound of two or more melodies; write in counterpoint; "Bach perfected the art of .
Counterpoint according to the free Music Glossary dictionary.Music Glossary of elementary terms related to the theory and development of music.
counterpoint definition : counterpoint n 1 the technique involving the simultaneous sounding of two or more parts or melodies 2 a melody or part combined .