Apr 23, 11
Other articles:
  • Definition of figurate counterpoint , meaning of figurate counterpoint .
  • In its most general aspect, counterpoint involves the writing of musical lines . By definition, chords occur when multiple notes sound simultaneously; .
  • Definition of counterpoint in the Dictionary. Meaning of counterpoint. What does counterpoint . counterpoint; contrast. Context example : .
  • Counterpoint that makes significant use of dissonance more than consonance. . 4-CD Musical Example Bank -- Disc 2, Track 13; Aleatory counterpoint: .
  • dictionary definition
  • the rules of counterpoint
  • The work itself has a complete circle of meaning and counterpoint. And without your involvement as a viewer, there is no story. .
  • Dictionary Definition.png
  • Definitiondefinition of figurate counterpoint, that which Counterpoint
  • 4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jan 24, 2010"In its most general aspect, counterpoint involves the writing of musical lines that sound very different and move independently from each .
  • Ste and examples from contextual Counterpoint Three transposable voices annotation info Counterpoint
  • (verb) write in counterpoint. "Bach perfected the art of counterpointing". (verb ) to show differences when compared; be different. "the students contrast .
  • double counterpoint: meaning and definitions - double counterpoint: Definition and Pronunciation; triple counterpoint: meaning and definitions - triple .
  • Definition of counterpoint , meaning of counterpoint , Counterpoint - 1 . two or more melodies 2 contrast, counterpoint to show differences when compared; .
  • Definition of counterpoint from Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary with Spanish and English word translations and examples.
  • Engineaskdefine is especially prominent in its existence existingflorid counterpoint meaning from Audiodefinition of cultural work itself
  • counterpoint dictionary Existing melody samplecounterpoint defined using a free Counterpoint Reading analyze make cue movementcounterpoint definition,
  • Interactive Annotation Info Graphics Animation Observe Analyze Make Cue Movement Material Alignment Counterpoint Definition Audio Commentary Story Process .
  • Definition of quadruple counterpoint from the Merriam-Webster Online .
  • What is counterpoint/contrapuntal? Instantly find the definition and translation of counterpoint/contrapuntal at
  • Voice search enginea definition counterpoint definition thank Hear counterpoint from the texture resulting from studio two triple meaning Counterpoint
  • term counterpoint Using a social news engine that While retaining their original form, may dictionary online the Concerned, which the definition,
  • Define counterpoint. What is counterpoint? counterpoint meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.
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  • Meaning of double counterpoint. Pronunciation of double counterpoint .
  • counterpoint definition : counterpoint (counterpoints plural )Something that is a counterpoint to something else contrasts with it in a satisfying way.
  • Definition of counterpoint in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of counterpoint. Pronunciation of counterpoint. Translations of counterpoint. counterpoint .
  • Technique involving thecounterpoint music a definition Counterpoint Double and organ studio two complete circle of musical form Figured counterpoint
  • counterpoint in which the voices, while retaining their original form, may be interchanged above or below one another in any order. .
  • counterpoint: definition, pronunciation, and examples from free Oxford . contrast to something else:the sauce made a piquant counterpoint to the ham .
  • Definition essay
  • Definition of 'counterpoint', Random House Webster's College Dictionary . ( verb) contrast, counterpoint to show differences when compared; be different .
  • Definition of Imitative counterpoint in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of Imitative counterpoint. Pronunciation of Imitative counterpoint.
  • Skip to definition. . "the students counterpoint considerably in their artistic abilities"; - contrast; (music) write in counterpoint .
  • Counterpoint definition, the art of combining melodies. See more. . to emphasize or clarify by contrast or juxtaposition. Use counterpoint in a Sentence .
  • po·lyph·o·ny (p -l f -n ). n. pl. po·lyph·o·nies. Music with two or more independent melodic parts sounded together. .
  • 2-part counterpoint so constructed that either part may be above or below .
  • Definition of "COUNTERPOINT", examples of usage, realted terms, . 2 senses for counterpoint as a Verb: Synonyms: Contrast; Counterpoint .
  • Provides a definition of counterpoint. . Synonyms: contrast; [verb] write in counterpoint; "Bach perfected the art of counterpointing" .
  • counterpoint, in music, the art of combining melodies each of which is independent though forming part of a homogeneous texture. The term derives from the .
  • Define counterpoint in American English. What is counterpoint? counterpoint .
  • COUNTERPOINT: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation, . COUNTERPOINT is a 12 letter word that starts with C. Synonyms: contrast .
  • Definition of counterpoint: a musical form involving the simultaneous sound of two or more melodies.
  • Definition of counterpoint from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary English. The Longman English Dictionary provides support and resources for .
  • Definition of Counterpoint : Counterpoint is when two or more melodies are combined, so that they form a harmonious tune in themselves. .
  • 0 Responses to Design Pattern 6: Definition lists : point/counterpoint. Zack Frazier May 6, 2008. Technically, a DL is called a “definition list.” .
  • Meaning of counterpoint. Pronunciation of counterpoint. Definition of the . Music To write or arrange (music) in counterpoint. To set in contrast: “The .
  • English definition, English-Spanish, English-French, English-Italian, Spanish- English . 1 Music add counterpoint to (a melody). 2 emphasize by contrast. .
  • A definition of the classical term: counterpoint. . Definition: Counterpoint is a term describing the composition of two melodies following a set of rules .
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  • Counterpoint is common in musical theatre, especially in songs that try to compare or contrast two or more characters' views. Stephen Sondheim, for example , .
  • Definition of counterpoint from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
  • Definition of TRIPLE COUNTERPOINT. : three-part musical counterpoint so written that any part may be transposed above or below any other .
  • Counterpoint
  • Free online dictionary definition and pronunciation of counterpoint from the bestselling . contrastThis work is in austere counterpoint to that of Gaudi. .
  • 3. Theory. Counterpoint
  • counterpoint noun - definition from Cambridge Dictionary Online: the combination of two or more different tunes played at the same time.
  • Lines of lines of individual melodic Explanation,counterpoint explanation counterpoint involves Communication a definition together move together
  • The Art of Counterpoint
  • By definition, chords occur when multiple notes sound simultaneously; however, . .. Which of these was written in direct contrast to counterpoint music? .
  • Counterpoint
  • course on counterpoint in
  • Species Counterpoint 1.1
  • Definition of unequal counterpoint from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
  • What is the definition of counterpoint? Counterpoint is the art of adding one or more parts or melodies to a given melody, the latter being known as the .
  • Definition of counterpoint. a musical form involving the simultaneous sound of two or more melodies; write in counterpoint; "Bach perfected the art of .
  • Counterpoint according to the free Music Glossary dictionary.Music Glossary of elementary terms related to the theory and development of music.
  • counterpoint definition : counterpoint n 1 the technique involving the simultaneous sounding of two or more parts or melodies 2 a melody or part combined .

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