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Definition of COSMOPOLITAN. 1: cosmopolite. 2: a cocktail made of vodka, orange- flavored liqueur, lime juice, and cranberry juice —called also cos*mo, .
cosmopolitan - definition of cosmopolitan from EnglishDefined.com: made up of people from different parts of the world, Examples Berlin is a very .
▶adjective. 1 familiar with or representative of many different countries and cultures. ■ having an exciting and glamorous character associated with .
The term cosmopolitan refers to an individual who retains cultural roots in his or her country of origin, yet has adopted a wide taste for other cultures, .
cosmopolitan in the NATIONALITY AND RACE topic by ldoceonline. What you need to know about NATIONALITY AND RACE: words, phrases and expressions - SOCIETY.
Click on the image below to get the URL Cosmopolitan definition Advanced Images Search · Sunrise Home Cosmopolitan Concave Entertainment Console with Power .
Definition of cosmopolitan. a sophisticated person who has travelled in many countries; of worldwide scope or applicability; "an issue of cosmopolitan .
COSMOPOLITAN Defined Using a Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Search Engine .
GREdic.com GRE dictionary: definition for "cosmopolitan" with audio pronunciation.
cos·mo·pol·i·tan (k z m -p l -tn). adj. 1. Pertinent or common to the whole .
Definition of cosmopolitan from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary English. The Longman English Dictionary provides support and resources for .
Definition of cosmopolitan , meaning of cosmopolitan , Cosmopolitan - 1 cosmopolitan, cosmopolite a sophisticated person who has travelled in many countries .
cosmopolitan - definition, usage, synonyms, thesaurus.
cosmopolitan: definition, pronunciation, and examples from free Oxford Dictionaries Online. Also cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitanize.
Jun 1, 2010 . The former concern the definition and status of the target or social group, . .. Some of the authors mentioned are cosmopolitan critics of .
cosmopolitan definition : cosmopolitan n 1 a person who has lived and travelled in many countries, esp. one who is free of national prejudices adj 2 having .
Get The Best Subscription Offer Only From The Official Site. www.cosmopolitan. com. Email this page to a friend, Houghton Mifflin .
Definition of cosmopolitan from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
Cosmopolitan definition Advanced Images Search · Coasters Wholesale Logo .
Definition: 1. made up of diverse peoples: composed of or containing people from different countries and . events of national and cosmopolitan importance .
a cocktail made of vodka, orange-flavored liqueur, lime juice, and cranberry juice —called also cos*mo, \ˈkäz mō\. See cosmopolitan defined for .
Top questions and answers about Define-Cosmopolitan. Find 1 questions and answers about Define-Cosmopolitan at Ask.com Read more.
Cosmopolitan - Definition of Cosmopolitan is presented by 1913 online Webster's Dictionary. Includes dictionary browser, morphological search by meaning of .
Definition of cosmopolitan with German, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish translations and search. Pronunciation sound files.
cosmopolitan adj. Pertinent or common to the whole world: an issue of cosmopolitan import. Having constituent elements from all over the world or.
cosmopolitan noun - definition from Cambridge Dictionary Online: someone who has experience of many different parts of the world.
[adjective] composed of people from or at home in many parts of the world; especially not provincial in attitudes or interests; "his cosmopolitan .
cosmopolitan - definition of cosmopolitan from Science-Dictionary.com: relating to plants or animals growing or occurring in many different parts of the .
cosmopolitan definition : cosmopolitan 1 adj A cosmopolitan place or society is full of people from many different countries and cultures., (approval, .
Definition of cosmopolitan - meaning of cosmopolitan – Webster's Dictionary Thesaurus - cosmopolitan means - define cosmopolitan - use cosmopolitan in a .
May 4, 2010 . Unidem Seminar “Definition and development of Human Rights and . On the other hand, the cosmopolitan level defines universal rights .
One of the recent hot topics on Twitter has been #itsnotcheating, which means tonnes of guys have tweeted what they think is their definition of cheating .
Define cosmopolitan in American English. What is cosmopolitan? cosmopolitan meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.
/ˌkɒz məˈpɒl ɪ tn/ Show Spelled[koz-muh-pol-i-tn] Show IPA. –adjective. 1. free from local, provincial, or national ideas, prejudices, or attachments; .
Definition of Cosmopolitan: Cosmopolitan Definition: Cosmopolitan may refer to:. . Titanium Definition: Titanium ( ) is a chemical element with the symbol .
Example: "His cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds- . Search for cosmopolitan: [Definition] Quotes Encyclopedia .
adjective. common to or representative of all or many parts of the world; not national or local; not bound by local or national habits or prejudices; .
cos·mo·pol·i·tan (k z m -p l -tn). adj. 1. Pertinent or common to the whole world: an issue of cosmopolitan import. 2. Having constituent elements from all .
Complete information and computations for cosmopolitan: detailed linguistic information about english words and phrases, .
Cosmopolitan definition search results from Yahoo . cosmopolitan definition. definition the potato family . (definition the potato family . ) .
COSMOPOLITAN Defined Using a Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Search Engine . Definition : 1. made up of diverse peoples: composed of or containing .
cosmopolitan - Definition of cosmopolitan - online dictionary powered by PowerVocabularyBuilder.com.
Jan 20, 2011 . Marketwire: Breaking news, press releases, social media news releases, business news.
While there is no specific, universally accepted definition of 'democracy', . .. By contrast, in a cosmopolitan democracy, the people who are affected by .
COSMOPOLITAN: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation, synonyms, and antonyms of the term COSMOPOLITAN in the Online Dictionary.
Cosmopolitan explanation. Definition of Cosmopolitan is provided by 1913 Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, .
Definition of preferential, cosmopolitan, urban, officious, resistant, obituary, aforesaid, intracellular, mordant, hideous .
Definition of cosmopolitan. Provided by Stedman's medical dictionary and Drugs. com. Includes medical terms and definitions.
Define cosmopolitan. What is cosmopolitan? cosmopolitan meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.