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Apr 19, 2011 . At last count, Chown says, all of Bowdoin's graduating computer science majors had jobs lined up after college. .
Apr 13, 2011 . Q. I'm a Computer Science major, and I'm interested in Applications of Computing too. Can I do the CS major and also the certificate program .
Major programs. The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers a major in mathematics and a major in computer science. .
Feb 19, 2011 . Universities like everyone else are feeling the pinch in the current economy. This has led to them to look for places where they can cut .
Feb 2, 2009 . The curriculum consists of major components in computer science, a minor or technical support area, and a core of courses from the social .
Jump to Major Requirements: All upper division Computer Science course enrollments are restricted. If you are a declared CS or EECS major, .
Students who have completed an undergraduate degree, regardless of the major, should consider the Master of Science degree in Computer Science through the .
Find Computer Jobs. A Computer Jobs search site with career information. Computer Jobs available now.
The job market for people with computer science majors is competitive but that doesn't mean that you won't have options. In fact, there are a lot of .
Luckily, computer science majors are still highly sought after, and as a result, have many scholarship opportunities available to them. .
B.S. students in the Computer Science major are also required to take three additional upperdivision Computer Science electives, excluding CSE 301, CSE 475, .
Jul 6, 2008 . Through the University of Arizona South, you can complete a Bachelor of Science, Computer Science Major. The purpose of the major is to .
Computer science majors must complete 192 hours of coursework for an average of . . Computer science majors must take either two years of foreign language, .
The APU computer science major is for students seeking a BS computer science degree or a CS Major.
Aug 8, 2010 . How to write a proof - All computer science majors should know how to write a proof. And discrete math, while a part of a well balanced .
Before declaring the computer science major, students should have taken one introductory computer science course (either cs1120, cs1110, cs1111, .
The major in mathematics and computer science serves students who want knowledge in both fields but who are not ready to specialize in either. .
Computer Science Majors Edit Title. Edit Body. If you you have any questions regarding the major requirements, send an email to the Undergraduate Program .
Online College Technology Programs are available from accredited colleges and universities. Campus based programs are available as well.
Aug 31, 2010 . UNT's Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers a bachelor of science with a major in computer science or computer engineering .
Courses and internships help prepare computer science majors for careers or graduate school in computer-related fields.
Mar 29, 2010 . More students are majoring in computer science for the second year in a row, increases that counter the steep decline the field saw during .
Having a computing major will provide you with a foundation of knowledge, . of a computer science course as a sign of academic well-roundedness. 10. .
Dec 13, 2009 . My major was Automation, not pure computer science. I have been puzzled by this for three days. Is there any chance that my readers can help .
Jul 24, 2009 . For computer science majors, who specialize in programming and software, the average salary was $61407. Graduates with degrees in actuarial .
Computer science majors program computer systems, maintain communications networks and develop the core digital technologies that influence our lives. .
Major in Computer Science. Degree Requirements The Computer Science degree prepares students for opportunities from employers across all areas of business, .
Mar 17, 2009 . The number of undergraduate computer science majors in the U.S. jumped eight percent in 2008--the first increase in six years.
See what you can do with a major in computer science at Marquette. Get employed right after graduation. Careers include systems analyst, programmer, .
In order to become a Mathematics-Computer Science major, students must complete the lower division math requirements with a minimum GPA of 2.5. .
A major in Computer Science requires a minimum of 12 courses, of which 8 are specifically named and 4 are elective. Proficiency in basic mathematics is also .
Nov 26, 2010 . There are two majors: Computer Science and Software Engineering. SE spends more time on the profession of programming while CS spends more .
The computer science major prepares students to plan, design and optimize scalable computer software and hardware systems for use in commercial and .
Computer Science Major. PREPARES YOU TO COMBINE ENGINEERING THEORY AND DESIGN WITH COMPUTING PRINCIPLES. Computers are everywhere in our society. .
Mar 5, 2008 . After decade of sharp declines, departments start to see first increases -- due to new approaches to the curriculum, new marketing and more .
Mar 21, 2008 . The decline in undergraduate computer science majors, which Davis sees as beneficial to his career pursuits, is part of a recent trend that .
Computer science majors learn about computer systems and the way humans and computers interact from a scientific perspective.
The mathematics and computer science department regularly organizes social activities for its students. Computer science majors may also be interested in .
A major in computer science does not mean that you are doomed to spend the rest of your life in a "windowless room" staring at a CRT and endlessly typing on .
Computer science majors begin their studies with two introductory courses focusing on algorithm design, basic software engineering fundamentals and .
The ETSŪ Major Field Test for Computer Science consists of 66 multiple-choice questions, some of which are grouped in sets and based on materials such as .
Although competition for jobs has grown, computer science majors can find positions as technical administrators and software engineers, .
Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) . Amy Zhang, senior Rutgers CS major and women's varsity tennis captain, .
Mar 4, 2010 . If you are a declared CS major, you should be on the CS students mailing list. If you are not on the mailing list, please email the Course .
Mar 17, 2009 . The number of computer science majors enrolled at U.S. universities increased for the first time in six years, according to a Computing .
Franklin University's Computer Science program will give you the edge you need. Check out our Computer Science courses.
19 answers - Sep 22, 2008I do just love working with computers and building things for them . Are you looking for the major that will give you the best career .
In order to expose computer science majors to a broad theoretical base while emphasizing the laboratory experience, students will complete the CS core .
Jan 2, 2005 . Joel's seven pieces of free advice for computer science college students. . Why should CS majors learn econ? Because a programmer who .
Jump to Major achievements: Despite its short history as a formal academic discipline, computer science has made a number of fundamental contributions .