Apr 23, 11
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  • 2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Oct 3, 2007[Archive] Computer Science vs Computer Engineering Degree Computer Programming.
  • Re: Computer Engineering vs.
  • by KR Demarest
  • Dec 3, 2006 . Software Engineering VS. Computer Science- Software Design. Visit Dev Shed to discuss Software Engineering VS. Computer Science.
  • In computer science and computer engineering, computer architecture or digital . There are many types of computer architectures: Quantum computer vs .
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  • cs vs. ce. Computer Science Students considering a career centered on . By offering a major in an Electrical and Computer Engineering rather than a .
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  • Computer Science vs Computer Engineering. What is computer science? Computer science (CS) is the systematic study of algorithmic methods for representing .
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  • The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science offers two program paths to a degree in Computer Science. One is through the LSA College and .
  • 16 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Oct 29, 2010I'm going into Grade 12 this year, and I've really started to think about what I 'm doing after I've graduated. For a few years, I.
  • This is a subject that has raised many questions, but where you are trying to find out which pays better, or which is more or less complicated, .
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  • 15 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jul 3, 2009I was wondering which would make more money :0 EDIT/ shit i messed up the poll : ( Choose 1 only pls :D.
  • Electrical Engineering vs. Computer Engineering. Table of Contents: . .. BYU Computer Science Department -- Current Computer Science degree requirements .
  • Computer Engineering vs. Computer Science . Computer Science is traditionally more concerned with the theoretical underpinnings of computation and of .
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  • Search Term Popularity: Computer Science vs. Computer Engineering. (Also note the scary decline in the number of searches about Computer Science) .
  • Individuals searching for Masters in Computer Science vs. Computer Engineering: What's the Difference? found the links, articles, and information on this .
  • 2 answers - Jan 27, 2008wat is the difference between these two majors??? which one would be . The major difference between the two is the Computer itself. .
  • Annual Degrees and Job Openings in Broad Science and Engineering Fields . Computer Science is one of the fastest growing job fields; Simultaneously, .
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  • I am switching to a 4 year school this coming Fall and have to choose my major and stop bull****ting and finally complete something (I am 22 and still.
  • 3 posts - 1 authorWhich one is better?? Does PhD in CE has more value than PhD in CS Pls advicee.. . NewBrunswick Vs Davis.
  • 10 posts - Last post: Feb 22What major would be best? finance, computer sci, civil engineering, a combination of finance/computer science etc etc etc. .
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  • Sep 10, 2007 . Computer science vs software engineering. There is much debate about splitting computer science and software engineering. Computer science .
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  • May 28, 2010 . I'm an incoming freshmen to RPI and I just read the first semester planner and I 'm not sure which classes I should take.
  • 7 answersWhy don't people take interest in studying the theoritical aspects of . In other words why is Computer Science less popular than Computer Engineering? .
  • 16 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Aug 9, 2007Computer Science vs. Computer Engineering Academic Guidance discussion. . You can generally take a minor in computer science, but rarely can you take a .
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  • 40 posts - 24 authorsComputer Science vs Computer Engineering? Off-Topic Discussion. . So recently I switched my major to Computer Science (freshman, switched from mechanical .
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  • 10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Sep 21, 2010Eventhough the name shows Computer Engineering i have computer science in my transcript. But NZQA wont give any letter saying this has .
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  • Well for one I am 18 and senior in HS (grad in may) and prob in July I am going to community college for a degree in something with computers.I am.
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  • 10 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jun 9, 2007Electrical Engineering vs Computer Engineering The Community Cafe. . Well, computer engineering isn't computer science either though, .
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  • Dec 27, 2009 . aside, Computer Science vs. Computer Engineering is often a tough choice to make , but here are some ideas for figuring out the subtle .
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  • 10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Feb 18, 2009A computer science degree is what employers ask for in job adverts. . . What about Software Engineering vs. Computer Science? .
  • 10 answersWhats the difference between Computer Engineering and Computer Science? . If you want to focus on programming, what you really want is a masters degree in .
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  • 39 posts - 27 authors - Last post: Nov 30, 2007I'm 99% sure I've seen this topic here before but I honestly couldn't find it. Should I take computer science or software engineering? .
  • Computer Engineering Vs. Computer Science: What's The Difference? If you're interested in pursuing a technology-focused career, you might be considering .
  • May 23, 2009 . When I was a high school student the whole notion of college seemed abstract - somewhere way off in the not-so-distant future.
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  • 20 posts - 11 authors - Last post: May 18, 2006Hello, Im currently an undergraduate student looking to declare my major. The 2 degree offerings my university (University of Victoria here .
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  • Computer Science vs. Software Engineering. A question that is often asked of us is the differencebetween Computer Science and Software Engineering. .
  • Engineering vs. Science. With only about 40 percent of software developers holding computer science degrees and practically none holding degrees in software .
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  • Jan 27, 2011 . Certainly there are differences between both.. but you are asking your self computer engineering vs computer science as in career wise? .
  • 8 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Sep 30, 2010I wonder how my computer engineering degree fits in here. its more or less a cross between computer science and electrical engineering .
  • I am a high school senior, going to City College of New York. I will go to the engineering school there. I always have questions about the two majors.
  • Jun 15, 2009 . I'm kind of confusing in choosing between Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) and Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Computer systems .
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  • 17 answers - Apr 6v.s. Software Engineering v.s. Computer Engineering . etc – Aziz .
  • Jul 30, 2007 . Computer Science vs Programming (Software Engineering). People often get these two confused since they overlap in many fields. .
  • 30 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Dec 30, 2009Re: Computer Engineering vs. Computer Science. Post by Slothropian » Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:44 am. you work for valve don't you god i envy you .
  • Jul 11, 2009 . Engineer vs CS. The thing is you need both, and preferably in one person. . . On the other hand, Computer Science isn't particularly useful .
  • 11 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jan 12Informatics' engineering VS. Computer's science Computers/IT/Informática.
  • Nov 6, 2006 . IT Professionals' Lounge - So, I'm deciding on my major and I can't decide between CS or CE, now I know that CE is a mix of both Engineering .
  • Oct 12, 1995 . Electrical Engineering vs. Computer Engineering vs. Computer Science: Developing Three Distinct but Interrelated Curricula .

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