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List of catalogs and databases provided by the Smiley Library at Central . If you are off campus, you must provide your login information at the prompt. .
Anne Marie Casey, director of Off-Campus Library Services (OCLS) at Central Michigan University (CMU), presented the separated model, where distance .
Libraries On Campus, Engineering and Science Library; Hunt Library; . Off- campus Living, Carnegie Mellon University, Georgia Institute Of Technology .
If you still have questions about off-campus access to PsycARTICLES or other databases, . CMU Library. 500 Shaftesbury Blvd. Winnipeg, MB Canada R3P 2N2 .
CMU Off-Campus & Online, Master of Science in Administration - Welcome to .
University Libraries - Student Affairs - Carnegie Mellon University .
Master of Arts in Education students have a variety of resources available thanks to #CMU Off-Campus Library Services -. 12:55 PM Jun 7th via HootSuite .
Carnegie Mellon University3.8. Off-Campus Housing Is Available but You Have . Hunt library, the main library is very convenient, as it has a coffee shop .
Jump to Off-Campus Library Services: The Off-Campus Library Services (OCLS) department . resources of the Park Library and more than 7000 CMU .
(http://www.cmu.edu/computing/doc/network/vpn/vpn-anyconnect/index.html)This . For most of the VPN networking we provide, communication to off-campus sites . For external restricted sites, use the VPN-Library network when you .
Jul 6, 2011 – If using wireless on-campus or connecting from off-campus, visit this site FIRST before accessing library resources. .
Editor Mahoney (off-campus librarian, Central Michigan Univ. [CMU]) pulls together the 44 contributed papers of the Tenth Off-Campus Library Services .
CMU's Off-Campus Library Services (OCLS) is a national leader in the delivery of . library resources and services to off-campus and online students. .
CMU's nationally-recognized Off-Campus Library Services department provides reference and instructional assistance to off-campus and online students and .
In addition to the university's campus wide efforts to promote access and . Our office is located in Park Library, Suite 120, and is part of the Office of .
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Jun 1, 2011 – Career Collection Hunt Library, Carnegie Mellon University . If you are off campus or using wireless, please note that you will need to .
Apr 13, 2010 – network xxx.library.vpn.cmu.edu). Click on the new registration name (i.e., . . Note: If you are using VPN from an off-campus location, .
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CMU's nationally-recognized Off-Campus Library Services department provides .
Jul 5, 2011 – We provide library resources and services to students and faculty participating in off-campus and online courses through CMU's Off-Campus .
We provide library resources and services to students and faculty participating in off-campus and online courses through CMU's Off-Campus . .
Jun 17, 2011 – Off-Campus Library Services · CMU Logo · RESEARCH GUIDES .
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CMU Faculty · CMU Interns · Off-Campus Programs/Online Courses · On-Campus .
The conference is sponsored by Central Michigan University Libraries and CMU's Off-Campus Programs. It is planned and hosted by the Off-Campus Library .
Mar 28, 2011 – If you're working from off campus or wireless, you'll need to use the WEB VPN or to download the Cisco client in order to use library .
Jul 15, 2011 – Off-campus. On-campus. At Home. Wireless. Wired. Library .
Aug 19, 2010 – Most CMU students utilize Charles V. Park Library on campus for their . what's beyond the surface of the library's off-campus counterpart. .
In fact, you can go directly to ACM's site without visiting the CMU library at all. If you're off campus, the process is a bit more. convoluted. .
Feb 15, 2002 – Carnegie Mellon University Libraries holds an extensive run of . .. and library hardware limitations and varying speeds of off-campus .
Faculty Positions · Staff Positions · Off-Campus Employment . Today is your day to explore CMU's outstanding humanities and social and behavioral sciences . at CMU's Clare Historical Library or Museum of Cultural and Natural History .
Aug 16, 2007 – CMU takes into consideration all previous coursework from regionally . Particularly noteworthy is our Off-Campus Library Services (OCLS), .
by P Grudzien - 2008 - Cited by 3 - Related articles
Carnegie Mellon is bordered to the west by the campus of the University of .
Editor Mahoney (off-campus librarian, Central Michigan Univ. [CMU]) pulls together the 44 contributed papers of the Tenth Off-Campus Library Services .
CMU library staff prepares for Ninth Off-Campus Library Services Conference . Straut has been a member of the founding management team . Trish Del Nero. .
CMU Off-Campus & Online, Bachelor of Science in Integrated Leadership .
by M Craig - 1925
In November 1973, the CMU Board of Trustees named the one-room schoolhouse, located just off campus, after him. On May 17, 1975, Dr. Poor died in Mount .
To this aim, CMU offers a variety of campus services to make the transition . Overseen by the Library Administration, CMU Media Center functions as the campus . into the dormitory as well as offers support on off-campus housing. .
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Mar 8, 2011 – How to connect to library resources when off-campus or using wireless in some parts of the campus.
CMU achieved university status in 1959, and today offers over 120 programs at its Mt. Pleasant campus. In addition, through its ProfEd off-campus programs, .
Library and Support. Each of the links below will take you to a unit or a group . CMU Off-Campus Programs Central Michigan University 802 Industrial Drive .
by B Baker - 2010
Jun 1, 2011 – PCs, black & white printers and copiers are in all libraries, . If you are off campus or using wireless, please note that you will need to .
The SAC is located off Broomfield Road just west of East Campus Drive. . Cozy up with a cup of coffee and browse CMU's library, which contains more than 1 .