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Definition of Cloner with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and additional links for more information.
Kamus.net is the largest english - indonesia - english dictionary on the net. Find more about cloner, the meaning of cloner, cloner related information, .
Definition of cloner. What is meaning of cloner in all languages. Translation of cloner in the Dictionary.
A cell, group of cells, or organism that is descended from and genetically identical to a single common ancestor, such as a bacterial colony whose members .
1. Biology. a. a cell, cell product, or organism that is genetically .
Sep 2, 2007 – Definition of cloning, its types, its development, applications, risks and human cloning options.
A cell, group of cells, or organism that is descended from and genetically .
Apr 15, 2005 – The term clone in a computer software context refers to a program (e.g., an operating system or an application program) that has functions and .
by TR Mosmann - 1986 - Cited by 4283 - Related articles
clone - definition of clone - A mutual fund designed to match the performance of an existing successful fund by imitating its strategy . also called clone fund.
Elk Cloner is the first known computer virus that has spread "in the wild", i.e. , outside the computer system or lab it was written in. .
cloning To make a product that functions like another. See clone . See also .
clone - definition of clone from Slang-Dictionary.com:
Apr 27, 2011 – home > medterms medical dictionary a-z list > clone .
What's the meaning of cloner? Find the definition of the slang word here.
A clone is an identical copy of something and is a term that first became familiar to the public from the biosciences. In the computer industry, the term became .
Elk Cloner - Definition | WordIQ.com - Dictionary, Encyclopedia . Elk Cloner is the first known computer virus that has spread "in the wild", i.e., .
Apr 27, 2011 – Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions.
5 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Nov 18, 2010Definition and other additional information on Clone from Biology-Online.org .
CLONER definition : n. Someone who clones, someone who makes clones.
Elk Cloner was the first computer virus known to have spread in the wild. Richard Skrenta, then fifteen years old, wrote the virus for the Apple II operating system, .
1. the genetically identical progeny produced by the natural or artificial .
clone n. A cell, group of cells, or organism that is descended from and genetically identical to a single common ancestor, such as a bacterial.
Is Cloner a Scrabble word? Is it Scrabble dictionary, and What is Cloner definition , Anagrams of Cloner, Scrabble score for Cloner, images of Cloner, and words .
When speaking of human cloning, what is meant? Different groups and organizations define it differently. To use a specific definition, the American Medical .
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the technique of producing a genetically identical duplicate of an organism by replacing the nucleus of an unfertilized ovum with the nucleus of a body cell from .
What is a cloner, definition of cloner, meaning of cloner, cloner anagrams, cloner synonyms.
Would the Real Definition of Cloning Please Stand Up? William Blake posed the question in one of his poems: "Little Lamb, who made thee?" Dolly, the sheep .
noun. Biol. all the descendants derived asexually from a single individual .
10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jun 15So I would like to help create a definition of WoW Clone. Now I have written a blog on exactly what defines this following the history of .
5 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Nov 18, 2010Definition and other additional information on Cloning from Biology-Online.org dictionary.
Cloner definition, definition of cloner, Anagrams of cloner, words that start with Cloner, and words that can be created from cloner.
Define clone. What is clone? clone meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.
This makes it possible to clone this PCR product directly into a linearized cloning vector with single, 3'-T overhangs. The PCR products with dA overhang, are .
Macintosh clone Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia.
clone [ klōn ]. noun (plural clones). Definition: 1. genetics genetically identical organism: a plant, animal, or other organism that is genetically .
Apr 11, 2010 – Damn that Clone shoots nice, I'll have to post up a video of mine soon. They are easily the smoothest shooting guns on the market, especially .
Definition: [noun] a person who is almost identical to another. Synonyms: ringer . [verb] make multiple identical copies of; "people can clone a sheep nowadays" .
Molecular Cloning Definition. Molecular cloning is distinct from cell cloning and whole animal cloning in that the objective of the process is to allow the analysis .
a : the aggregate of genetically identical cells or organisms asexually produced by a single progenitor cell or organism b : an individual grown from a single .
Dictionary for clone : clone Definition,clone Synonyms,clone Thesaurus,clone Examples,
:10. :09. :08. :07. :06. :05. :04. :03. :02. :01. Cloning is always a great word to know. So is fitness. Does it mean: So is species. Does it mean: So is protoplasm. .
See Cloning. Susan Allender-Hagedorn and Charles Hagedorn - Cite This Source - This Definition; 1. A group of cells or individuals that are genetically identical .
Part of Speech, Definition. Verb, 1. Present participle conjugation of the verb clone.[Eve - graph theoretic]. Verb Base (clone), 1. Make multiple identical copies of .
cloner synonyms, antonyms, French thesaurus dictionary, definition, see also ' clone','clopiner','clouer' . cloner synonym, cloner definition | Thesaurus .
CLONE: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation, synonyms, and antonyms of the term CLONE in the Online Dictionary. What is a 5 letter .
Elk Cloner is a boot sector virus and one of the earliest microcomputer viruses. It fiercely invades a computer's hardware, but it also has the ability to copy itself .
Jul 26, 2004 – This process, used by researchers in the Human Genome Project, is referred to as cloning DNA.Å The resulting cloned (copied) collections of .
A clone is a group of identical cells that share a common ancestry, meaning they are derived from the same mother cell. Clonality implies the state of a cell or a .