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Apr 25, 2011 . Clewiston, FL – The City of Clewiston is hosting its 25th Annual Sugar Festival. Festival events will begin Friday, April 29th at 9 am and .
Clewiston Sugar Festival Raising Cane Rodeo and DancePhotos. Like. Local .
Mar 15, 2011 . 25th Annual Sugar Festival, Clewiston – 863-983-7979. Includes: Big Lake Cruisers Rod Run www.biglakecruiserscarclub.com .
24th Annual Sugar Festival Rod Run Clewiston, FL 24th annual Sugar Festival Rod Run. Open to all vehicles. $25.00 registration day of show, .
Basketball 3v3 · Horseshoe and Cornhole · Sugar Festival 5K Run · Tennis · Information · Sweet taste of Sugar · Media · Gloriana. Gloriana Bio .
Add your own comments to "Clewiston Sugar festival and other gigsBlack Angus in Okechobee" from ANN MARIE and Southern Exposure Band on Myspace.
Brown Sugar Festival is today! Pick up a copy of the paper for listing of events and let us know how the festival. http://fb.me/VtNGp13t.
Clewiston, Florida 33440 (863) 983-3151. Big O Birding Festival March 23-26 2011 863-517-2136. Sugar Festival 863-983-7979. Sugar Festival Bass Tournament .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: May 6We (the gang) made our annual trek to the sugar festival, it's a 1-1/2 hr. drive from my house. We leave early so we can get our reserved .
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Pollstar is the only trade publication covering the worldwide concert industry. We have been supplying in-depth information to every professional concert .
May 7, 2011 . Brown Sugar Festival. See All Photos. Brown Sugar Festival Fan. 1012 Carolina Ave, Clewiston, FL 0000000000. Become A Fan Share .
Located in the Sugar and Spice Room of the Clewiston Inn on Sugar Festival .
Stop by the annual Sugar Festival in Clewiston and while you are there, visit the Edison State College booth! Information about the college, registration, .
Contact information for 2011 Sugar Festival. Sugar Festival category, Contact, Phone number, Alt. number. Arts and Crafts Vendors, Betty, 863-885-1694 .
5 posts - Last post: Apr 18, 2007Brown Sugar Festival in Clewiston, FL??? Options V . Anybody goin to the brown sugar festival?? Go to the top of the page. + Quote Post .
Apr 30, 2011 . Annual Sugar Festival and Antique Automobile Show in Clewiston, Florida each April. Food venders, music, and community organizations stage .
Clewiston Sugar Festival is a festival on Songkick. See who played, read reviews , see posters and more.
10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 11, 2007Who's Going To The Clewiston Sugar Festival Car Show Southwest Florida Corvette Club.
Clewiston Sugar Festival Rodeo, Rodeo, Sugar Festival, Raising Cane Rodeo, Hendry County Rodeo, Sugar Fest Rodeo, SugarFestivalRodeo.org, Sugar Festival .
Brown Sugar Festival Harlem (just SE of Clewiston) Arts & Crafts, Music, Games, Exhibits, Food Clewiston Golf Course 1200 San Luiz Ave. .
Clewiston Sugar Festival Raising Cane Rodeo and Dance - Feel Free to contact Karson Turner with any questions or comments at (863)-228-4356. | Facebook.
The Sugar Festival in Clewiston, Florida. Posted on July 17, 2010 by admin. Nicholas Jurkowski asked: Clewiston is an interesting little town in the middle .
The Sugar Festival in Clewiston, Florida By Nicholas Jurkowski. Clewiston is an interesting little town in the middle of south Florida. .
Sugar Festival 5K Run/Walk. Sponsored by Cross Training Ministries,. Edward's Orthodontics & ICS Construction. Clewiston, Florida. Saturday, April 30 2011 .
Full Site This Section Search Tips · Join us for Clewiston's 21th Sugar Festival . CPAC is just one of the groups performing at the Festival. .
Saturday May 2, 2009. Brown Sugar Festival. Clewiston (Harlem) Florida. Hendry County. Anyone interested in riding?? Meeting at RaceTrac Gas Station .
The Clewiston merchants developed the idea of the Sugar Festival to create .
items are from 19 Apr 2008. Chris Cagle - Sugar Festival, Clewiston, FL · Chris Cagle's band - Sugar Festival, Clewiston, FL · Jake Owen - Sugar Festival, .
Apr 29, 2011 . The annual Sugar Festival will be held Fri. April 29 and Sat. April 30 in downtown Clewiston. The event which celebrates the end of sugar .
The Clewiston Sugar Festival. Sponsored by Clewiston's U.S. Sugar Corporation and community government and other local organizations, is an annual event .
34 posts - 19 authors - Last post: May 20I would love to give Clewiston the BROWN SUGAR FESTIVAL it so rightfully deserves, if I could only get it through to the committee and show .
Mar 4, 2011 . Clewiston Sugar Festival, Inc. has a location in Clewiston, FL. Active officers include Nina Conley, Pamela Kelley, Liz Ann Shaw, .
Clewiston Chamber Events. October 2008. Sun. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . Clewiston Chamber Events. September 2008. Sun. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 .
2011 Clewiston Sugar Festival. « Back to Album, Photo 18 of 25, Previous | Next. Posted on May 8, 2011, Slideshow. Upcoming Events. Friday Night Cruise In .
Jan 20, 2011 . Shop online at NewsZap stores. Save time and money by shopping from home with NewsZap newspaper ads online. Quickly search print ads for .
Apr 30, 2011 . Annual Sugar Festival and Antique Automobile Show in Clewiston. CLEWISTON, FL. - - Each April. food venders, musicians, and community .
4/29/07 Clewiston Sugar Festival Car Show Southeast.
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Clewiston Sugar Festival annual event celebrating the end of a sugar harvesting season.
Go Back, Impala SS Forum > Upcoming Events > Upcoming Events/Local Shows · Reload this Page clewiston sugar festival S.FL .
Apr 30, 2011 . Added to queue 2011 Clewiston Sugar Festival-Car Showby .
The Sugar Festival in Clewiston, Florida is a celebration of the end of the sugarcane harvest. United States Sugar Corporation started the tradition back in .
17 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Apr 19, 20094-25-09 Sugar Festival - Clewiston, FL South East.
Apr 24, 2003 . Festival activities run from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. during this annual spring festival . The Sugar Festival is held in and around Clewiston's .
Miss Sugar Pageant, Clewiston Florida Pam 863-228-3041. You too can be part of our Winning Team of Queen and Models Contact us and let us get that Crown, .
Clewiston's Annual Sugar Festival held in 2007 on April 28th. Entertainment, food booths, arts and crafts, and old-fashioned cane grinding are all part of .
Apr 29, 2011 . CLEWISTON -- The City of Clewiston is hosting its 25th Annual Sugar Festival today and Saturday. The highlight of the festival will be .
Apr 25, 2010 . Follow us on Facebook~ http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001180074211 Follow us on Twitter~ http://twitter.com/Tbrothers14.
Hendry County Tourist Development Council - Big Cypress, Clewiston 2 May 2010 CLEWISTON , Fla. - In addition to food and fun at the Brown Sugar Festival .