Sep 15, 11
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  • 11 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jan 20According to Publication 504, a ncp can claim a child as dependent if: . you aren 't trying to cheat anyone or do anything illegal so you think it .
  • 5 answersSimilar questions: maximum exemptions claim W 4 form · Society > People . The number is based partly on the number of children or dependents you have .
  • Is it illegal to claim zero dependents on your job if you married and have kids? Improve. In: Taxes and Tax Preparation [Edit categories] .
  • dependent already claimed I have odd years to claim my son - my ex already .
  • 1 answer - Feb 3, 2008I just filed my 07 taxes and was notified that someone else had . Mail your return to the IRS with a cover letter to present your case that you are .
  • 6 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jul 15, 2009Is it legal to claim a dependent that you haven't supported? . SO how can we claim her after the mother has already done so? . . is it legal, is it illegal, is it legal to, is it illegal to, is it legal for, legal forum, law forum, attorney .
  • Claiming the wrong status could kill your eligibility for the child tax credit, the earned-income credit and exemptions for dependents. Check out the instructions for .
  • Claiming the same dependents on more than one tax return to boost refunds or . client's tax return so they can illegally create this tax break for more clients. .
  • IRS rules for claiming a dependent can be complicated. Find out who's a dependent and who isn't by answering a few basic questions.
  • Be careful with tax preparers who claim they can obtain larger refunds than . . regularly understated customers' tax liabilities, by claiming false dependents, .
  • Jan 19, 2010 – A very common and very illegal tax deduction is to claim a dependent or dependents that you don't have. Many people take a very liberal view .
  • Dec 8, 2010 – This makes it possible for illegal immigrants to claim children still living in Mexico as dependents and for parents living illegally in the U.S. to file .
  • Jump to How do we change who gets the tax dependent claim?‎: How do we change the tax dependent claim? Jennifer's Question: In our divorce .
  • 3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Feb 7what is the penalty for illegally claiming a dependent on taxes.
  • Find 32 questions and answers about Claiming Someone as a Dependent at Ask .com . What is the penalty for illegally claiming someone as a dependent. .
  • Independent students are financially self-supporting and are not claimed by their parents for tax purposes. If your parents don't claim you as a dependent on their .
  • This applies to both you and any dependents you are claiming on your income tax return. You must include . . Tax evasion is an illegal act under the IRS tax law . .
  • Sep 8, 2009 – Your ex's parents cannot legally claim the children as dependents if the . .. individual to file the child for an excess of cash is this not illegal? .
  • Others are illegal. . Minimizing taxes by using illegal tax strategies. . Capital Gains · Filing Status · Get Tax Help · Claiming Dependents · Deductions & Credits .
  • Mar 7, 2008 – You can't claim a dependent if you are a dependent or can be claimed a . Your relationship must not be illegal under local law against .
  • Jan 9, 2008 – So, even if an illegal immigrant worker, who in order to reduce tax withholdings had claimed exemptions for dependents living in Mexico, .
  • 20 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Feb 4, 2006No its not illegal its just stupid. Why would we possibly let people claim dependents that don't live in the US? I was told as long as they send a .
  • Can us citizen claim illegal sibling on taxes? - I AM A US CITIZEN & WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF I CAN CLAIM MY SISTER AS A DEPENDANT ON MY TAXES.
  • 2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Nov 19, 2009Even though it says for us to alternate years I have been claiming my . due to the fact that I claim my daughter every year "illegally" on my taxes .
  • If someone is illegally claiming your child as their dependent, it doesn't just mean he's getting tax credits or deductions for which he's ineligible. The Louisiana .
  • 5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Mar 27, 2005Then she cannot claim the child as a dependent, and may NOT claim Head of Household status for the daughter - because she did not satisfy .
  • Now, only one parent can claim the dependent exemption. (The IRS will come down hard if both try to claim it; they cross-reference dependents' Social Security .
  • Feb 16, 2011 – My husband's fromer in-laws are claiming his children as .
  • Is it illegal to claim dependents during the year on your w2, if youre single with no kids?
  • If someone illegally does so, he has to deal with the consequences, not you .
  • Q. Can i find out who illegally claimed me as a dependent to irs? Powered by. My taxes were done by hr block and supposed to be filed electronically. my claim .
  • 9 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Feb 28, 2009may now claim dependents who live in Mexico or Canada on their US tax . . the years they were working illegally (and paying Social Security). .
  • . has claimed someone who is not their dependent on their income tax return? . if you suspect that someone is illegally claiming your child as their dependent. .
  • 6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jul 17, 2007Re: Were we illegally claimed? If you were their dependent, they can claim you. If you claimed yourself as independent, the IRS should catch .
  • Can I claim a dependent if someone else has done so illegally? February 18, 2004. Subject: Separated Parent claims dependent. From: S. Date: Sat, 24 Jan .
  • Posted by: Lee VanDusen at 04/05/2010 08:16:48 AM. If you are single with no dependents you are unable to claim the 3 allowances that the guide says I could .
  • 6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Feb 13, 2010Can I claim them as dependents by using ITIN and get some tax refund ? . South America and South Asia are illegally remaining in the US. .
  • I agree with the illegal part but i got on here to see around how much i would get for . Just be careful claiming all those dependents or you will get socked with .
  • Apr 18, 2011 – First off, it is highly illegal and incredibly stupid to cheat on your taxes. . on their 2007 returns by claiming dependents that either weren't real or .
  • Jan 24, 2006 – He has been claiming him illegally beings that our child .
  • Aug 7, 2011 – Well it's kind of illegal for them to claim you on their taxes since you don't . if they are in college because they are most likely still dependent on .
  • 6 answers - Jan 12, 2007Top answer: That would be considered tax fraud through frivilous argument. "Taxpayers who rely on frivolous arguments may also face criminal prosecution for: (1) attempting to .
  • Unmarried couples, however, are not able to file jointly, so there may be some uncertainty as to who can claim the children as dependents for tax purposes. .
  • Mar 22, 2011 – Claiming dependents on taxes can be a very confusing task. . If you claim an illegal immigrant on your taxes, expect some legal trouble. .
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  • You must be entitled to claim a Dependent Exemption Credit for your child; that is , . However, you cannot claim any dependents if you could be claimed as a .
  • The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows you to take a tax deduction for each qualifying child or other relative you support. The IRS has very specific definitions .
  • Tax evasion consists of illegal acts such as falsely claiming dependents, income underreporting and padding expenses. Pope Benedict's second encyclical puts .

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