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Rankings / Citation index. Wageningen University is a part of Wageningen University & Research Centre (Wageningen UR). Scientific prominence of Wageningen .
The Citation Index lists numerically, then chronologically, all regulations that have a written Explanation and Justification (E&J). .
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The Science Citation Index (SCI) is a citation index originally produced by .
Provides quick, powerful access to bibliographic and citation information .
Sep 9, 2009 . The Social Sciences Citation Index, a subset of the ISI Web of Knowledge database, is an index with sweeping coverage of the scholarly .
Oct 14, 2003 . The Science Citation Index database: The Institute for Scientific Information ( ISI) publishes the Science Citation Index (SCI), .
SCIENCE CITATION INDEX - MATHEMATICS - JOURNAL LIST. Total journals: 97 . Science Citation Index · Science Citation Index Expanded · Current Contents .
apps.isiknowledge.com/WOS_GeneralSearch_input.do?. - SimilarISI Web of Knowledge - Invalid BookmarkNOTICE: The link or bookmark you used to access ISI Web of Knowledge is out .
Jun 18, 2010 . This information comes from the most recent (1994-2008) editions of the Journal Citation Reports, published by the Institute for Scientific .
Science Citation Index - Description: The Science Citation Index (SCI) is a citation index originally produced by the Institute for Scientific Information .
SOCIAL SCIENCES CITATION INDEX. search Find a specific journal by title, title words, or ISSN. view list View a list of all journals. view subject category .
www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indexes/science-cit-ind.html - SimilarCitation Index - ASDCFeb 10, 2011 . Citation Index and Policy Statement. Citation Index. View citations for: 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 .
Access to authors citing other authors in journals and citations to articles with title keyword searches.
Oct 23, 2000 . Science Citation Index Expanded: The Science Citation Index Expanded is . . The Help Desk answers questions about the citation index data, .
Science Citation Index Expanded - This database covers the journal literature of the sciences. It indexes more than 5800 major journals across 164 .
Definition of citation index: Bibliographic index with which the progress of an idea or research can be traced by searching the published works (articles, .
It was most recently revised in the fall of 2010 to reflect the changes appearing in the fourth edition of the ALWD Citation Manual and the nineteenth .
The new Biosis Citation Index combines the unique Biosis content that is critical to life sciences research with powerful citation indexing only the Web of .
A categorized index of links and citations from messages on the SCA-ARTS listserv. Major categories: crafts, metalwork, cultures, food, garb/clothing/ fabric .
Using the ISI citation index at www.isiknowledge.com/. This is branded for biomedical sciences as “Web of Science”™, within “Web of Knowledge”™ (which .
The Patents Citation Index (PCI - File 342), produced by Thomson Reuters ( Scientific), provides access to 54.5 million patent and literature citations found .
by B Cruz - 2004 - Related articles
Aug 1, 2009 . 3.1 General links; 3.2 Citation indexes. 4 References. Definition. “A citation is the textual form in which a document refers to another .
Dec 22, 2010 . Index and cited references for articles in the arts and .
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Official Citation. The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, April 4, 2005, has awarded in the name of Congress the .
The Social Sciences Citation Index® in Web of Science is a carefully .
Oct 25, 2010 . At this year's Frankfurt Book Fair, Thomson Reuters announced a new product, Book Citation Index, to add to its suite of citation indexes. .
Science Citation Index Expanded + Conference Proceedings Citation Index Article database with abstracts Includes Book Reviews Includes some Full-Text RSS .
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Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Scholarly journal articles in arts and humanities. Includes some full-text. From Web of Science. .
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Citation indexes track references that authors put in the bibliographies of published papers. They provide a way to search for and analyze the literature in .
Quick, powerful access to bibliographic and citation information you need to find relevant, comprehensive research data.
A citation index is an index of citations between publications, allowing the user to easily establish which later documents cite which earlier documents. .
A comprehensive index of scripture references from general conference talks and the Journal of Discourses.
The Web of Science is composed of three indexes: Science Citation Index (1900- ) , Social Sciences Citation Index (1956- ), Arts and Humanities Citation .
The Florida Biography and Citation Index contains references to biographical information on the state's notable people and related subjects in the books, .
Citation and journal database. For academic users, requires authentication and login.
In figuring eminence in the social sciences, the Social Science Citation Index ( SSCI) is of great importance. Yet the SSCI selection process is a black box. .
SCIENCE CITATION INDEX. search Find a specific journal by title, title words .
For source materials for previous years, the paper indexes of Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index .
by E Garfield - 1955 - Cited by 873 - Related articles
Scientific Literature Digital Library incorporating autonomous citation indexing , awareness and tracking, citation context, related document retrieval, .
Indian Citation Index. . Indian Health Science Citation Index (IHSCI) . Indian Social Science & Humanities Citation Index (ISSHCI) .
This link provides access to the ISI Web of Knowledge and Web of Science services, including the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, .
ARTS & HUMANITIES CITATION INDEX. search Find a specific journal by title .