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  •  Rating: 7.4/10 - 412 reviews
  • Sep 3, 2011 – Citadel: - Dr. Chloe Michel blackmailer Killed/Persuaded - Asari Consort . Had first conversation with The Fan (Conrad Verner) Yes/No - The Fan last . Accepted quest from Chorban to scan Keepers Yes/No - Number of .
  • Jump to Warhammer Quest & Citadel Journal‎: To accompany Warhammer Quest Games . Quest while others were fan .
  • Mass Effect free video game guide and walkthrough, Citadel - p. 3. . The rest of this quest could be done later, when you'll land on Citadel again. 3.9. Reporter's .
  • Virginia Tech Fan Trip · Facilities Naming Opportunities · Hall of Fame Nominations · Spring 2011 . . Jerry Moore - SoCon Media Teleconference - Pre Citadel .
  • Assignments are the side quests of Mass Effect. There is a large .
  • In early 1979, Games Workshop provided the funding to found Citadel . Cthulhu, Runequest, Traveller, and Middle-earth Role Playing, which were expensive to import, . growing profits, but the move lost the company some of its old fan base. .
  • Aug 1, 2011 – Conrad reminds me an awful lot like the Adoring Fan from Oblivion. . the quest only progresses when you leave and return to the Citadel .
  • Agree or disagree, it doesn't really matter - you're still given the "Citadel: The Fan" assignment. You'll find Conrad at this very same spot twice more - the second .
  • The Quest Cape is awesome! As if you needed another . Below are images that were sent today to all the Gold and Platinum fan sites. Crates, rocks, and a .
  • Aug 9, 2010 – Mass Effect walkthrough: The Citadel - The Fan (Xbox 360, PC) . . Quest help: Where to find nirnroot in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion · A guide .
  • 10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Nov 28, 2007Assignment---Citadel: The Fan Mass Effect. . Now I cant find him and i owuld like to finish this quest but I dont know where he went. Thanks for .
  • Nov 20, 2007 – You can find the name of any given side quest once you've .
  • May 14, 2011 – the Hammer Down - Quest - World of WarcraftYou +1'd this publicly. Undothat the quest's name is a reference to the HammerFall song off of No Sacrifice, No Victory. Probably an idea coming from Samwise Didier who's a fan of .
  • Jump to Citadel: The Fan‎: If you give him one, the quest continues after you've been to one . After another of the main quest planets, he'll be back again. .
  • Conrad is a fan of the Commander and asks for an autograph. If you agree to sign an autograph, the 'Citadel: The Fan' assignment is added to your Journal. .
  • Nov 20, 2007 – The Fan is an interesting sort of side quest that begins early in the game, . You'll meet a man named Conrad Verner on the Citadel early in the .
  • Sep 23, 2011 – Six Brigadiers of the Devil army have their quarters in this citadel close to . Very tough quest for pugs and newer players due to the trash mob setup. . . DDO wiki is not affiliated with Turbine Inc. in any way (this is a fan site). .
  • Character Creation · Aleutsk Valley · Side Quest Citadel After Shepards a Spectre · Prologue . The Fan Talk to Conrad Verner in the upper Wards market. .
  • Feb 25, 2008 – Forums › Mass Effect › Citadel: The Fan . I finished his quest with only finish Therum story line. --- http://www.PestilenceWARE. .
  • Jan 21, 2007 – You can find the name of any given side quest once you've . Citadel: Signal Tracking · Citadel: The Fan · Citadel: The Fourth Estate · Citadel: .
  • Had first conversation with The Fan (Conrad Verner) Yes/No . Accepted quest from Chorban to scan Keepers Yes/No . Possibly a 2nd check for Citadel: I Remember Me present, whether you Forced/Convinced Talitha to take the sedative .
  • AtlasQuest - Fan Update. 4.6.5. 1000kB. thandrenn. 07-14-2011 03:18 PM. AtlasQuest - Fan Update. 4.6.4. 1000kB. thandrenn. 05-23-2011 09:29 PM .
  • Nov 29, 2007 – Video walkthrough on the location of all 21 Keepers in the Citadel. . Mass Effect: Side Questsby asxdefterPLAYLIST 60 videos; Thumbnail 3:07. Add to . Mass Effect The Fan Pt.1by 21kamando16527 views; Thumbnail 4:58 .
  • Mar 5, 2008 – SIDE QUESTS: Citadel: Scan the Keepers Citadel: Presidium Prophet Citadel: Reporter's Request Citadel: The Fan Citadel: Rita's Sister .
  • when do I do Citadel: The Fan quest Mass Effect? 0 votes. mass-effect. asked 2 months ago in Quests/Missions Quests/Missions by anonymous .
  • Dec 9, 2007 – Her achievement popped up after I finished Virmire and went back to the citadel. I completed the Drug Addict and The Fan quests at the citadel .
  • And you pick up the quest to go there from the Call Board, just like any of .
  • Fan Dancer Dojo | The Citadel | Yomotsu Mines. The Citadel. To enter the Citadel you must be on the 'Evidence' quest given by Sarakki the Notary in Britain .
  • Feb 2, 2011 – Mass Effects 2 has an enormous amount of side quests and were gonna attempt to start getting you trough them, especially . This guide will focus on all the Citadel Side Missions. . . Huge fan of Star Wars, MGS and Gundam. .
  • The quest culminates in the earth-scorching execution of Deathwing himself and a shocking . Warcraft: We've updated our #Warcraft Fan Art gallery… Warcraft: .
  • 10 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Apr 8, 2008For Mass Effect on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled " Citadel: The Fan side quest (possible spoilers)".
  • Jul 3, 2010 – For the best Return to Citadel Assignments guide for Mass Effect, check out . The Fan Reward: Nothing Conrad Verner is still in the Upper Wards, and . This, we feel, is another type of quest that may come back to you in the .
  • 54 posts - 32 authors - Last post: Jul 21Start game -->Citadel following just the main questline . Citadel: The Fan .
  • 10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jul 20, 2010These quests relate to Shepard's pre-service history. . Citadel: Old .
  • You might want to import some information from a fan site - see Fansites for listings. . Angrathar the Wrathgate is a barred entrance to Icecrown Citadel and is located in the . A major quest chain exists involving the Alliance and Horde forces .
  • 1 answer - May 20, 2007Question: what is up with this mission?? idk what to do or how to complete it. so .
  • Care to engage in a bit of off topic discussion with your fellow fans? Come on in! . Can't find a quest item? Then this is . . The Citadel Conversion Project (CCP) .
  • Jul 5, 2011 – This RuneScape quest guide provides a walkthrough to part four of the . four of the Salt in the Wound RuneScape quest; the first citadel room. .
  • 1 day ago – His service of scanning banks for unneeded quest items from all . . from our players via our forums and fan sites, as well as those in game. The Pit . Where better to hold a Halloween event than the citadel of Death himself? .
  • Mass Effect 2 Official Campaign Quests and Storylines (Spoilers Warning). This forum is for Mass Effect 2 fans to discuss the game's storyline and quests. .
  • There are two paths to this quest, depending on whether you have talked to .
  • Jul 21, 2011 – This isn't an exciting announcement to fans. We wanted something . . Sulfur Tuft Midnight Citadel is the answer to Angela's 3rd quest. Guestlolk .
  • RE: Citadel Fan side quest question (minor spoilers). Date Posted: 11/25 .
  • About AdventureQuest Worlds; Regions; Dwarfhold; The Citadel; Chiral Valley . . This fan site's Adventure Quest-related content and use of Adventure Quest .
  • She was to find a new holt, far from the danger of Grohmul Djun's Citadel. . that she should never undo her chief's lock and wished her well in her own "quest. .
  • Dec 13, 2010 – Once talking to him, you'll instigate a sidequest known as "Citadel: The Fan." Assuming you humor his wishes and check back after every main .
  • May 25, 2010 – I am a major fan of Allods Online, and will certainly continue to play this . 2 guides in the past for Oreshek Fortress and Dark Citadel, and i am .

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