Sep 12, 11
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  • a check for which a bank has guaranteed payment, certifying there is enough .
  • Jul 8, 2008 – In their definition for a Mexico Certified Check, this web page states that the bank will freeze the specified money amount within the holder s .
  • Certified check definition - What does Certified check mean? A check drawn on funds in a depositor's account that have been set aside to pay the check on .
  • A written order made by a depositor to a bank to pay a certain sum to the person designated—the payee—which is marked by the bank as. "accepted" or .
  • Synonyms for certified check at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, . certified check - 2 of 2 thesaurus results . Definition: bank guaranteed check .
  • Dictionary for certified check : certified check Definition,certified check Synonyms, certified check Thesaurus,
  • Cashier's checks differ from certified checks in that the funds owing on a .
  • Association of Certified Fraud Examiners . If you ask someone the definition of check kiting, they often look at you with a blank stare and say, "Yeah, I know what .
  • a check certified to be good by the bank upon which it is drawn by the signature of usu. the cashier or paying teller with the word certified or accepted across the .
  • Certified Checks Definition. Certified checks are a type of monetary instrument written from an account held by a bank or other financial institution on your behalf .
  • Certified Check Definition www.investopedia.com. Full Citations. How to get a certified check, cashier's check, certified check scam, fraudulent certified checks .
  • tvvitteraccount @huseyin_yilmaz I'm a Czech drinking triple sec w/ certified check on poop deck where I specked ma neck, just wrote via Tweetdeck :D .
  • Apr 30, 2011 – certified checks definition Suhow | How To Do About Everything | How To Videos & Articles .
  • cashier's check - definition of cashier's check - A check which cannot .
  • These checks are considered as cash. Institutions may impose fees on both .
  • We explain the definition of Certified Check, provide a clear example of how it works and explain why it's an important concept in business, finance & investing.
  • A personal check drawn by an individual that is certified (guaranteed) to be good. The face of the check bears the words "certified" or "accepted," and is .
  • Email this cashier's check definition to a friend . A cashier's check is issued and certified by a bank on its own account. A purchaser acquires a cashier's check .
  • A cashier's check (cashier's cheque, bank check, official check, demand draft, teller's . 1 Characteristics; 2 Legal definition; 3 Alternatives and risks; 4 See also .
  • Certified Check. (n) Certified Check is the check drawn by a customer of a bank which has been duly certified by the bank establishing enough balance in his .
  • Certified check definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
  • Find the definition of certified check for free using Nolo's online dictionary.
  • certified check - definition of certified check - A check for which the bank guarantees payment .
  • Certified Check as per FinanceGlossary.net is A bank guarantees payment on this type of check. as listing in our financial terms glossary.
  • Certified check. A bank guaranteed check for which funds are immediately withdrawn, and for which the bank is legally liable. .
  • Definition of Certified check with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and additional links for more information.
  • Definition of certified check in the Online Dictionary. Multiple meanings, detailed information and synonyms for certified check.
  • Click on any word and hear it, search it and much more. Search. Synonyms. Conjugate. Speak. Suggest new translation/definition. certified check n. el cheque .
  • certified check translation french, English - French dictionary, meaning .
  • Encyclopedia. Wikipedia encyclopedia ? certified check. (redirected from Certified Checks). Also found in: Legal, Financial, 0.01 sec. cer·ti·fied check (sûr t -f d ) .
  • A check guaranteed by a bank to be covered by sufficient funds on deposit. . A certified check is considered the equivalent of cash since the bank, by its certification, guarantees it to be cashable. No bank is under a . Definition at law. com .
  • Definition of certified check in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of certified check. What does certified check mean? Proper usage and pronunciation (in .
  • Definition of certified check: Check guaranteed by its issuing bank that (1) it carries genuine signature, and (2) it will be paid when presented for payment.
  • Business Definition for: certified check. Dictionary of Accounting Terms. certified check. depositor's check that a bank guarantees to pay. The funds are .
  • Certified Check - Definition of Certified Check on Investopedia - A type of check where the issuing bank guarantees the recipient of the check that there is .
  • historic definition. Certified check -- A check having written across its face the signature of (usually) the cashier or paying teller of the bank on which it is drawn .
  • Definition of certified check from QFinance - The Ultimate Financial Resource. What is certified check? Definitions and meanings of certified check.
  • Bank Draft - Definition of Bank Draft on Investopedia - A type of check where the payment is guaranteed to be available by issuing bank. Typically, banks will .
  • A check guaranteed by a bank to be covered by sufficient funds on deposit.
  • Definition of certified check from from Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor.
  • certified check. Also found in: Legal, Financial, Wikipedia, 0.01 sec. cer .
  • Definition of cashier's check: Check written by a bank (or other financial .
  • Definition: A check guaranteed by the bank to be good -- they promise the payee that the check won't bounce. Contrast this to a personal check: the account may .
  • A certified check or certified cheque is a form of check for which the bank verifies that sufficient funds exist in the account to cover the . Definition at law.com .
  • Definition of certified check , meaning of certified check , Certified check - 1 certified check, certified cheque a check containing certification that the .
  • If an instrument falls within the definition of both "note" and "draft," a person . .. (d) An action to enforce the obligation of the acceptor of a certified check or the .
  • A certified check is a check issued by a bank which guarantees that the payor of the check has enough money in his/her account to cover the amount to be paid.
  • Nov 27, 2007 – 3409. Acceptance of draft; certified check. (a) Definition of "acceptance".--" Acceptance" means the drawee's signed agreement to pay a draft as .
  • . or Destroyed Cashier Checks, Teller and Certified Checks . This type of money order fits the definition of check under the UCC. Bank money orders. With a .
  • Cashier's Check - Definition of Cashier's Check on Investopedia - A check . from certified checks in that the funds owing on a cashier's check are taken from the .

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