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To clarify the issue with cellspacing, the CSS spec indicates that if you use . . not recommend the mime type, in fact IE does not support xhtml at all (parses it as .
Dec 2, 2010 – Version 1.3. Added DatePicker; Fixed javascript error for IE8 . Fixed IE8 css for the pricing table and buttons; Fixed IE table cellspacing . .
Oct 1, 2009 – I came across a CSS peculiarity recently that had me scratching my head, . of the old 'cellspacing' table attribute (i.e. <table cellspacing="3px" . .
HTML to CSS: Remove the gaps between cells (cellpadding, cellspacing). First of all . Only problem is, most of them aren't supported in IE6 on Windows. .
Jan 8, 2010 – The CSS Box Model · Margins · Padding · IE5 bug | Element Display . . but this is now considered a bug in IE5, since IE6 supports the correct .
Jun 20, 2008 – HTML and CSS - I'm having a tough time eliminating an annoying line break/ space in IE. Here's the full code for the page (located at .
Nov 3, 2008 – there's one answer that will work in all browsers. First off .
May 26, 2006 – I may well be inheriting tables from upstream and am writing tests to nullify cellpadding, cellspacing, border, width, and align through CSS. .
7 answers - Jul 9, 2010The true CSS equivalent for cellspacing is border-spacing - but it doesn't work in IE. You can use border-collapse: collapse to reliably set cell .
The CSS version of padding works the same way. . To make the border properties work in both IE and Netscape, you need to declare at least the WIDTH and .
May 31, 2006 – Cellspacing between Firefox and IE- CSS Help. Visit Dev .
4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Nov 19, 2006putting "cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'" into CSS HTML & CSS. . to detail you'll notice that you will still need the ol' HTML attributes for IE 6. .
Sep 11, 2008 – IE 6 not honoring CSS border-spacing and only cellspacing?how about cellpadding? - Jukka K. Korpela, 11th September 2008 18:35 .
Jun 5, 2008 – Cellpadding and Cellspacing in CSS (part 2) . The cellpadding and cellspacing can be completely controlled in . Doesn't work in IE6 or IE7. .
Absolute elements ignore z-index in IE6 and IE7. April 13th, 2011 .
Jul 27, 2009 – border-spacing and cellspacing have no effect in the collapsed . .. I'm not speaking of CSS rendering bugs in some browser (mostly IE 6-7), but .
If an equivalent to cellspacing="0" is wanted then border-collapse: collapse; has the same effect even in IE. But for non-zero values it's best to stick with the .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Feb 28, 2005Achieving the effect similar to <table cellspacing="0"> with CSS doesn't work in . and border-collapse: separate gives a 2 pixel spacing in IE. .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 7, 2005Joined: 1/30/2002. Status: offline, cellspacing css alternative - 9/10/2003 17:26: 57 . 1) Try this: [works in mozilla, ns6, ie6 ] /* Equivalent for .
CSS also provides border properties in the form of the border property. . . You can set these values with the cellspacing and cellpadding attributes, which take . In any event, IE does not yet support the border-spacing property, while Netscape .
Its border , cellspacing and cellpadding are all set to zero. It has only one . The only culprit after this is IE/Mac which supports neither of these CSS attributes. .
Selector, IE 5.5, IE 6, IE 7, IE8, IE9 pr3, FF 3.0, FF 3.5, FF 3.6, FF 4b1, Saf 4.0 Win, Saf 5.0 Win . In IE7- border-collapse: collapse does not overrule cellspacing . .
Feb 16, 2001 – Dress left --> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <! . Many web designers who wrestle with CSS have asked why IE and .
7 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Sep 13, 2003I know controlling cellspacing with CSS has been discussed in several threads already, but none of the solutions presented seem to be working .
Free HTML XHTML CSS JavaScript jQuery XML DOM XSL XSLT RSS AJAX ASP .NET PHP SQL . The cellspacing attribute specifies the space between cells. .
Sep 11, 2008 – I wonder if there is a bulletproof way to specify cellspacing="0" and cellpadding=" 0" or other values by CSS alone and make it work across IE 6, .
Jul 21, 2010 – How to Use CSS to Center a Table in Nvu / KompoZer . <table style="text-align: left; width: 60%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> . Explanation of the Standards-Compliant CSS Code and the IE Workaround .
21 mars 2007 – Equivalent CSS de cellpadding et cellspacing. . que les attributs cellpadding et cellspacing ne sont pas dépréciés en HTML 4, et même pas en XHTML 1.1. . Emuler l'attribut CSS :first-child sous IE6 · Le hack CSS Safari ! .
2 answers - Mar 26, 2010How to set cellpadding & cellspacing in CSS? HTML/CSS: Table cell and border displaying differently in IE/Chrome and Firefox/Opera .
Sep 8, 2002 – Discuss CSS Cellspacing - Cellpadding in the CSS Help forum on Dev Shed. CSS Cellspacing . . border-collapse: collapse; /* ie6 ? */ .
Jul 29, 2007 – Got this from an old post on css-d, and adapted it because it was bothering me that it was hard to find. To simulate CELLSPACING=0, set this .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Aug 6, 2005My idea is that the HTML cellspacing will override the CSS padding . . It works in IE6, but not in Mozilla . .
Mar 10, 2007 – Cellspacing can also be omitted if you work with the border-collapsing model, because IE supports this model in CSS. (Or maybe not; we'll .
Apr 6, 2005 – The CSS equivalent of cellspacing is border-spacing. td { border-spacing:10px; }. Not supported by IE, or is it? vivek192 #:1177301, 1:27 pm on .
Jan 9, 2011 – Here's what it looks like in IE6: . So that's why you see rounded corner CSS applied the table and each of the corner td's or th's. . Unfortunately, this means you need to go with an inline cellspacing=”0″ on the table instead. .
Mar 28, 2004 – Doesn't it map directly onto HTML's table cellspacing attribute? . CSS method being non-IE-compatible: CSS: table {border-spacing: 0} HTML: .
Apr 1, 2011 – Absolute elements ignore z-index in IE6 and IE7 » . an example of how to set the cellspacing and cellpadding values with help of CSS styles. .
Oct 8, 2007 – Css spacing and floating issue css spacing issue in ie6.
Apr 8, 2004 – I was wondering if cell-spacing is actually available in CSS? . with the tables html cellspacing attribute, if cell-spacing does not work in CSS? . .. method with the 'border-collapse' value that works in both IE 6.x and Firefox: .
9 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jan 24, 2004What is the equivalent to cellspacing in CSS? This is not working at all. border- collapse:collapse; padding:0px; border:0px; .
Apr 20, 2008 – Well, it seems there's no way to specify a pixel-width for cellspacing in CSS that IE 6 and 7 will honor. But you can turn off cellspacing with the .
<TABLE width="200" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <TR> <TD . You can do this for just about any CSS property in IE, we may cover that in more .
Mar 16, 2009 – Hi, I have lots of HTML pages with tables formated with no .
Mar 29, 2010 – How to Override Table cellSpacing and cellPadding properties in IE6, IE7 and . This will force your table cellPadding and cellSpacing properties to 0 in Firefox, IE6, IE7, IE8. . Replace Text With An Image Using CSS ». Like .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: May 22, 2005Cellpadding & Cellspacing in CSS - 5/21/2005 20:24:43 . is to continue .
Mar 23, 2009 – As a result of the failure of IE (IE6 and IE7) browsers to implement the . Cross browser compatible HTML table cellspacing and CSS .
14 posts - Last post: Mar 21, 2006Hi Guys, I'm still pretty new to CSS - but the most annoying thing I have not . When I create a border for a div tag and view it in FF or I.E. I get .
Selector, IE 5.5, IE 6, IE 7, IE8, IE9 pr3, FF 3.0, FF 3.5, FF 3.6, FF 4b1 .
For example. any non-IE browser, Mozilla, FireFox and such. how far can I go here with CSS table properties? cellspacing cellpadding width .