Aug 29, 11
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  • celestial equator. n. A great circle on the celestial sphere in the same plane as the earth's equator. Also called equinoctial, equinoctial circle. .
  • Oct 13, 2004 – Now imagine the Earth's Equator extended out to infinity, the corresponding point on the celestial sphere is the celestial equator. Just as the .
  • Celestial equator - Description: See also Celestial pole Celestial sphere | Facebook.
  • The celestial equator is a great circle on the imaginary celestial sphere, in the same plane as the Earth's equator. In other words, it is a projection of the terrestrial .
  • When we extend this plane out into space, it becomes the Celestial Equator, which is, again, tiled with respect to the Ecliptic by an angle of 23½°. So why should .
  • The celestial sphere has a north and south celestial pole as well as a celestial equator which are projected reference points to the same positions on the Earth .
  • Celestial equator, seasons and obliquity of the ecliptic - definition and significance in Clairvision Virtual Astrologer, free online astrology software.
  • The celestial equator is an imaginary line that splits the visible universe in two. Learn more from Curiosity.com.
  • Celestial-Equatorial (RA/Dec) Demonstrator. The Celestial Sphere. you can .
  • A star that can be directly overhead as seen from the Earth's Equator (0° latitude) is said to be on the Celestial Equator, and has a declination of 0°. The North .
  • Dec 16, 2007 – One of my main motivations for getting an ultra-wide lens was to capture the celestial equator (where stars appear to move in a straight .
  • The intersection of the celestial meridian and the celestial equator (upper case Greek letter Sigma) is down from the zenith by an angle equal to the latitude. .
  • Observer's Latitude, Altitude of North Celestial Pole (Az.=0), Altitude of South Celestial Pole (Az.=180), Altitude of Celestial Equator (Az.= 0 or 180), Declination .
  • The projection of the Earth's equator onto the sky. The declination coordinate is an angle measured with respect to the celestial equator. Celestial Pole, Celestial .
  • The poles of the Celestial Sphere lie directly above the poles of the Earth., above the Earth's North Pole is the north pole of the Celestial Equator and above the .
  • Celestial equator definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
  • The celestial sphere is something like the globe. It has poles that it rotates about, so it might as well have an equator that divides the celestial sphere exactly in .
  • celestial equator: see equatorial coordinate system equatorial coordinate .
  • The poles of the celestial sphere are aligned with the poles of the Earth. The celestial equator lies along the celestial sphere in the same plane that includes the .
  • All objects in the sky can be thought of as projected upon the celestial sphere. Projected upward from Earth's equator and poles are the celestial equator and the .
  • Mar 4, 2011 – The celestial equator is an extension of the Earth's equator onto the . If you stand on Earth's equator, the celestial equator will always be .
  • The Celestial equator formed one of the boundaries of the Outlands Region along with the Great Rift.
  • The zero point for celestial longitude (that is, for right ascension) is the Vernal Equinox, which is that intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator near .
  • This celestial sphere has extensions of the terrestrial equator and poles. The celestial equator is the great circle where the plane of the equator intersects the .
  • What is the orientation of the celestial equator f… . What is the orientation of the celestial equator for observers at the Earth's equator? What is the orientation of .
  • Jun 19, 2011 – One of those is the celestial equator -- the projection of Earth's equator on the sky . It's a little difficult to trace because there aren't many bright .
  • In astronomy, the celestial equator is the great circle in which the plane of the terrestrial Equator intersects the celestial sphere; it consequently is equidistant .
  • Apr 6, 2011 – At the Celestial equator the stars are almost at the same distance from both celestial poles so they seem to travel in a straight line. The South .
  • Mark Humpage, photos, elemental, extreme,stormchaser, adventurer, olympus, : Photo Keywords : celestial equator.
  • May 6, 2011 – The Celestial Equator by Luis Argerich was photo of the day on Friday, 6th May 2011. It is tagged Argentina, Equator, Night, Stars. You can .
  • 3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 18Ecliptic, Celestial equator and horizon? General Astronomy discussion.
  • The celestial equator is a projection of the earth's equator, and is inclined to the path of the sun (the ecliptic) by 23.5 degrees. The ecliptic is important because .
  • The ecliptic plane is tilted 23.5° with respect to the plane of the celestial equator since the Earth's spin axis is tilted 23.5° with respect to its orbit around the sun. .
  • May 17, 2011 – The Celestial Equator. Editors Choice! Photograph The Celestial Equator by Luis Argerich on 500px. Hey, this photo is © Luis Argerich .
  • The stars move parallel to each other, and the Celestial Equator. Since the Celestial Equator is on the Horizon, each star has constant altitude. No star rises or .
  • Celestial North Pole and Celestial Equator. Return to Astronomy Index Page. The Celestial North Pole changes latitude as you go from 90 degrees North Lat. to .
  • 2.4 The meridian and celestial equator. Fix Home Page | Fix 2/e Home Page | Ask the Author Discussion Group | Web Resources. Begin a search Catalog · Site .
  • The sun crosses the celestial equator and moves southward in the northern hemisphere during the September equinox. The location on the earth where the sun .
  • The heavy dark line running horizontally across the center of the Equatorial Sky Chart represents the Celestial Equator. The numbers that you see along the .
  • The celestial equator is the imaginary projection of Earth's own equator out through space onto the "sphere" of the night sky. Its use helps us orient ourselves to .
  • Jump to Celestial Pole and Celestial Equator .‎: The celestial equator is the imaginary line along the sky that is equally far from both poles of the sky. .
  • *Great circles in the sky include the horizon, the celestial equator (a projection of the Earth's equator onto the sky), the ecliptic (apparent path of the Sun, Moon .
  • The projection of the Earth's equator onto the celestial sphere is called the celestial equator. Similarly, the projections of the Earth's north and south geographic .
  • Results 1 - 11 of 11 – Translation for 'celestial equator' in the free Dutch dictionary. More Dutch translations for: equator, celestial.
  • Feb 21, 2010 – This time-lapse video image, are a total exposure time of 87.5 minutes, having started at 2:51 AM and ended at 4:27 AM. In the image we can .
  • Apr 6, 2010 – Another important reference marker is the celestial equator: an imaginary circle around the sky directly above the Earth's equator. It is always .
  • How to use celestial equator in a sentence. Example sentences with the word celestial equator. celestial equator example sentences.
  • The Celestial Equatorial Coordinate System is based on the concept of the celestial sphere. The celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere of infinite radius .
  • [edit] English. [edit] Noun. celestial equator (plural celestial equators). A great circle on the celestial sphere, coincident with the plane of earth's equator. .
  • Jul 7, 2010 – Celestial equator, [entries|friends|calendar]. The odd panda with only one black- eye. ENTRIES | FRIENDS | CALENDAR | INFO | MEMORIES .

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