Other articles:
Dec 31, 2010 – Introduction Caliburn Micro is a micro-framework for WPF, Silverlight and WP7 giving us great features for.
Nov 27, 2010 – How to combine Silverlight Navigation with the Caliburn .
Nov 18, 2010 – Micro Soup to Nuts Part 9New WP7 Features · Caliburn.Micro .
Feb 21, 2011 – Composable Application Lazy Loading with MEF · No .
The 4 frame works will be: Prism 4 with MEF Tim Jones, Caliburn Micro Justin Weinberg, MVVM Light Bonas Khanal, and Jounce David Yancey. .
Jul 1, 2011 – This example uses Caliburn.Micro for event aggregation and MEF for composition. Feel free to use any framework or tools that you are .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Apr 29I'm really new to MEF so forgive me if I'm just overlooking the obvious. . . I have seen Caliburn-Micro's VM-first/naming-convention approach .
Caliburn Micro, MEF and multiple modules. by John R 19. September 2010 20:14 .
11 posts - Last post: Dec 27, 2010Hi, I have a very interesting problem. I use this technologies in WPF app .
Dec 6, 2010 – Micro v1.2 RTW and Nuget Feature Packages! .
Oct 16, 2010 – MEF Powered Silverlight a simple walkthrough and A .
Aug 4, 2010 – I was going to call this post 'How I learned to stop worrying and love MEF.', but I am not sure enough people would get the reference. Besides .
The 4 frame works will be: Prism 4 with MEF Tim Jones, Caliburn Micro .
Feb 16, 2011 – If you haven't used Caliburn Micro please go through Caliburn Micro . . to give a brief insight of my experiment with MEF and Caliburn Micro. .
Jul 30, 2011 – Tags .Net Branching C# Caliburn.Micro DVCS Entity Framework Extension Method Git MEF Mercurial Workflow .
Aug 21, 2010 – yield return new LoadCatalog("Caliburn.Micro.Coroutines. . . really need to know a lot about MEF or DeploymentCatalog to get the takeaway. .
Jan 9, 2011 – But, next time I want to show how we can integrate an IoC container such as MEF . Samples Caliburn Micro Hello Customizing The Bootstrapper .
Coproject - a RIA Caliburn.Micro demo, part 5. 13. 1. 2011 21:13. by .
Jun 5, 2011 – Hi, I have a MEF-based plugin-oriented application, where VM's are loaded among a set of available ones (all exported via MEF by different .
Composable Application Using MEF and Caliburn Micro December 31 - Miky Petrescu Blog Introduction Caliburn Micro is a micro-framework for WPF, .
Micro). (Note July 9th 2010: As expected, Rob Eisenberg has updated the .
Jun 25, 2011 – MEF have enabled the development of applications based on plug-in . of the most simple application from the beginning, into Caliburn.Micro. .
Oct 16, 2010 – And we want to use Caliburn.Micro for its convention binding. In addition, let's make it MEF driven since it's easily available in Silverlight 4, and .
6 answers - Jun 3Top answer: I've never done anything with Caliburn Micro before, but does it use the CompositionInitializer component to satisfy imports? If so, you can use the .
Aug 21, 2010 – Description: Caliburn.Micro BootStrapper that uses MEF. Public Clone URL: git:// gist.github.com/542762.git. Give this clone URL to anyone. .
2 answers - Feb 3I use Caliburn Micro as MVVM framework. Service I have in external assembly and it is injected in view model class with MEF. Here is my .
Jul 9, 2011 – I knew this had to be doable because there are examples of using MEF with Caliburn.Micro. Read More from: Original Source. Post Contributed .
Jun 1, 2011 – Micro.HelloScreens sample to show how to decouple it. Caliburn. . Can't you use MEF itself to export the modules used to register elements? .
This MVVM style Silverlight 4 wizard shows some Caliburn Micro features, as well as the use of MEF and MVVM style unit testing. The UI and code are based on .
Can be replaced by the IoC of your choice(MEF, Unity,
) Demo- Basic Configuration; Actions - Basics Command implementation for Caliburn.Micro .
Oct 20, 2010 – In this post I am going to give a brief insight of my experiment with MEF and Caliburn Micro. I am always a big fan of plug-in application model. .
Sep 19, 2010 – So I was reviewing some of the more recent frameworks such as Prism and discovered both Caliburn and Caliburn Micro on Codeplex. .
Aug 20, 2010 – Micro. From the point of view of the framework it fulfills the same task as the MEF bootstrapper I discussed in Caliburn.Micro the MEFtacluar, or .
May 11, 2011 – Mef has the notion of lazy imports and lazy collection imports. In addition to that, you can attach metadata to imports which you can query .
Micro). (Note July 9th 2010: As expected, Rob Eisenberg has updated the Caliburn.Micro documentation with an bootstrapper which uses MEF. If you're a .
Micro, MVVM.Lite), Dependency Injection (via PRISM &| MEF), UI Event Aggregation (MVVM.Lite, Caliburn.Micro), Screen Conductor. Werner Grift. View Full .
We'll use MEF for this example, but Caliburn.Micro will work well with any container. First, go ahead and grab the code from Part 1. We are going to use that as .
May 19, 2011 – Caliburn.Micro comes with an example project of using MEF, so it was literally just a matter of substituting the various parts with calls into .
Jan 14, 2011 – One of the benefits of Caliburn is simplification specifically around . Micro. Contrib.MEF;assembly=Caliburn.Micro.Contrib"> <Application. .
3 posts - Last post: Feb 7Hello, I use Caliburn.Micto as MVVM framework for my WPF application and also MEF for injection. UML of my application look like this: .
6 answers - Jan 5Top answer: Do not force GC! Also, the Dispose() method should follow removal from your collection. public void RemoveChatScreen(string closingScreen) { MessageBox. .
Jan 13, 2011 – ComponentModel.Composition;. This will initialize MEF and let it auto discover exports throughout the whole assembly. Note: Caliburn.Micro is .
Jul 8, 2010 – We'll use MEF for this example, but Caliburn.Micro will work well with any container. First, go ahead and grab the code from Part 1. We are .
Jul 18, 2011 – I have created a little WPF application using Caliburn.Micro by following the documentation and using a MefBootstrapper. I'd like to move this .
6 days ago – Micro EventAggregator Extension Methods. August 19th, 2011 | Categories: Programming | Tags: Caliburn.Micro, EventAggregator, gist, GitHub .
2 answers - Jun 21this post ideally continues my other post on MEF plugins, but my first . . Caliburn. Micro goes through 3 stages to find a view from a viewmodel .
2 answers - Jan 4Top answer: You still need exports on the classes you want to export. Using ExportFactory allows you to create multiple instances, but it doesn't work if you don't have an export .
Jul 9, 2011 – Micro has its own built in IoC container called the PhoneContainer . of using MEF with Caliburn.Micro. Turns out I was right using Ninject w/ .
Jul 12, 2010 – Let's begin by configuring our application to use an IoC container. We'll use MEF for this example, but Caliburn.Micro will work well with any .
7 posts - 2 authors - Last post: May 17Could anyone show some sample code like the MEF tutorial offered by the Caliburn Micro Wiki, or point me to some information on the web? .