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pollo cacciatore definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also '
Noun, 1. chicken cacciatore - chicken casserole prepared with tomatoes and .
Chicken cacciatore - chicken casserole prepared with tomatoes and mushrooms and
Definition: with mushrooms and tomatoes: cooked with mushrooms, tomatoes, and
Definition of Chicken cacciatore with photos and pictures, translations, sample
People who say Chicken Cacciatore. damnit_lacey chicken cacciatore for
Dictionary - Definition of Cacciatore.
Cacciatore definition, definition of cacciatore, Anagrams of cacciatore, words
°The path of a body as it travels through space. °The ordered set of
cacciatore: definition, pronunciation, and examples from free Oxford Dictionaries
Definition of chicken cacciatore in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of
chicken cacciatore definition, word, English Dictionary, Lexicon.
cacciatore. Definition of cacciatore, meaning of cacciatore. 10 letters in word
Prepared with tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, herbs, and sometimes wine:
Definition of chicken cacciatore in the Online Dictionary. Multiple meanings,
cacciatore [kah-chuh-TOR-ee] Italian for "hunter," this American-Italian term refers
Definition : prepared in a spicy tomato sauce with mushrooms and herbs: .
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Cacciatore - definition, usage, synonyms, thesaurus.
Learn 4000+ Cooking Terms, Culinary Arts Food Definitions & Chef Phrases in
cac·cia·to·re (k ch -tôr , -t r ). adj. Prepared with tomatoes, onions, mushrooms,
Definition of chicken cacciatore in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of
definition of chicken cacciatore - chicken casserole prepared with tomatoes and
cacciatore adj. Prepared with tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, herbs, and
Is Cacciatore a Scrabble word? Is it Scrabble dictionary, and What is Cacciatore
Cacciatore definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
cacciatore definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also '
This page contains reference information about niccolò cacciatore. It may .
cacciatore explanation. Definition of cacciatore is provided by 1913 Webster's
Definitions of cacciatore, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of cacciatore,
chicken cacciatore - Definition of chicken cacciatore. Find the meaning of
Cacciatore - Topic:Gastronomy - Online Encyclopedia - What is what? Everything
Definition of Cacciatore with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage,
Definition of bravo cacciatore. What is meaning of bravo cacciatore in all
What rhymes with 'cacciatore'? The best rhymes for 'cacciatore' are the .
Are you wondering what the cooking definition of Cacciatore is? CDKitchen has
What is the meaning of the word chicken cacciatore?
CACCIATORE definition : adj. Prepared in an Italian style with wine, mushrooms,
cac·cia·to·re audio (k ch -tôr , -t r ) KEY ADJECTIVE: Prepared with tomatoes,
Definition: [noun] chicken casserole prepared with tomatoes and mushrooms and
chicken cacciatore explanation. Definition of chicken cacciatore is provided .
Nov 3, 2011 . Definitions and translations of chicken cacciatore.
Meaning of chicken cacciatore - definition of chicken cacciatore . What does
Definition of chicken cacciatore from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with
Chicken Cacciatore meaning , Definition of chicken cacciatore , meaning of
cacciatore. 2 ENTRIES FOUND: cacciatore (adjective) · chicken cacciatore (noun
cooked in a casserole with olive oil and tomatoes, onions, spices, wine, etc.:
Definition of cacciatore – Our online dictionary has cacciatore information from
Jan 21, 2010 . chicken casserole prepared with tomatoes and mushrooms and .
Definition of Cacciatore. . Search Dictionary. Search Web Search Dictionary.