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Introducing the Buzztime Mobile Playmaker, an App that allows you to play along with Buzztime's Trivia, Sports and Card games from your Android device at .
Introducing the Buzztime Mobile Playmaker, an App that allows you to play along with Buzztimes Trivia, Sports and Card games from your iPhone or iPod Touch .
Learn more about the Buzztime Mobile Playmaker and see what people in and out of your professional network have to say about it.
Jan 26, 2011 – NTN Buzztime, Inc. a leading social entertainment and integrated marketing platform for bars and restaurants, announced that the company is .
Jan 24, 2011 – Introducing the Buzztime Mobile Playmaker, an App that allows you to play along with Buzztime's Trivia, Sports and Card games from your .
I know this is an ooooold post, but FYI, the buzztime app is now available in the market! -Adam . the heads up. FYI it is called Mobile Playmaker by Buzztime Inc. .
from 572 users
Dec 23, 2009 – In order to play, you have to get a keypad console, or Playmaker, from the establishment that allows you to login to your Buzztime account and .
Feb 3, 2010 – Buzztime Mobile Playmaker is Free to Download at iTunes App Store . new Buzztime® Mobile Playmaker™ application and has made the app .
The Buzztime Playmaker Post Newsletter. Home. The Buzztime Playmaker Post Newsletter. The Playmaker Post is Buzztime's Newsletter! A couple times a .
Jun 25, 2011 – Buzztime Hosted Trivia is a unique bar trivia tool for restaurant and bar . through a keystroke on the Buzztime Playmaker with leaderboards .
Feb 4, 2010 – The Buzztime Mobile Playmaker will complement our existing offerings while appealing to fans that are looking to engage with Buzztime on .
Jan 20, 2010 – Play Buzztime's trivia, card and sports games at a restaurant or bar near you! Compete with other players across the US and Canada for .
Jan 26, 2011 – If you ask, your waitress will bring you out a little “Playmaker” device that interfaces with the Buzztime servers so you can enter your name, login .
Buzztime players use "Playmakers" to answer the questions that are displayed on the television screens. Questions are answered by pressing numbered buttons .
The Cactus Moon Saloon. Buzztime Trivia is a very popular game at the Cactus Moon. Played on Playmakers right at your table, you are not only competing with .
Buzztime's Mobile Playmaker allows consumers to play Buzztime trivia, sports and card games on their iPhone, iPod Touch or Android device. .
Buzztime's Mobile Playmaker for Android™ NOW AVAILABLE! Introducing Buzztime's Mobile Playmaker, an App that allows you to play along with Buzztime's .
Download Buzztime's Mobile Playmaker app from the Android Market by searching "Buzztime" from your Android device.Then go play along with Buzztime's .
11 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jul 30Mobile Playmaker - Android Application - Buzztime, Inc - ★★★☆☆ - Entertainment.
from 569 users
Buzztime's Mobile Playmaker for iPhone. Introducing Buzztime's Mobile .
Jul 12, 2011 – Getting into the trivia fun is as simple as checking out a Buzztime playmaker from the front desk. Once you sign it out, the fun begins! .
Feb 4, 2010 – The Buzztime Mobile Playmaker mimics the function of Buzztime's traditional game console, the Playmaker, so patrons can compete in real .
Jan 25, 2011 – The Buzztime Mobile Playmaker for Android Buzztime's Mobile Playmaker for Android functions just like the original blue playmaker you are .
Nov 7, 2009 – There's a Mobile Playmaker app available for free. Just search for “Buzztime, Inc.” in the app store. It will turn your iPhone into a little blue crack .
- from 572 users - Free
Introducing the Buzztime Mobile Playmaker, an App that allows you to play along . The Buzztime Mobile Playmaker offers fans an alternative to our traditional .
Jan 27, 2011 – Buzztime Introduces Mobile Playmaker App to Android - Mobile News in the wireless industry of android smartphones, netbooks and iphones.
May 26, 2010 – How do you reset a Buzztime Playmaker? ChaCha Answer: A Buzztime play maker can be reset by going on Buzztime's website and following.
Greater San Diego Area - Trivia Icon at Buzztime Inc
Android Mobile Apps introducing about Buzztime Introduces Cellular Playmaker App to Android. Ought to you spend a lot time at eating places .
from 572 users
Add your own comments to "Buzztime Playmaker. Come join in!" from The Bear on Myspace. Social entertainment powered by the passions of fans.
Buzztime Introduces Mobile Playmaker App to Android – buzztime_ta. Related .
Selection of software according to "Buzztime mobile playmaker" topic.
Buzztime establishment; Playmaker. 1. Locate your nearest participating Buzztime establishment. Use the locator function on the Buzztime website. 2 .
TVs tuned to Buzztime, and grab a Buzztime Playmaker or use their own mobile device, including iPhone, iPod touch or Android. Buzztime's Playmakers have .
Aug 7, 2011 – NTN Buzztime in Spot 1 Grill, a Brampton Restaurant. How Buzztime works: The Playmaker is the wireless device used to play the Buzztime .
Jan 26, 2011 – If you spend much time at restaurants or bars, particularly sports bars, you've probably seen the Buzztime trivia games playing on TVs around.
Introducing the Buzztime Mobile Playmaker, an App that allows you to play along with Buzztime's Trivia, Sports and Card games from your Android device at any .
Introducing the Buzztime Mobile Playmaker, an App that allows you to play along with Buzztime's Trivia, Sports and Card games from your iPhone or iPod Touch .
NTN Buzztime, Inc. Unveils Mobile Playmaker iPhone Application. Buzztime Mobile Playmaker is Free to Download at iTunes App Store.
NTN Buzztime, Inc. - Play Buzztime Trivia, Card and Sports games at a restaurant . a few hands of poker, pull up a Playmaker and see what the buzz is all about!
Mar 8, 2011 – Buzztime Launches Platform for Hosted Live Bar Trivia Nights .
- from 284 users - Free
Grab a Playmaker or the Mobile Playmaker app for your iPhone/iPod touch or .
Grab a Playmaker and create a Username and Password. Choose Buzztime Trivia from the menu on the Playmaker. You will be asked 10 questions, worth a .
Buzztime's Mobile Playmaker allows consumers to play Buzztime trivia, sports and card games on their iPhone, iPod Touch or Android device. The Buzztime .