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Convert Hanyu Pinyin to Bopomofo (also known as Zhuyin)www.archchinese.com/pinyin_to_bopomofo_converter.html - CachedBopomofo — Unicode Character TableBopomofo. 3100. 3101. 3102. 3103. 3104. ㄅ3105. ㄆ3106. ㄇ3107.
Zhuyin, popularly known as bopomofo, is a system designed to represent the
Information and Pronunciation of the Bopomofo (Zhùyin Fúhào)www.mandarinbook.net/bopomofo/ - CachedBopomofo/Pinyin Phonetic Transcription ChartBopomofo (MPS) / Pinyin Transcription Table with Pronunciations.www.mandarinbook.net/bopomofo/bopomofo_to_pinyin_chart.php - Cached - SimilarZhuyin fuhao / BopomofoDetails of Zhuyin fuhao / Bopomofo, the phonetic script used to show the
Bopomofo. Range: 3100–312F. This file contains an excerpt from the character
Zhuyin is often called bopomofo which is derived from the names of the first four
There is a straight one-to-one correspondence between ZhuYin (BoPoMoFo) and
Bopomofo Extended. Range: 31A0–31BF. This file contains an excerpt from the
Specialized language study books and materials prepared with . www.bopomofo.org/lit_html.html - Cached - Similarbopomofo Pinyin NewsFeb 12, 2008 . Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 11:37 pm · Filed under bopomofo, China, . Monday,
Zhùyīn fúhào, which is more popularly known as bopomofo (after the names of
I2Bopomo is an online Zhuyin Input Method (BoPoMoFo) to write Chinese
BoPoMoFo's long-awaited debut CD, 'Hell Froze Over' has been released! The
bopomofo. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation,
Mar 25, 2011 . how to write bopomofo mandarin chinese phonetics alphabet if this is too fast for
syllable chart of Zhuyin Fuhao and romanization systems for Mandarin Chinese.pinyin.info/romanization/bopomofo/ - Cacheddecodeunicode.org . Unicode Blocks . Bopomofodecodeunicode.org - unicode-wiki. alle zeichen der basic multilingual plane (
A list of free Bopomofo flashcard sets. Use our learning tools and study games to
Oct 13, 2011 . Bopomofo (also known as zhuyin fuhao, zhuyin fuxao and zhuyin) is a phonetic
Apr 27, 2010 . bopomofo - Specialized language study books and materials prepared with
Feb 3, 1999 . Test your Web browser and fonts for the ability to display the Unicode Bopomofo
Zhuyin Fuhao, often abbreviated zhuyin and colloquially called bopomofo,In
Sep 3, 2007 . It is bopomofo or zhuyin; it's the pronunciation system still used in Taiwan for
Character, Description, Browser, Font used. U+3105, BOPOMOFO LETTER B (U
Bopomofo is a phonetic system used for learning Chinese characters. It is widely