Jul 31, 11
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  • Aug 10, 2006 – I just talked to her and she has pneumonia and a bloody nose. I understand the pneumonia as she is a smoker and has not really been out of .
  • May 2, 2011 – Lung Cancer · Migraine & Headaches · Osteoporosis . Abdominal Pain · Abdominal Swelling · Back Pain · Blood in Urine . Filed Under: Ear, Nose and Throat. View More “Symptoms and Causes” Articles (57) . A nosebleed occurs when the tissue lining of the nose breaks and blood is released. .
  • Rarely, nose bleeds may be the presenting sign of a bleeding problem, a nasal growth or cancer, or even leukemia. Thus, any nasal bleeding which persists, .
  • Apr 5, 2011 – The most common cause is an infection or something lodged in the nose. If the nose bleeding is due to a tumor it is rare for a canine tumor .
  • Another cause of bloody nose is a form of Nasal Cancer, which is discussed in the following articles: Please Pray for Pogo-My dog has nose bleeds .
  • Clinical signs of nasal cancer include bleeding from the nose, white, yellow or green nasal discharge, deformity of the face and tearing from one or both .
  • Bleeding in the back of the nose may result in slow but steady bleeding. This is more severe than bleeding in the front of your nose. .
  • Aug 24, 2005 – The dangers of a bloody nose . bleeding disorders such as von Willebrand's and haemophilia and in rare cases nasal cancer." .
  • 16 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Dec 1, 2010Hey Lori..yes, bloody nose, bloody buggers, blurry runny eyes. I actually .
  • My dog was diagnosed with Nasal Cancer June 2007. . what were his/her original symptoms (i.e. bloody nose/sneezing) and how was it diagnosed (i.e. biopsy? .
  • Nosebleeds for cancer patients are mostly caused by low platelet levels, .
  • Apr 30, 2007 – The highs, the lows, the bloody nose. Oh, where to begin? . and take her poor, sniffly little nose into the Cancer Center with me. .
  • 4 hours ago – What precautions can you take to prevent nose bleeding? .
  • Apr 23, 2010 – X-rays Needed to Diagnose Dog's Nasal Tumor. Cancer is the most likely cause of older dog's bloody nasal discharge. Jon Geller, DVM .
  • 13 hours ago – A bloody nose is a sign. It is evident to the patient .
  • 4 answers - Aug 25, 2006I get frequent bloody noses and Bad headaches. I just got over liver cancer. I was watching Blow and his wife dies of brain cancer after the .
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  • Aug 31, 2009 – . bloody nasal discharge can be indicative of nasal cancer in dogs . . Nasal cancer usually occurs as paranasal sinus fibrosarcomas (a .
  • Mar 28, 2010 – No, at the top of my list, I would place "bleeding from an area of traumatized . (These symptoms can be signs of sinus or nasal cancer.) .
  • Mar 17, 2008 – Recently when I dig in my nose with tissue I notice bright red blood on the tissue. I told my doctor about it and she said that it may just .
  • The disease many manifest as a bloody discharge in its early stages, or a blocked nose if the tumor grows to such a size that it obstructs the passage of .
  • 31 posts - 19 authors - Last post: Apr 30Many problems can cause these symptoms: nasal polyp (benign growth), foreign body in the . sinus infections, or more seriously, nasal cancer. . should not prevent you from seeking answers to your kitty's bloody nose. .
  • A punch in the nose can certainly lead to a bloody nose. . Nasal cancer is very rare, with only 1000 new cases reported in the U.S. every year. When a .
  • Mar 28, 2011 – Diseases That Cause Bloody Noses. Epistaxis is the medical .
  • Nose Sprays Causing Bloody Nose, Amy26, Allergies, 13, 12-07-2007 08:26 PM .
  • Apr 10, 2011 – Commonly, an untreated nasal cancer will grow larger and larger in it's local area ultimately become a huge, infected and bleeding “mass”. .
  • 6 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 11, 2009At times I would have to hold pressure at the top of my nose with kleenex inside the nostril to stop the bleeding, but it always stopped and .
  • Apr 17, 2011 – Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma is a type of tumor that appears exclusively in males and can present with vigorous nasal bleeding from .
  • 15 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Feb 1, 2010I have had nosebleeds since chemo started. Always mild. off and on. NOW .
  • Aug 4, 2010 – Bloody Nose Brain Tumor. Bloody Nose Cancer Symptoms. Bloody Noses Brain . Brain Tumor Symptoms Bloody Nose. Brain Cancer Bloody Nose .
  • May 24, 2011 – Nose Symptoms Information Including Symptoms, Diagnosis .
  • Diagnosis of nasal cancer involves routine blood and urine tests, biochemical profiling, biopsy and CT scans. Apart from the nasal discharge and bleeding, .
  • Jul 22, 2009 – But if bleeding is NOT caused by sneezing, then fungal infection or cancer are the most likely causes. Nasal bleeding can be part of a .
  • 25 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Apr 3, 2008I also get a bloody nose for a time after a severe asthma attack. I had two this summer. I think it is from all the meds we get. .
  • They are divided into two types, depending on whether the bleeding is coming .
  • Expert articles, personal stories, blogs, Q&A, news, local resources, pictures, video and a supportive community. Bloody Nose Cancer - Health Knowledge Made .
  • Brain tumor treatment information: new treatments, virtual brain tumor trial, . frequent bloody noses for about 2 years before dx. stopped after .
  • A place to discuss primary brain cancers and how they affect your life. New treatment and clincial trails could also be discussed her.
  • Cancer Symptoms medical glossary includes a list of Cancer Symptoms related medical . A bloody nose is a sign. It is evident to the patient, doctor, .
  • Sometimes, especially in young children, nose-picking or placing a small object inside the nostrils can also cause a bloody nose. Certain forms of cancer, .
  • A physical examination of your dog's bloody nose results in your veterinarian diagnosing a nasal cavity cancer in your pet. What that means, and how you .
  • Jan 4, 2010 – I was in group, wearing my Princess Leah buns when my nose started to bleed. Mary, a former oncological nurse, immediately made a nose dam .
  • 1 hour ago – Bloody Nose Symptoms. Symptom Checker: Symptoms & Signs Index . As a result, any trauma to the face can cause a bloody nose, and bleeding .
  • Nosebleeds are described as either anterior or posterior depending on which part of the nose the bleeding comes from. Children almost always have anterior .
  • . may only be a sign of infection caused by bacteria or viruses, a mucoid, purulent or bloody nasal discharge can be suggestive of nasal cancer in dogs.
  • Lung Cancer Bloody Nose Never in my life had a bloody nose the past two days i woke up with one, but only in one nostril.? I had two people in my family .
  • Get prompt medical care if you have nasal congestion accompanied by: . Greenish or bloody nasal discharge; Chills or sweating . National Cancer Institute. Sept. .
  • Dec 28, 2010 – What can I do about the bloody scabby nose. I was diagnosed in 2003, . Just Very very frustrated and fed up with all this cancer crap. .
  • "Canine Nose bleeding is usually a sign of another disorder. In most cases a bleeding dog nose is caused by a fungal infection or or cancer such as a canine .
  • May 23, 2010 – Sean Martella's Testicular Cancer Update Blog . I've had a bloody nose for several days now that just won't quit. .

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