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Do you want to change Rip Music CD Settings for Windows Media Player, is the file . Windows Media Audio (Variable Bit rate); Windows Media Audio Lossless .
30 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Aug 30, 2006Ripping music (Bitrate question) Audio theory, Setup and Chat. . Ripping is simply extracting wavs off of the cd. The differences mainly occur in .
What is the bit rate and the sample rate of a CD? 16/44.1. What is the sampling rate in HZ of a music CD? 44.1 KHz. What is the sampling rate of music CD? .
22 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Mar 17, 2006Re: What's the best 'bitrate' for music? 128 or 192 and why? MiniKiller, here's a little clip from a CD i own, tell me if you can hear the difference: .
2 Encoding audio; 3 Decoding audio; 4 Audio quality; 5 Bit rate . . Karlheinz Brandenburg used a CD recording of Suzanne Vega's song "Tom's Diner" to assess .
So the best solution is probably to re encode my music at lower bitrates. I don't want to screw it up though as that would mean ripping my audio CDs which takes .
May 20, 2009 – For majority of us who has common ears, we are not able to hear the difference of a quality encoded high bitrate MP3 music from its original CD .
Mar 10, 2010 – When you download music and want the best sound quality, purchase files with the highest bit rate possible. Or when you rip CDs to create .
The good news, Real Audio now provides CD quality bitrates. At phoneline speeds (20 and 34kbps) G2 songs are clear and rich in high frequencies -- indeed .
14 posts - 6 authors - Last post: May 21, 2006Instead, you should really go back and re-rip your CD collection to the bitrate and format of your choice. Better yet, you should rip your CD .
24 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jan 23, 2001All of the mp3s I download have a 192 kb/s bitrate. When I burn these to CD's, what bitrade are they recorded at? I only ask because some of .
by Whitson Gordon - In 12,008 circles
VBR stands for Various bitrate. . Mp3's ripped, or encoded, from CD are ALWAYS of equal or lesser quality than the original music on the CD, because quality .
Aug 25, 2011 – Non-saturated acoustic music that features simple arrangements should get good results with a bitrate of 192kbps. If the music will be played .
I realized I could have all our CDs on my Mac for critical listening if I used the right bit rate, but didn't want to get carried away so we could still get plenty of music .
32 posts - 22 authors - Last post: Oct 16, 2005[Archive] What Bitrate should I rip at Music Discussion. . I think I will get an ipod, so is 160 kbps on mp3 good enough for cd rips, and if so, what .
Jump to CD Audio: : The sound of the burned CD is strictly identical the manufactured CD. . a 256kbs bitrate to reach an identical result to the CD sound. .
17 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jun 25, 2008I'm a little confused about the bitrate on audio cds, is it 1411 like wav files or 1536 like PCM on dvds. Thanks.
Aug 9, 2011 – This document describes the bitrate for the songs available from the iTunes . Coding (AAC) format, a high-quality format that rivals CD quality. .
Mar 11, 2009 – A while ago, I decided to switch to mp3 music instead of cd's, so I . As the differences between bitrates occur in the higher frequencies, what .
CD-quality, uncompressed stereo audio files require about 150 kilobytes (KB) of . others are better suited for low to high bit rate music samples and sounds. .
Feb 26, 2011 – Importing songs into itunes is easy – you just INSERT the CD, SELECT it in . It's far better to use a bitrate of 320kbps rather than the default .
9 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Mar 4The last portable music player I had played cd's, so please bear with me. . convert or rip more cds using a mp3 file format and a lower bit rate. .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: May 13, 2008hey just a question with itunes when importing music from cdis there a way to change the default bit rate that it rips the music from cd to itunes .
Jun 11, 2011 – Ask LH: Does Bitrate Really Make A Difference In My Music? . Generally, an audio CD will actually take up quite a bit of space, which is why .
Mar 20, 2006 – You make this trade-off by choosing a number, called the "bit rate," . per album for the Album Calculator and 4 minutes per song for the Song .
Overview: You want to rip music CDs, and you want high quality. . This particular tutorial will end up giving you no-compromise variable bitrate mp3s which .
Mar 31, 2010 – Does it just change the bit rate for the iPhone/iPod/iPad music or the . for your audio (CD or Vinyl) you are free to encode at a higher bit rate .
1 answer - Jul 19, 2006Top answer: If harddrive space is not an issue for you the higher the bitrate the better. Less data compression = better sound quality. http://www.bresso.com/mp3-bitrate.shtml
You want to set iTunes to import audiobook CDs quite differently than you would for importing music. You don't need to use a high bitrate; that leads to huge files .
As a baseline, I chose 192Kbps as the lowest MP3 bitrate, since this seems to be . . It's nice to have 5-6 audio CD's worth of music on a single MP3 CD - almost .
An excellent catalogue of independent music, available for ¢99 per track. . For 99p per track or £6.99 an album you get variable bitrate MP3s that offer superb .
In telecommunications and computing, bit rate (sometimes written bitrate .
Many music sites and blogs urge people to use a bit rate of 160 Kbps or higher if they want the MP3 file to have the same sound quality as a CD. .
CD-RW disc - A CD that can be erased and rewritten. It can't be read by normal CD players, but it works great for burning compressed music for computer .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Apr 8, 2009i have some mp3s that play at 192k and some that play at 128k and some that play at 320k.and theres even some at only .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Apr 22I'm converting my CD collection into iTunes 10 and i'm using the ACC . older music say pre 1980's is it necessary to have the bitrate set to 192 .
by Jeff Atwood
Apr 19, 2007 – Back then, most MP3s were encoded at constant bit rate (CBR) . . Using a cheap CD-drive to grab music data and make them play via "the .
Compression parameters are the compression format being used and the bit rate. . To create an audio CD, usually you need CD-quality wav files (i.e. PCM . Some software (e.g. Music Match) lets you burn CDs directly from MP3 files. .
4 posts - 1 author - Last post: Oct 5, 2009I used Audacity 1.3 to cut the bitrate in half, and sure enough, the file . Basically yes - whenyou burn a music CD (as opposed t a data CD) you .
Apr 5, 2007 – (The bitrate measures how much digital information gets transmitted every . Codecs like MP3 and iTunes' AAC chop up music from a CD into .
Feb 27, 2010 – For the past several years, countless music fans have been turning to the Web as a . The digital information on a standard audio CD requires about 10 . The bitrate, or average amount of data required per second of music, .
This page explains how audio quality is related to digital bit rate on DAB. . to the original sound on a CD will increase when the bit rate is increased. . Unfortunately this is the bit rate that is most used by 98% of music stations on DAB in the .
Easily copy music CDs to iTunes . However, it's also a lossy compression format set at a high bit rate, which . Insert a music CD into your Mac's media drive. .
By comparison, the bit rate of a "1x" data CD is defined as 2048 bytes per .
Apr 12, 2008 – Until the mid 1980s, commercially purchased music was always in . So, to calculate the bit rate for CD audio, we multiply our sample rate .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Aug 29, 2004Good question, i think it's unlikely that the bit rate is over 10000 kbps as cd quality is 128kbps and is the usual standard for music files, anything .
3 answersSo, how many minutes can fit on a 700MB CD? If you have a constant bitrate file at 192Kbps (192000 bits per second) that means that each second of music will .
To rip music from a CD to your computer; Choosing a file format; Choosing a bit . (Optional) To select a different format or bit rate for the files that are created .