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Definition of Biometric with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and additional links for more information. . Search for Biometric on Dictionary.com! .
Biometric reader definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with .
biometrics - definition of biometrics from Construction-Dictionary.com: Electronic methods of identifying and authenticating a person's identity through the .
DEFINITION: Finger vein ID is a biometric authentication system that matches . by SearchSecurity.com, powered by WhatIs.com an online computer dictionary .
20+ items – meaning of biometrics - a branch of biology that studies .
This page describes the term behavioral biometric and lists other pages on .
Online Lexicon Glossary Biometric and Terminology Dictionary Biometric. . Terms Lexicon Online. Find Dictionary and Glossary Definitions for Biometric Terms. .
▶noun the application of statistical analysis to biological data. – derivatives biometric adjective, biometrical adjective, biometrician noun. .
The False Identification Rate is the probability in an identification that the biometric features are falsely assigned to a reference. The exact definition depends on .
Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and statistically analyzing biological data. In information . Search thousands of tech definitions .
Define biometrics. What is biometrics? biometrics meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.
Define biometrics in American English. What is biometrics? biometrics meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.
Biometric device definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with .
Biometric signature definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
Definition of biometrics: Application of electronics in measurement of biological characteristics or features. Literally, life measurement. See also biometric .
Answer of: what is meaning of BIOMETRICS in Hindi? BIOMETRICS का मतलब हिंदी में जानिए| This page show BIOMETRICS meaning in hindi.HinKhoj .
This page describes the term biometrics and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information.
biometrics definition. The measuring and analysis of such physical attributes as facial features and voice or retinal scans. This technology can be used to define .
This page describes the term biometric data and lists other pages on the Web .
biometrics. noun pl but singular or pl in constr \-ˈme-triks\. Definition of BIOMETRICS. 1. : biometry. 2. : the measurement and analysis of unique physical or .
definition of biometrics - a branch of biology that studies biological phenomena and observations by means of statistical analysis.
In computer science,. biometrics: Definition from Answers.com - Answers.com: Wiki Q&A . Biometric | Define Biometric at Dictionary.com. –noun ( singular verb .
bi·o·met·rics (b -m t r ks). n. (used with a sing. verb). 1. The statistical .
definition of biometric identification - the automatic identification of .
bi·o·met·rics (b -m t r ks). n. (used with a sing. verb). 1. The statistical study of biological phenomena. 2. The measurement of physical characteristics, such as .
bi·o·met·rics (b -m t r ks). n. (used with a sing. verb). 1. The statistical study of biological phenomena. 2. The measurement of physical characteristics, such as .
Free online dictionary definition and pronunciation of biometric from the bestselling Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary.
Biologically unique information used to identify individuals. This information can be used to verify identity or check against other entries in the database. The best .
that branch of biology which deals with its data statistically and by mathematical analysis. Related Forms: adjective or. See biometrics in American Heritage .
Definition of biometric signature: Alternative term for biometric .
For the academic journal of statistics in biology, see Biometrics (journal). For the application of statistics to . Look up biometrics in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. .
Answers the most basic question : What is biometrics? The sections also explains in brief about behavioral and physical biometrics.
MnemonicDictionary.com - Meaning of biometrics and a memory aid (called Mnemonic ) to retain that meaning for long time in our memory.
Definition of Biometrics from select computer dictionaries.
Top. Home > Library > Science > Biochemistry Dictionary. the statistical study of biology. —biometric adj.; biometrically adv. .
Lists all definitions/terms in the category Biometrics of Webopedia.
Is Biometrics a Scrabble word? Is it Scrabble dictionary, and What is Biometrics definition, Anagrams of Biometrics, Scrabble score for Biometrics, images of .
Aug 13, 2011 – Definition of biometric identification system – Our online dictionary has biometric identification system information from A Dictionary of the .
Definition of biometric authentication: Electronic identification of an .
6 records – A Comprehensive Directory of Biometrics Dictionary, Glossary and Terms listings that . A glossary containing definitions of biometric terms to help you .
biometrics - definition of biometrics from Science-Dictionary.com: the use of statistical techniques on biological data (Note takes a singular verb)
Definition of computer security terms: Biometric Authentication. . Resource Center · Computer security concepts / dictionary · Hitachi ID Password Manager .
Biometric verification is any means by which a person can be uniquely .
Dictionary - Definition of biometric identification. . Estonian, Ewe, Extremaduran. Earth's largest dictionary with more than 1226 modern languages and Eve! .
biometrics: definition, pronunciation, and examples from free Oxford Dictionaries Online.
. about Biometric Definition. Find 8 questions and answers about Biometric Definition at Ask.com Read more. . What is medical definition of biometrics ? .
Noun, 1. biometric identification - the automatic identification of living .
Definition of biometrics in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of biometrics. What does biometrics mean? Proper usage of the word biometrics. Information .
Jump to Go to Dictionary Definition: Dictionary Definition. biometrics n : a branch of biology that studies biological phenomena and observations by .
the application of statistical methods and measurement methods to biological .