Jul 23, 11
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  • 10 posts - 1 author - Last post: Nov 29, 2008Wasn't sure exactly where to put this. but figured this was relatively close. You fill out 20 questions, and it gives you a list of .
  • 69 posts - 45 authors - Last post: Apr 2, 2008Let us try to remember that the "Belief-O-Matic" allows one to equivocate " belief" at will. When I did it, I got the typical results, .
  • Mar 27, 2005 – Take the Belief-O-Matic Faith Test Answer 20 questions about your concept of God , the afterlife, human nature, and more, and Belief-O-Matic .
  • Feb 19, 2011 – Just took the Belief-o-Matic Quiz. Interesting results. My Orthodox friends will be pleased. I'm glad Hinduism beat out Mainline Liberal .
  • Aug 30, 2004 – In keeping with the previous posting, which linked to an ethics test that ranked attitudes by philosopher, there's this, the Belief-O-Matic, .
  • May 29, 2011 – Answer 20 questions about your concept of God, the afterlife, human nature, and more, and Belief-O-Matic™ will tell you what religion (if .
  • Aug 29, 2002 – I agree with Colin, though -- the fun part of this Belief-O-Matic is seeing the rankings it generates for one's runner-up religions. .
  • Sep 14, 2009 – The Belief-O-Matic Quiz. I just took the "Belief-O-Matic" quiz and here are my results: 1. Secular Humanism (100%) .
  • Take the Belief-O-Matic Quiz and Post/Discuss Your Results.
  • Mar 7, 2011 – Last fall, I took the 20-question Belief-O-Matic quiz on Beliefnet, just to see where I fell on the religious spectrum, because as you know, .
  • Beliefnet's Kristen Jackson shares the precious memories with her children .
  • 17 posts - 16 authors - Last post: May 17Dang it! I knew I should of never given in to being Baptized by the Catholic Church. It's at the bottom of my list! 1.
  • Aug 31, 2006 – Recently I took a 20 question quiz on called the Belief-O-Matic. After taking the quiz, it spits out a list (with percentages) of .
  • Jul 5, 2011 – The belief-o-matic asks various questions about what you believe and tries to match you up with the religion that most closely fits your .
  • I second the Belief-o-matic online test. It rocks! n/t.
  • 30 posts - 25 authors - Last post: Nov 26, 2004Belief-O-Matic then lists another 26 faiths in order of how much they have in . How did the Belief-O-Matic do? Discuss your results on our .
  • Even if YOU don't know what faith you are, Belief-O-Matic™ knows. Answer 20 questions about your concept of God, the afterlife, human nature, and more, .
  • The Belief-O-Matic. Posted on 17 August 2005 by Gnorb || Topic(s): Games and . If you want to take the Belief-O-Matic, or any of Beliefnet's tests, .
  • 15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Dec 16, 2010We've done this a couple of times in the Alley, but it's a good idea to start this forum off by summing up category our beliefs mainly fall .
  • BELIEF O MATIC. trashy vintage, who is kim zolciak big poppa, roxburgh park football club, donnie brasco movie, perfect woman, really short hair styles men, .
  • BUNNY[SF] · 5597 posts · 29906_BunnyAva. crapping in your foxhole. Posts: 5597. Join Date: Jan '04. Belief-O-Matic 12/21/10 12:27pm .
  • Belief-O-Matic is a famous online quiz that helps, or at least tries to help, a person identify what faith tradition they best fit with. .
  • 15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Aug 1, 2009While surfing on net, I saw this website and took a test. Following is my result . Bit surprising, but hey its just a test. Belief-O-Matic .
  • 20 posts - 17 authors - Last post: Jul 26, 2006Not sure how your beliefs stack up against the major cults religions? go to http :// and take the .
  • 15 answersHere's my result: 1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%) 2. . I tried, it is a useless programme . 1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants .
  • Beliefnet Results Page: Belief-O-Matic, Religion Beliefs, What Religion Am I.
  • Even if YOU don't know what faith you are, Belief-O-Matic TM knows. Answer 20 questions about your concept of God, the afterlife, human nature, and more, .
  • Oct 8, 2009 – How did the Belief-O-Matic do? 1. Eastern Orthodox (100%) 2. Roman Catholic (100 %) 3. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (96%) .
  • Jun 24, 2011 – Speaking of religion, this is probably one of the coolest things I have found regarding religion. It's not a one-result quiz, .
  • the life of a queer woman in church, seminary, and the world.
  • Apr 17, 2011 – Well, since I'm a rule breaker today, I'll share what my Belief-O-Matic results are: 1. Unitarian Universalism (100%) .
  • Apr 18, 2005 – Even if YOU don't know what faith you are, Belief-O-Matic™ knows. Answer 20 questions about your concept of God, the .
  • 20 posts - 20 authors - Last post: Jul 7The top score on the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches your .
  • Dec 28, 2004 – I think this has been done before, but here are two political tests, one is actually spiritual/religious beliefs.
  • Have You Tried Belief O Matic Heres Your Results? Join friendly people sharing 129 true stories in the I Tried Belief O Matic Heres My Results group.
  • Have you seen this test that seeks to determine what your religion really is.
  • Which proves that one's faith or belief is unique, and belongs to only one person. Yourself. Belief 0' Matic is just that. A bunch of questions asked a .
  • 15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Dec 14, 2004I did it and I am a mainline Conservative - no surprise there eh? Then I am a QUAKER! how cool is that??? Just call .
  • Oct 4, 2010 – It's Beliefnet's Belief-O-Matic. You answer a series of 20 questions and it tells you what religion your beliefs are most similar too. .
  • Then select “Belief-O-Matic™.” Read about and then take the quiz. Your results will be a list of faiths that most closely match your beliefs according to .
  • Dec 30, 2003 – You should try the Belief-O-Matic: html 20 questions to help you figure out what the heck you are .
  • 15 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Dec 20, 2010Here is a site called "belief-O-matic" post how you scored on it! . How did the Belief-O-Matic do? Discuss your results on our message .
  • Apr 27, 2007 – I took this religion quiz, it is really good quiz. I wonder what did you get? Come on! I wanna know. Only 20 questions.
  • 15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: May 8Has anyone tried the belief-o-matic quiz on beliefnet? I took it just for a laugh and it claims I am 100% Secular Humanist, 92% Unitarian .
  • Beliefnet has a fairly comprehensive quiz that includes many different faiths including specific Christian denominations. (Perhaps this has been discussed .
  • May 20, 2011 – Yesterday, a man sitting next to me on the subway asked me if I really thought the rapture would occur on May 21.
  • Feb 5, 2011 – I found this nifty little quiz called the "Belief-O-Matic." The name caught my eye because it is funny, but I do think a few of the .
  • Jul 23, 2007 – This test is a little different. You get a score at the end. Quiz: What's Your Spiritual Type? - I think some of you will .
  • Jun 26, 2011 – Warning: Belief-O-Matic assumes no legal liability for the . How did the Belief-O-Matic do? Discuss your results on our message boards. .
  • Jan 22, 2009 – The Belief-o-Matic quiz here at Beliefnet is a really .

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