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The USS LEXINGTON rests in Corpus Christi Bay, just across the ship channel from downtown Corpus Christi, Texas. Convenient all day parking is available for .
Is the battleship Texas really hauntedNO. They people of Bhangarh have had many folktales about it, that when they got passed down somewhere along the line, .
Deer Park - Battleship Texas - Supposedly haunted by a sailor named. Humble. 1960 Over Pass Area/Train Track - The East. Haunted Locations - - houston .
4 reviews
Jul 25, 2010 – The Battleship Texas located in LaPorte Texas, 3527 Battleground Road is said to be haunted by a red-haired, sailor who was said to have .
and theres storys of the San Jacinto battle ground being haunted by those who fought and died there. as well as ghost storys about the Battle ship Texas. .
Any places listed in the Haunted Places requires permission to visit or . . Andrews - Shafter Lake - Just north of Andrews, Texas, west of Highway 385, is the . . Corpus Christi - The USS Lexington - It has been said that in the boiler room of .
Message Board :: Haunted Public Places :: Locations :: Battleship Texas . I've heard the stories about the Battleship Texas having a history of "activity" .
10+ items – . Barton Warnock Visitor Center · Bastrop SP · Battleship Texas .
BATTLESHIP TEXAS FOUNDATION - YouTube May 14, 2010 - 8 min - Uploaded by bb35foundation
5+ items – The Paranormal Directory Haunted Texas. - .
Jul 25, 2010 – The Battleship Texas located in LaPorte Texas, 3527 Battleground Road is said to be haunted by a red-haired, sailor who was said to have .
Mar 23, 2010 – They said only with further investigation will they be able to say for certain if the Battleship Texas is haunted. "It takes multiple times, you have to .
The Battleship Texas is the last and oldest Battleship afloat that served in both WWI and WWII.
Ghost Hunting on the USS Battleship Texas - YouTube Mar 24, 2010 - 3 min - Uploaded by SPIREHouston
Deer Park - Battleship Texas - Supposedly haunted by a sailor named Red.. El Paso - Cathedral High School - The This school's most haunted place is the. .
a nationwide index of haunted places, brief. Brewster. Alpine - Sul Ross State University. Deer Park - Battleship Texas - Supposedly haunted by a sailor. .
Texas is the last of the battleships, patterned after HMS Dreadnought, that participated in World War I and the Second World War. Considered the most powerful .
Sep 13, 2011 – Deer Park - Battleship Texas - Supposedly haunted by a. Austin Ghost Tours . researched Austin, and Texas history so that we may tell the .
LaPorte - Battleship Texas - Supposedly haunted by a sailor named Red. Some visitors to this state park attraction also claim to have seen the ghost of an .
Aug 2, 2010 – The Battleship Texas located in LaPorte Texas, 3527 Battleground Road is said to be haunted by a red-haired, sailor who was said to have .
Dec 16, 2009 – Does anyone know of any other haunted spots in Houston that may not . The Battleship Texas is the only such surviving vessel to have taken .
Deer Park - Battleship Texas - Supposedly haunted by a sailor named Red. Some students encountered a wispy form, which wandered across a hallway behind .
Ghost Tours of Galveston, ATTRACTIONS AND ENTERTAINMENT, haunted . The Battleship TEXAS became a part of the park in special memorialization .
USS Texas (BB-35), the second ship of the United States Navy named in honor .
The Ol' Gray Lady still stands watch over Texas. . Visit Battleship Texas on Gowalla. Gowalla is a fabulous . Baytown Highlights · Haunted Houston · Stamp for .
The Alamo was still visited by throngs of people and the U.S.S. Texas was still preserved. . . These people can almost seem real at times but they are ghosts. .
12 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Apr 28, 2010I'm told the Texas is haunted, but I don't believe I saw ghosts. I think I saw a photograph-like image that I've since begun calling a .
Now retired, the Battleship Texas is moored near the San Jacinto Battlefield east of Houston and is open to the public. The ship is reportedly haunted by a .
Mar 27, 2010 – They said only with further investigation will they be able to say for certain if the Battleship Texas is haunted. "It takes multiple times, .
Ghost ship: Battleship Texas a sought-after site for paranormal . which leads us to believe it could be haunted," said Dona Strohbehn, a member of a group .
Want to be spooked in between all of that beach-volleyball-playing and sunbathing? Then visit one of these haunted sites in Corpus Christi, Texas.
This page is closed to edits. Unfollow. follow. [report abuse]. Can you answer this question? Is the battleship Texas really haunted? .
Jun 10, 2007 – All Things Historical: Battleship Texas, the first memorial battleship and historic landmark, in San Jacinto State Park, Houston ship channel.
Battleship TEXAS is the last surviving U.S. Navy battleship to serve in both . The battleship was reportedly haunted by the ghost of a red-haired sailor who has .
Feb 6, 2011 – Texas Society Of Paranormal Investigators Ghostly News . of Helena, Texas: The Toughest Town On Earth, the easily overlooked ghost town haunts in more ways than one. . . Ghost ship: Battleship Texas a sought-after site f. .
3 answers - Sep 24, 2007im looking for a haunted place in houston texas th… . Battleship Texas ( Investigated by Lone Star Spirits) San Jacinto State Park. The ghost of .
Channelview, Texas seems equal to any other location in the United States, but this is a settlement where the undead stride the lanes during the night. Some of .
The 10th floor is haunted by a woman who fell to her death from a window in the 1940's. Patrons report . .. LaPorte - Battleship Texas State Historic Site. A sailor .
US Navy aircraft carrier USS Lexington anchored at Corpus Christi Bay USS Lexington in the Bay at Corpus Christi, Texas as a floating museum. Career ( United .
Luckily, many of Texas' most historic sites and landmarks remain today. . A veteran of both World Wars, the Battleship Texas is now moored at the San Jacinto . some of southeast Texas' most notable - and possible haunted - historical sites. .
Battleship Texas (Investigated by Lone Star Spirits) San Jacinto State . It is rumored to be haunted by angry Confederate soldiers, doctors, nurses and patients. .
A young urban professional man who was murdered by his friend haunts this area during late night, and early morning hours. The Battleship Texas at battleship .
HAUNTED TEXAS TOWNS . Battleship Texas (Investigated by Lone Star Spirits .
The Battleship Texas, gave proud and honorable service to her country through two world wars of the . It may truly be one of the most haunted spots in Texas. .
Now retired, the Battleship Texas is moored near the San Jacinto Battlefield east of Houston and is open to the public. The ship is reportedly haunted by a .
Jul 31, 2010 – Further north coming toward Houston is the historic Battleship Texas . These places are not guaranteed you will be visited by ghosts, but how .