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We've developed Bad Translator! to show just how funny things can get. . I have just discovered the single greatest way to troll somebody on Facebook ever. .
Bad Translator Troll – If Only Vader Had Been Trolling. Published July 22, 2011 at 500 × 415 in Random meme's · ← Previous Next →. Bad Translator .
Aug 19, 2011 – Translation: "There is no bad weather only bad clothing. . .. Translation: "When you're speaking about the trolls, they're standing in the entrance .
Jun 29, 2011 – Bad Translator Indeed. Bad Translator Troll - Bad .
Bad Translator. U mad, Bro. Bad Translator Troll - AKA The Government: Bad Translator Troll – AKA The Government. I'm Forgetting Something, I Just Know It .
May 31, 2010 – I think it's cute how people think I'm a troll. Sorry, no. I just truly and genuinely think this was a terrible post. Bad translations aren't exactly a new .
NOT ON3 1D W4NT 4NYTH1NG TO DO W1TH. Troll alphabet converter. Enter your .
A troll is basically one who posts messages intended to insult and provoke . .. Few english version seem to be on the web. a -bad- translation I have found is .
Jan 2, 2011 – Both of em are correct. Its bad translation on the japanese side. Commonly called engrish. Thanks. also, I'm not operating the troll accounts. .
The Translation Train Wreck trope as used in popular culture, with a list of . sure if it was a troll or a spam bot or some poor sap with a bad translator, but a now .
17 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jun 30Ultimate bad translation-I may have found it- Page 1 GBAtemp Forum Topic Post. . 161213. "troll the edge of the forum " . 10 translations later .
5 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jan 26We do not mean to imply in any way that Google Translate is bad, we are just pointing out the inherent . "Fatty McFuckface is a troll." .
Ad of bad translation Bite The Wax Tadpole. . . Every character talks .
50 posts - 41 authors - Last post: Jul 11. 40 translations later we get: "Strange car in my photo!" It's like the 2 guys are the same! Troll thread confirmed! Thank you detective Bad .
chatroulette trolling bad translator troll - more memes and other pics. ReportDelete Edit. Views: 4009. RATE. 96. Posted: 2011-07-20 07:49:31. Psst. Remove the .
From left to right, Sniff, Snufkin, Moominpappa, Moominmamma, Moomintroll . . but with the first element compare filibuffare "'joker"', filidera, "make bad noise", and . in some English translations, the first we hear of is the late theatre director in .
Ashes, Ashes We All Fall Down - The Art of Trolling: Yahoo Answers . Bad Translator · Best of Week · Chat Roulette · Cleverbot · Facebook · Google · Hall of .
Aug 7, 2011 – previous · next · (Enlarge) · Bad Translator Comp. thumbs up for more? Who knows. thumbs up for more? Who knows. Tags: Troll Bad Transl .
Jul 23, 2011 – troll.JPG 56 translations later we get: Troll. Jpg. . ok then, Bad translator Robot translate this: cool story bro, my friend billy has a .
Jun 27, 2011 – Bad Translator Troll - More, More, MORE! Submitted by .
20 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Apr 5, 2010Funny BAD Translator! . We've developed Bad Translator! to show just how funny things can get. . I wrote successful troll is successful .
Troll me! Enter your text here to get it turned into ELITE TROLL SLANG. Troll Writing Converter. Copyright 2010 to MiffTheFox. Except for the parts copyright to .
Bad translator is a troll by Uril_Boy. Add to Favorites. Bad translator is a troll. Flag this as inappropriate. Submitted by: .
Jul 10, 2011 – Bad Translator Troll - As Opposed to Mule Piss? Submitted .
9 posts - 6 authorsPost Posted: May 18 2010, 08:42 Post subject: Bad translator . "One does not simply troll into Darkstorm." . 10 translations later we get: .
Great job with the encode. s-h-i-t. Welcome back 'guys. Yay for trollsub to more sub par translations. . bad trans. good quality uploads. They dropped it. Akikan! .
I can't say these are the best subs around (as Mochi is way better) but gg does it so much faster that its OK. trollsubs . .IS. . SPARTA!!! Pretty bad translations. .
Jul 31, 2011 – Bad Translator Troll - This Is How Kids End Up Scarred for Life. Submitted by: Boodow · Voting 10 Times · Submitting 1 LOL .
To patrol (an area) in search for someone or something: "[Criminals] troll bus stations for young runaways" (Pete . . They are very large, ugly, small brained, and they have very bad tempers. . . To select your translation preferences click here. .
trolls translation English - French : trombiculiasis n trombidiose f … . reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries. .
20 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Dec 2, 2010Here is the link Bad translator Make sure to change the little thing that . "who is your mom i dont know???? how to troll i come from england .
15 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Apr 7, 2010So i was playing with Bad Translator when THIS happened: Original text: . Vedicardi is not a good troll anymore and it makes me sad. .
18 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Jul 1Bad Translator is a amusing thing in where you type in a sentence and it'll . The Floods Troll; |; Member; | more; groups; | . Translation is not a good, interesting things to write proposals and repeated changes in .
15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jun 28http://www.cheatingtranslators.com/bad-translator. This is some funny stuff. I like running through a good 30 times to get something interesting. .
18 posts - Last post: Jun 30I was justing playing around with bad translator today and came up . .. "I troll. " . 30 translations later we get: "I will not be able to" Original text: .
Jul 10, 2011 – memes - Bad Translator, Good Moral Center. . Your Memes Are In Our Base - Forever Alone, Rage Guy, Philosoraptor, Troll Face, and friends .
15 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Dec 23, 2010>he's jewish ""Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ" is a bad troll." . 56 translations later we get: "Savior, "Bad" as the messiah Jesus." .
Orc/Troll Translator edited off of Al Bhed Translator at Rpgworldnow.com. To Translate. Translated. English to Orc/Troll Orc/Troll to English .
10+ items – The Art of Trolling. I Can Has Cheezburger? .
Jun 27, 2011 – Bad Translator Troll - The Last Ones Went Nyansane. Submitted by: _Dakkon_ · Submitting 5 LOLs · Voting 2000 Times · Voting 1000 Times .
Aug 1, 2011 – Bad Translator middot Chat Roulette middot Cleverbot middot . Omegle Troll Sorry That First One Was My Dad39s Site. omegle talk to .
20 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Aug 22Page 10-Funny BAD Translator! The Rumble . These are some BAD translations .
Bad translation. Trans-Graham! They trolling good old gg. "Tensaiseibutsu is Japanese for Celestial Being. since they use English in the Japanese version, we .
25 posts - 14 authors - Last post: Apr 9http://www.cheatingtranslators.com/bad-translator Sentences go in, . gAmZeE mAkArA, dO yOu TaKe ThIs MoThErFuCkIn TrOlL tO bE yOuR .
14 posts - 1 author - Last post: Nov 10, 2010What SKKC has done here is taken a bad translation and turned into hits for . To you the troll who publishes this garbage on fan forums and .
75 posts - 27 authors - Last post: Jun 22, 2010Bad translator = Compile Error Dissidia Forums = Crazy Forum. Dissidia = Loco weed. Hazama is an epic troll = My house Epic poetry .
25 posts - 16 authors - Last post: Jul 8Bad Translator The Lounge. . this is a troll site, come on "Casey Anthony is innocent" . 56 translations later we get: "This is wrong." .
Bad Translator Troll – AKA The Government. Published July 22, 2011 at 500 × 449 in Random meme's · ← Previous Next → · Bad Translator Troll - AKA The .
Jul 13, 2011 – Facebook Troll - Did Google Give You a Bad Translation or Something? Still trying to figure out how you can be “not on speaking terms with .
Garfield is going to come for you little translator. Quote Originally .