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Hottest location ranked by highest average annual temperature: Ypsilanti, southeastern Michigan, 50.2 F; Coldest location ranked by lowest average annual .
Grand Rapids, Michigan climate information including graphs for average temperature, annual rainfall, amount of sunshine.
Feb 9, 2007 . State Guides USA - the ultimate guide to the USA - part of the MyGuidesUSA Network - Michigan, What are the average monthly temperatures in .
Average Temperatures in Detroit - Monthly Information About Weather and Average Temperatures in Detroit, Michigan, including record high and low .
Tables and graphs of average weather for Western Michigan University including monthly climatology, temperature, precipitation, average highs, and lows.
2 answersI am interested in the sleeping bear dunes area as to water temps in the . " There are a great many places along the shoreline where parking & swimming are .
An excellent source of historical weather averages from Michigan State University Climatology. . What is the lowest average temperature in December? .
May 4, 2011 . Michigan Man to Claim Insanity Due to Low Sodium . 400 benefiting Autism Speaks, 1:15 PM EDT on May 15, 2011, Average High 75° F/ 23° C .
Links to Near Real-Time Great Lakes Water Temperatures, Wind/Wave Data, & Water Levels . Michigan, 1 coastal site on Lake Huron, and 1 coastal site on Lake Erie. . GLSEA Statistics, average surface water temps. WEATHER UNDERGROUND .
The tables below display average monthly climate and weather indicators in Lansing Michigan. Temperature by: Fahrenheit / Centigrade .
May 7, 2007 . Many of the record maximum temperatures in Michigan were set in either . Average temperatures in the state generally ranged from 4 and 8 .
Michigan question: What is the average summer temperature in Michigan? 68 degrees.
Michigan Weather - Monthly averages for temperatures and rainfall.
Snow Depth Michigan enlarge View Snow Depth in lightbox mode . Average temperatures for the month of May. Detroit Metro Airport. Average high temperature: .
Tables and graphs of average weather for Flint, MI including monthly .
Average temperatures for April at places in Michigan, including a list of monthly high and low temperatures for cities, towns, parks and lakes.
May 2, 2006 . Climate Records and Information for Southeast Michigan .
Detroit weather report, historic temperatures and climate info,… . Detroit, Michigan - Weather. Climate, Average Temperatures, Forecast,. .
The average temperature in West Michigan is influence by Lake Michigan; for example in the winter with lake effect cloud cover over the region it won't be .
Ann Arbor Weather - Monthly averages for temperatures and rainfall.
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The climate in Munising, Michigan. The monthly temperature, precipitation, and hours of sunshine for Munising. A climate chart showing the average .
Aug 15, 2001 . Lowest Temperature, The lowest temperature in Michigan, -51°, was recorded on February 9, 1934 at Vanderbilt. Average Temperature, Monthly .
Ann Arbor is a city in the U.S. state of Michigan and the county seat of Washtenaw . . The monthly daily average temperature in July is 72.6 °F (22.6 °C ), .
May 4, 2011 . Michigan returns to Big Ten slate with double header with Ohio State . 1:15 PM EDT on May 15, 2011, Average High 75° F/ 23° C .
1 answerMax Temperature 35 °F / 1 °C 28 °F / -2 °C 23 °F / -5 °C Mean Temperature 30 .
Jan 21, 2009 . METRO DETROIT WEATHER INFORMATION Here is some information if you have never lived in Michigan and have a Michigan relocation in your future .
michigan weather, current conditions, forecast and more - by worldatlas.com. . Average summer highs in the north are near 70 degrees, while in the south, .
Below are two graphs for the Great Lakes region depicting average annual . In general while, mean temperatures in Michigan have increased during the last .
Meteorology and Weather question: What is the average winter temperature in .
Detroit had an average annual precipitation (1971–2000) of 32.9 in (83.6 cm). . Similarly, Lake Michigan's water temperatures create a snow belt along the .
Appreciable ☼ Detroit, Michigan ▒ϟ climate graphs & analysis of average max, min & mean temperatures, precipitation, wet & frosty days, sunlight hours, .
9. Sexton Summit, Oregon, 97.8. 10. Muskegon, Michigan, 97.0 . . The average annual temperatures of New York, St. Louis and San Francisco differ by only .
Detroit is located in southeast Michigan and is the largest city in the state. Average temperatures in Detroit reach 60 degrees Fahrenheit in May, .
The figure below shows the average land temperature versus the average surface lake temperature in the Southern Lake Michigan region. The temperature of the .
Detroit, Michigan climate information including graphs for average temperature, annual rainfall, . Average Temperature for Detroit, Michigan .
Known for its historic data on climate change; Average world temperatures, 1856- 2000 in zip format; Data for world as a whole .
Detroit typically receives a yearly average of 32.89 inches of rain and . Lansing Weather - The highest recorded temperature in Lansing Michigan for the .
Tawas Bay Michigan USA Weather Station and Webcams . . that April finished with 1.8° below average temperatures and about 6.96 inches of precipitation, .
Atmospheric Sciences question: What is the average temperature in michigan during spring? If by spring you mean March and April, the highs average from low .
. a mean temperature of -31.7°F. (The monthly mean is the average of all of . 12, 1981 Chester 640 Michigan -51 Feb. 9, 1934 Vanderbilt 785 Minnesota .
Real-Time Michigan Weather Advisories From ACCUWEATHER .
Aug 9, 2010 . Michigan Average Temperature Map for January/July by Maps.com from Maps.com. If you need an atlas, map or globe Maps.com can help.
The tables below display average monthly climate and weather indicators in .
Average annual temperatures at places in Michigan, including a list of yearly high and low temperatures for cities, towns, parks and lakes.
Dec 15, 2008 . -MSU -Michigan Average Temperature Departure from Mean: Past 7 Days -MSU - Michigan Average Temperature Departure from Mean: Past 30 Days .
Lansing, Michigan climate information including graphs for average temperature, annual rainfall, . Average Temperature for Lansing, Michigan .
Jul 24, 2007 . Temperatures in Michigan on the Rise. Ann Arbor, MI—The average temperature in Detroit was 2.7°F above average in 2006, according to a new .
Average temperatures for July at places in Michigan, including a list of monthly high and low temperatures for cities, towns, parks and lakes.