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Automatic stabilizers (AS) are defined as the change in the cyclical primary
necessary. Note that the expenditure variable is defined as government consump
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. In
Jan 27, 2010 . to play a key role in stabilizing demand and output. Automatic stabilizers are usu
Automatic-Stabilizers-Definition - How to Automatically Schedule Microsoft .
Systems that involuntarily shore up GDP without any action by a government. For
expenditures or receipts of the federal government that have stabilizing economic
Automatic Stabilisers Definition. London South East has an extensive glossary of
automatic stabilizers - definition of automatic stabilizers - Federal government
Automatic stabilizers - Topic:Business - Online Encyclopedia.
of the foregoing definitions would include the previously defined con- cept of
vate consumption have been attenuated considerably by the work of automatic
and the US to act as an automatic stabilizer in the current economic crisis. We
Mouse-over a link for a quick definition or click to read more in-depth! economic
automatic fiscal stabilizers may thus be defined as those types of public income
Do Automatic Stabilizers. Stabilize? This is again part of a more general question
The impact of automatic fiscal stabilisers may be reinforced by other mecha- .
Automatic Stabilizer - Definition of Automatic Stabilizer on Investopedia - An
Definition of Automatic Stabilizers and related concepts.
Automatic stabilizers are features of the tax and transfer systems that tend by their
Definition of automatic stabilizers: Alternative term for automatic fiscal stabilizers.
study concluded that in the absence of automatic stabilizers, at the peak of the . ..
Automatic Stabilizers Definition Manufacturers Directory .
Need to define automatic stabilizers? Economic term automatic stabilizers
Nov 28, 2003 . stabilise aggregate output are called automatic stabilisers. . equations for taxes,
Define automatic stabilizers and explain how they work. Explain and illustrate
Definition of AUTOMATIC FISCAL STABILIZERS An instrument .
these definitions posit an exogenous daemon that defines the origin and scope of
Definition of Automatic stabiliser in the Financial Dictionary - by Free .
Generally, automatic or built-in stabilizers may be defined as economic
to play a key role in stabilizing demand and output. Automatic stabilizers are usu'
Definition Automatic stabilisers: Automatic stabilisers refer to how fiscal
Customized automatic stabilizers definition from Cheap automatic stabilizers
All Freeware Notice: All Freeware is not responsible for Automatic Stabilizers
to play a key role in stabilizing demand and output. Automatic stabilizers are
This approach follows the apparent logic of the definition of automatic stabilisers
The automatic stabilizers regime hence defined makes extensive use of a. 2
Financial Definition of Automatic Stabilizer and related terms: Any feature built
First, we provide measures of the effects of automatic stabilizers on . . NIPA
study concluded that in the absence of automatic stabilizers, at the peak of the
Top questions and answers about Automatic Stabilizers Definition. Find 160
Definition of automatic stabilizers from select business dictionary.
Define federal budget deficit and federal government debt and explain how the
Automatic Stabilizer An economic policy or program that increases or .
Automatic stabilizers are usually defined as those elements of fiscal policy which
operation of automatic stabilizers as defined by relation (1.6). 2.1. Demand
Definition of automatic fiscal stabilizers: Policies or institutions (built into an
Business Definition for: automatic stabilizers. Dictionary of Finance and
Oct 22, 2011 . Automatic stabilizers are elements of the economy that help counter destabilizing
Defined benefit plans and traditional pension plans work as automatic stabilizers.