Nov 2, 11
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  • Jul 27, 2011 – Fixed an issue where text might be obscured by the scroll bar . present in a site; Fixed a bug in which Coda would fail to open files with Korean text . CSS autocomplete now works after a comment block; Fixed several Dutch .
  • Autocompletion, drag-and-drop, sortable lists, and editable text can all be . .. If the remote action fails, the remote helpers can choose to update another element .
  • Jan 6, 2010 – Workaround for jQuery Autocomplete Plugin mustMatch Fail on Commas . set the mustMatch option, your text cannot contain commas, colons, .
  • Sep 29, 2011 – This feature is called Form and Password Autocompletion in Gecko browsers. . these two together trigger the Form Manager prompt without fail. . action="http://"> Name: <input type="text" .
  • Required state: When the user fails to enter required text in the text field. . . To use an autocomplete character, insert the character in the format pattern, .
  • Google Autocomplete Fail by Canyda. Add to Favorites . {Text}. {Label:Like this comment?} [{Label:yes}] [{Label:no}] ({Label:Score}: 0{Label:byVotes} 0) .
  • Jan 1, 2011 – "This application has failed to start because libcairo-2.dll was not found. . Does not suggest or auto complete tags, despite claiming to in its .
  • It is a required dependency of the DataTable, Charts, and AutoComplete controls. . . Where these files come from: The files included using the text above will be served . The object to serve as the scope for the success and failure handlers. .
  • Jan 19, 2010 – dateideas' photostream (200) · Gold Medal Game at Scotland Yard Pub; Before the Gold Medal Game. iPhone text MSG autocomplete #fail .
  • Jun 15, 2011 – . when one should explicitly require something. consider auto-complete-etags I . was ignored and completion failed since ac-source-etags was undefined! . * This text will be italic* _This will also be italic_ **This text will be .
  • Feb 10, 2011 – . Runtime, PK88129, DatePicker component does not work with auto-complete . External Dependencies, PK84040, Inference fails for type variable . . JSF component rich text area associated with French language settings .
  • The script appears to fail if an autocomplete value starts with “eval” . .. it should autocomplete the whole entry as soon as the text entered is found, once or more, .
  • Repairing Windows XP causes Internet Explorer 7 to fail, Make IE7 remember to open a link in . . to the beginning and ".com" to the end of the text typed in the Address bar. UP ARROW, Move forward through the list of AutoComplete matches .
  • Google Autocomplete Fail – 3 Comments. Share. We've posted a number of hilarious Google Fails in the past. There is now a website that .
  • 2 days ago – epic fail photos - Autocomplete Me: That's One Way To Celebrate Halloween. Submitted by: Unknown. Incorrect source or offensive? .
  • Feb 18, 2011 – Now, you'll probably also want to have the Git Autocompletion when . .. the installation process may fail with an error message like text-hyphen .
  • DAMN FUNNY TEXTS · why siri why · AWKWARD NAMES · PARENT FAILS · EPIC WTFS · WHY DID YOU BUY ME THAT · The Pophangover Network Presents. .
  • Item 1 - 10 – What's new in the latest version of EditPlus Text Editor. EditPlus is a text editor, . Size of floating windows could fail to restore correctly. * Output Window . . Toolbar button for the 'Document'->'Auto Complete' option. * Increases max .
  • Oct 2, 2011 – Syntax highlighting; Code folding; Autocompletion of symbols/words . This documentation is available in HTML and text formats. . .. As mentioned above, auto-detecting the encoding of a file may fail on some encodings. .
  • Jun 13, 2011 – If autocomplete fails to find a location I want to try to geocode the search text. For example, autocomplete will not encode cross streets but the .
  • On FORM submit, the hidden text value associated with the displayed value of . .. The autocomplete menu displays rich text representations (images from . JAWS 8 and Window-Eyes 6 may fail to read an option when it becomes highlighted. .
  • iPhone text MSG autocomplete #fail · Edit · Delete · Tags · Autopost · Photo. Haha - stupid iPhone autocomplete.. It stings because I'm not a fan of the US. .
  • APSTUD-2946: PHP reports syntax error & highlighting fails when using "%>" in . APSTUD-3126: Formatting Change and Minor Misspelling in full_uninstall.txt File . APSTUD 2466: Error in auto complete when entereing a method name in a .
  • How to Enlarge a Text Scroll Wheel in Windows Vista . AutoComplete is an Internet Explorer feature that records information a user types into . connection can result in Web pages failing to load and downloads taking a long time to complete. .
  • A page or better a view (to use the JSF terminology) doesn't consist of text but of components. . value fails in the validation phase, then this extracted value will .
  • 10 posts - 3 authors - Last post: May 10we have a silverlight autocomplete text box[language] at registration . .. So the test fails when it looks for the auto complete box item to select. .
  • Apr 8, 2009 – Get phpPgAdmin at Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory.
  • Autocomplete me - fail blog: epic fail funny pictures and funny videos of owned, . instant text from textware solutions, a system for very fast text entry, automatic .
  • Jul 21, 2011 – Dial pad autocomplete dropdown causes failure . It's annoying, but the ESC key closes the autocomplete dropdown . Please use plain text. .
  • Oct 29, 2009 – [ppa-help] [ phppgadmin-Bugs-2742616 ] Autocomplete FK fail on custom schema and text fields. From: <noreply@so. .
  • 10 posts - 3 authorsWhen this happens, URLs also fail to auto complete. . And a better description would be that I get stuck in text-select mode, as if the SHIFT key where held .
  • Fixed SciTE on GTK+ search failure when using regular expression. Bug # 3156217. . .. Retrieve the current selected text in the autocompletion list with .
  • Predictive text is an input technology used where one key or button . and products; 6 Textonyms; 7 Disambiguation failure and misspelling; 8 See also .
  • I have upgraded to IE8 but now the Auto Complete feature will not work. . If any of the categories fail to reset, it is because Internet Explorer could not access a .
  • Oct 19, 2006 – It seems that this alone made Eclipse to fail the autocompletion. QUICK FIX: Create a new workspace on the new desired location and import .
  • Edit, delete, add, and repair the records in the AutoComplete file (nk2) of Microsoft . Export all data stored in the NK2 file into a special Unicode text file in a . a real NK2 editor, and for some NK2 files, it failed to add/remove records properly. .
  • Firefox: fix AutoFill does not appear for tabs open in background. * Firefox: fix filling from . Fix text can not be selected using the mouse in some edit boxes. * Fix for . Chrome: fix sometimes first login on a passcard in a window fails. * Chrome .
  • Jan 30, 2011 – Issue 71373: Auto-complete causes keyboard entry to fail . In a text-input part of a form you've already completed, start typing what .
  • Feb 3, 2011 – Some parents are culture-savvy netizens who keep abreast of trends alongside their children. Others, not so much.
  • UPDATE: If you get “failed to open service key”… . I was trying to implement a simple autocomplete behavior on a textbox using JQuery and the JQuery Autocomplete plugin but it wasn't as . .. 2: <input type="text" id="cuit" name="cuit" /> .
  • Fail and Epic Fail Pictures and Videos in one blog. For all those precious fail moments, whip out your camera and see your epic fail picture and videos here.
  • Nov 18, 2010 – Funny auto correct text fails and horror stories. .
  • I am using QTP 10.0 and I am trying to compare 2 text files and send the difference . . picture with the new data (test run), so, of course is displaying that my tests failed. . . I have problem with Autocomplete part of the form in web page, while .
  • Oct 21, 2010 – funny facebook fails - Predictive Text. . Ironically most of the posts here related to blackberry autocomplete seem to be related to dicks. Reply .
  • 1 day ago – William Woodford: The best freeware text editor I've found so far. I use it daily. . .. Plus it has a better auto complete or rather two different styles of auto complete. [ 2008-03-25 08:58] . Scintilla.init is failed! 6) Notepad++ will .
  • Search Tags Help Docs. auto complete fail · Explore more tags . Not sure why Chrome decided to use Trillian's status auto-complete here, but I think it's .
  • 4 answers - Jun 15Android Layout Auto Complete fail when using custom component . android: layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="HELLO WORLD!" /> .
  • Autocomplete FAIL. Add to Favorites . {Text}. {Label:Like this comment?} [{Label: yes}] [{Label:no}] ({Label:Score}: 0{Label:byVotes} 0). {Label:Mark as} .
  • 7 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Feb 8, 2010Autocomplete is working fine for email addresses when composing emails and . soap:Receiver"},"Reason":{"Text":"system failure: ldap search .
  • Autocomplete showing wrong display name (Bug 45997). Users reporting . Extra space character after login name gives failed login (Bug 42942). Shift+click . You can increase or decrease the size of the text before you print. (Bug 17228) .

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