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ASA/Oakland County Chapter fosters knowledge, promotes awareness, provides information for families and individuals with autism spectrum disorders in and .
Autism Society of Colorado. . (720) 274-2744 fax. (877) COLO-ASD toll free. Send us a message . Congratulations to our Faces of Autism Award Winners! .
A portion of all sales goes to The Montgomery County Chapter of the Autism Society of America (MCASA). MCASA is holding a Fall fundraiser at the Star Diner in .
Oct 14, 2011 – The primary mission of ASAF is to raise and allocate funds to address the many unanswered questions about autism. ASAF sponsors work as .
Welcome to the Autism Society, Tidewater Virginia (formerly known as . For more information please contact us at 757-461-4474 or tasa@tidewaterasa.org .
Home · About Us · What is Autism? . Autism Society Central Virginia is celebrating over 25 years of non-profit services, advocacy, and support to families and .
The Autism Society of America - We hope you will suggest the Autism Society to your friends! You can also visit us at ; or contact our information and referral .
Jan 11, 2011 – An event in celebration of Moms Sponsored and Organized by Autism Society of Broward We are getting together just moms to have a relaxing .
This website serves as a resource to the members of the Autism Society Western New . read the What is Autism? brochure from the Autism Society of America. .
The issuance of this report caused a media uproar, but the news was not a .
Welcome to the Autism Society's on-line Resource Database. .
Sep 10, 2011 – The Montana Autism Society of America was formed to provide resources, support and fundraising for education and awareness while .
The Autism Society of America (ASA) was founded in 1965 by Bernard Rimland, PhD, together with Ruth C. Sullivan and a small group of other parents of .
Go to Autism Society homepage . and through the most comprehensive and popular autism-related website on the internet, ASA is the . ASA Chapters in US .
Nassau Suffolk Chapter of the Autism Society of America. Serving over 1200 families in Nassau and Suffolk Counties on Long Island, New York.
autism-society.com . image1. Autism Diagnosis Autism Diagnosis · Autism Support Groups Autism Support Groups · Children With Autism Children With Autism .
(Note: If you click on the donate link in the upper left hand corner that money will go to Autism Society's national office rather than our local chapter.) Thanks to .
See this Go Daddy InstantPage! http://tucsonautism.org. Get yours free with a domain name at GoDaddy.com. Jewelry, Ribbons, Custom T's, Learning and .
BCC-ASA is the local chapter of the Autism Society of America, in Baltimore County, Maryland.
US AAA World Conference . You can support us in a number of ways: . The mission of Autism Society of Washington is to improve the lives of all affected by .
This is the website for the Northern Arizona Chapter of the Autism Society of America (NAzASA). NAzASA is located in Flagstaff, Arizona. NAzASA provides .
Please consider joining us in our efforts to support families and individuals with . The Autism Society of Greater Phoenix is a nonprofit organization dedicated to .
The Autism Society of America is the Nation's oldest and largest organization advocating for individuals with Autism. We are a volunteer parent run non-profit .
The Autism Society of the Greater Capital Region serves people living with Autism in the greater Capital District and their families.
The Autism Society of Oregon (ASO) is the state chapter of the national organization, the Autism Society (formerly known as the Autism Society of America). .
Autism Society of Central New York, Autism Resources, Autism Treatment, Advocacy and education, member resources, Aspergers information, CNY ASA, ASA.
We do request that those interested in supporting us do so by becoming members of the national organization. Please visit Autism Society of America for more .
Welcome to the Autism Society of America. Lehigh Valley Chapter's website. ***** ****************************. ASA-LV is a volunteer parent organization .
The Autism Society, the nation's leading grassroots autism organization, exists to improve the lives of all affected by autism. We do this by increasing public .
Join us on: Facebook Twitter YouTube . Learn About Autism. Symptoms · Diagnosis . The Autism Society improves the lives of all affected by autism through .
The Autism Society of Berks County would like to thank the Reading Phillies for allowing us to hold our 9th annual “Help Solve the Puzzle: Walk for Autism .
The mission of the Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter of the Autism Society of America is to enhance the lives of persons and families affected by Autism.
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to Autism Society of America .
Combined Health Agencies/Autism Society Volunteer of the Year 2012: Tila Cota. Tila was honored in September for her tireless efforts for orchestrating our .
Join us for "Autism in L.A.: Keeping Expectations High." Click for details. Autistic boy in . Welcome to the Autism Society of Los Angeles Find Your Voice. Be The .
Main Page for the Autism Society of Michigan. . Calendar & Events, Event Calendar, Upcoming Presentations, News Room, Support ASM, Ways To Support Us .
ASA-GGC is the leading voice and resource of the Georgia Autism Community . ASA-GGC is committed to meaningful participation and self-determination in all .
Autism Society of Wisconsin page gives information on Autism Spectrum Disorder, Wisconsin chapters, Wisconsin . Email us at asw@asw4autism.org .
The Santa Barbara Chapter of the Autism Society of America is a local supportive resource for persons with autism and related disabilities, their families and .
A nonprofit group of parents and professionals advocating for people with autism. Offers a variety of education, support and advocacy services.
ASACIC website! As the Central Illinois Chapter of the Autism Society of America, we are proud to have the privilege to render service to the families, friends, and .
The mission of the National Autism Association is to respond to the most . Joe's Crab Shack and the National Autism Association are . Follow us on Twitter! .
2011 Autism Society of North Carolina, Inc. . About Autism. What is Autism? Related Links . the event a success. Please help us reach our fundraising goal! .
A non-profit organization dedicating to helping families and persons experiencing Autism in the state of Alaska.
Sep 10, 2011 – Telephone 713.513.7575. Postal address. Greater Houston Chapter Autism Society of America P. O. Box 2871. Houston, Texas 77252-2871 .
We are here to promote lifelong access and opportunities for persons within the autism spectrum and their families, to be fully included, participating members of .
The Greater Long Beach/San Gabriel Valley Chapter of the Autism Society of America. Holds family support meetings monthly, featuring speakers and topics of .
Mar 31, 2011 – Awards and scholarship winners are announced each year at the Autism Society's National Conference and Exposition on Autism Spectrum .
Come see us at our ongoing Monroeville Parent and Care Giver Support Group . $10 from each T-shirt purchased will go to the Autism Society of Pittsburgh. .
Autism Society Greater Harrisburg Area Chapter Information. We cover the following counties: Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, .