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Apr 7, 2011 . Update: California Attorney General Kamala Harris Applauds Massive . state Supreme Court the proponents of successful ballot initiatives . .
Nov 9, 2010 . California Election Results. Governor | Propositions | Lt. Governor | Secretary of State | Attorney General | Treasurer | Controller .
Initiatives Program of the California Department of Justice, Office of the .
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. our November 2010 Election Endorsements. Statewide Offices & Ballot Initiatives: . Attorney General, Kamala Harris. Insurance Commissioner, Dave Jones .
Initiatives Program of the California Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, providing access to the full text of those proposed initiative .
The initiative is currently being drafted. The target date to submit the initiative to the California Attorney General's Office is September 25, 2009. .
Nov 2, 2010 . Attorney General : General Election. 100% of precincts reporting; Updated 11/30 5: . Updated 11/30 5:36PM. More California propositions » .
May 5, 2011 . SAN FRANCISCO — California's attorney general has again come out against . the proponents of successful ballot initiatives do not have the .
Jan 28, 2011 . Legislature Cannot Dictate Ballot Language on Initiative—C.A.. Title, Label and Summary Must Be Written by Attorney General, Panel Says .
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The Field Poll was established in 1947 as The California Poll by Mervin Field and has operated . Cooley just one point ahead of Harris in race for Attorney General. . .. 3, children's hospital bond initiative, but many are undecided. .
May 19, 2011 . Office of the Attorney General, 1st Floor 300 South Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90013. NOTES: Please RSVP at agpressoffice@doj.ca.gov or .
Apr 1, 2010 . The major candidates running for state attorney general who responded to the Bay Area Reporter are lining up against an initiative on the .
May 4, 2011 . This initiative requires that California apply a 15% oil extraction . The State Attorney General is bound by this proposition to examine .
Aug 8, 2008 . The Attorney General's statement that the initiative would eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California is therefore not .
substantially the following form: Initiative Measure to Be Submitted Directly to the Voters The Attorney General of California has prepared the following .
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Nov 16, 2004 . California Initiative Limits Scope of State Unfair Competition Law, . Attorney General” Actions; Change May Apply to All Pending Cases .
Nov 2, 2010 . The victory by the 72-year-old state attorney general leaves him with . .. out suing to overturn the California initiative if it passes. .
Nov 19, 2009 . Flurry of Fiscal Initiatives Filed with California Attorney General's Office for Possible Consideration on November 2010 Ballot .
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Dec 29, 2010 . When it comes to presidential elections, should California's . Costa last week submitted to the attorney general's office an initiative he .
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Nov 3, 2010 . Mortgage fraud: The California attorney general's office has . have standing to defend the initiative and those politicians are then able .
California Attorney General. 2007-11-29. http://ag.ca.gov/cms_attachments/ initiatives/pdfs/i737_07-0068_title_and_summary.pdf. .
May 3, 2011 . SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — California's attorney general has again come out . of successful ballot initiatives do not have the right to defend .
The Israel Divestment Campaign (IDC) is the first citizens' effort in the country to appeal directly to voters to hold Israel accountable for violations of .
May 23, 2011 . Initiative Pending at the Attorney General's Office. Here is additional information on 1482, which is being pushed by Jon Coupal of the .
Dec 15, 2009 . While the number of initiatives in circulation or awaiting action . The list of 38 proposed initiatives awaiting action from the Attorney General is . For example, there are three versions of the “California Cancer .
Any California voter can put an initiative or a referendum on the ballot by .
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John Eastman for California Attorney General. My testimony before the California Senate, on a bill that would solidify the right of initiative proponents to .
May 20, 2011 . 21 Responses to “Press Advisory | May 23: CA Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Announces Major Initiative to Protect Homeowners from .
attorney general california have Valid HTML 4.01! (click to verify) . attorney general california initiatives, (alt.) attorney general california address .
Apr 6, 2011 . The Attorney General provides the Secretary of State with a copy of . . Of the 24 states with the right of initiative, California is the .
May 27, 2011 . CA Initiative To Tax Crude Oil Extraction To Fund Education . Arnold Schwarzenegger ($22300) and Republican attorney general candidate .
Feb 16, 2011 . In 1967, the California Attorney General refused to defend a voter-approved ballot initiative that would have amended the California .
A History of California Initiatives: December 2002 The Secretary of State . California Attorney General Official Website For current information and full .
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An initiative is brought about by writing a proposed law as a petition, and submitting the petition to the California Attorney General along with a .
May 9, 2011 . The Attorney General opined that only public officials . Categories: Ballot Initiative, California, Constitutional law, Perry v. .
Attorney General Announces New DOJ Initiative: The First Freedom Project; California School District Modifies Policies to Permit Excused Absences for .
Jan 15, 2011 . (c) The proponents of any initiative measure, at the time of submitting the text of the proposed measure to the Attorney General, .
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May 3, 2011 . California's attorney general has again come out against the . based only on their role in launching an initiative process,” Harris wrote. .
25 we submitted the California Job's Initiative to the attorney general for title and summary. We will begin gathering signatures to qualify this measure .
California petition management company used to circulate initiatives or to . There is a list of Initiatives Pending at the Attorney General's Office, .
Dec 22, 2008 . Jerry Brown, the state's attorney general—and a leading . power (through voter initiatives) and the duty of the Supreme Court to protect .
Information about the Initiative Proposals Pending Review By Attorney General.