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Apr 14, 2008 . Of those institutions paying six-figure average salaries to associate professors,
Read on to find out what type of salary you can expect to earn as a sociologist. .
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Mar 6, 2007 . I'm a Lecturer in the UK (yes like an assistant prof in USA) and a . In the USA
May 22, 2007 . Average Salary of a College Professor, what is the annual salary of a college
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I'm a history professor and writer. I teach U.S. foreign . . I think starting salary for
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An MA's starting salary depends on the work environment. . An assistant
An Associate Professor at a Business School can expect a starting salary of
Jan 13, 2011 . Now you need to negotiate salary, start-up funds, lab space, teaching duties, .
Appointments may be at the Assistant or Associate Professor level. . . emphasis
instructor rank and 61.9 percent were at the assistant professor rank. Table 3.
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Below are results of the 2006-07 National Faculty Salary Survey conducted by
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Apr 13, 2009 . For assistant professor average salaries, CalTech continues .
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After 4–8 years, assistant professors will be either tenured or dismissed .
Jun 21, 2011 . Museum curators with a MA start at around $27500, and medical . Salary for
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Sep 12, 2011 . Newly hired assistant professor, Debbie Ma, is on her second week of . New
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