Nov 3, 11
Other articles:
  • Hedgehogs may be housed singly or groups. . absorbent, several inches deep,
  • There are many types of bedding that you can use for your hedgehog. I
  • Drs. Foster & Smith Aspen Bedding for Small Pets: Highly-absorbent Aspen
  • Choose the bedding carefully because the hedgehog will consume some of the
  • Recycled paper such as Carefresh®or Yesterday's News®, aspen or kiln dried
  • Cedar and pine bedding have wood oils that are dangerous to hedgehogs and
  • Feb 4, 2011 . I have heard of a few cases where hedgehogs were allergic to wood shaving
  • You can fill the hedgehog's litter box with Aspen bedding, shredded newspaper (
  • There is a varity of substrates available I use Aspen bedding, which the
  • Although there are some instances of hedgehogs suffering from allergic reactions
  • Hedgehog Central - your one-stop source for quality hedgehog information .
  • Shavings: There are many options for shavings. Cedar bedding is toxic for
  • Try to keep environmental temperature between 75 and 85 degrees F. Use
  • There are many choices in bedding that can be used with hedgehogs, though .
  • The first thing any new hedgehog owner will need is a habitat for their pet. . to
  • 2 days ago . How to house your hedgehog properly and what sorts of accessories are suitable
  • hedgehogs for sale, hedgehog health and hygiene, diet, hedgehog socialization,
  • You can use aspen shavings, or non-dusty clay litter. Choose the bedding
  • Aspen is typically a better choice than other wood shavings. This form of bedding
  • Untreated wood shavings or aspen bedding can be used but should be changed
  • 1. We had a mite outbreak. We found mites in the aspen bedding. There have
  • The best bedding for a hedgehog's cage is recycled paper litter or aspen
  • BEDDING: Cloth cage liners are preferable for hedgehogs. . Aspen and
  • The Right Bedding for Your Hedgehog. . If you will be using wood chips or
  • Although there are some instances of hedgehogs suffering from allergic reactions
  • Aspen is typically a better choice than other wood shavings. This form of bedding
  • Hedgehog Care When you bring you new hedgehog home, place him in his cage
  • Feb 20, 2009 . Liners; Paper Bedding; Aspen Shavings; Corn Cob; Cedar and .
  • I would return it and get the aspen bedding. I know some people think you
  • For bedding, aspen chips work well -- avoid cedar! There have been cases
  • Like with any cages animal, you will have to clean you hedgehog's cage, how
  • Sep 29, 2011 . Aspen- Aspen bedding is a relatively protected bedding selection for several
  • Hedgehogs are becoming more and more popular as pets, but there are very few
  • Try to use the same or similar bedding as your breeder when purchasing a baby
  • Untreated wood shavings or aspen bedding can be used but should be changed
  • ***Cured Pine Shavings/Chips: Cured Pine bedding is fine with hedgehogs. .
  • What do I need for my Hedgehog: Bedding - Aspen shavings, Care Fresh or
  • Bedding should be provided so that the hedgehog is warm and cozy. . box is a
  • J- ASPEN BEDDING. *Carefresh bedding is a great substitute for Aspen bedding.
  • Aug 14, 2009 . Aspen- Aspen bedding is a relatively safe bedding choice for many hedgehogs,
  • When purchasing a Hedgehog it is always smart to purchase one at time. These
  • Oct 25, 2011 . Part IV - hedgehogs as pets, things you'll need, basic hedgehog care . . Bedding,
  • I just got a large bag of bedding for Quentin. It\'s aspen bedding and is
  • *We use Aspen bedding and Fleece liners. Food Bowl: Small ceramic crocks that
  • For the bedding wood shavings that don't produce a lot of dust, like Aspen,make
  • We personally use Aspen, because we have seen a higher incidence of mites in
  • Compared to some of the other bedding here, aspen is not quite as absorbent or
  • Wood shavings that don't produce a lot of dust, like Aspen, make good bedding
  • Aug 15, 2011 . Hedgehogs like wood shavings (but see "Warnings" below) or newspaper for
  • Jul 10, 2011 . My hedgehog uses Aspen bedding. It is the safest bedding for a hedgehog and

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