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Oct 12, 2011 – While the Artistic License 2.0 will simplify integration of SA . “The SA Forum's Artistic License 2.0 offers more flexibility to open .
GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License version 3.0 (LGPLv3)2 .
The goal of the Artistic 2.0 revision is to make the terms of the original Artistic License clearer and more readable. In some cases we expanded it to make it more .
Dec 31, 2007 – Adaptive Public License 1.0, N, Y, N, N. The Artistic License, Y, Y, Y, Y. Artistic License 2.0, Y, N, Y ? Open Software License 3.0, Y, Y, Y, Y .
Feb 16, 2008 – R.E.M. have taken a stand by releasing the videos from their new album under Artistic License 2.0. The Artistic License 2.0 is a product of the .
Java Mapping Specifications; HPI-to-AdvancedTCA Mapping Specifications. The SA Forum has released its latest specifications under the Artistic License 2.0, .
Interview with Allison Randal about Artistic License 2.0 . The Perl Review: The Open Source Initiative recently approved the Artistic License version 2 for their .
2) The right to use open source licenses not compatible with the GNU . 1.0 or 1.1 Apache License 2.0 Apple Public Source License 2.0 Artistic license (as set .
Jump to Artistic License 2.0: This resulted in the Artistic License 2.0 which has been approved as both a free software and open source license. .
The following Specifications are made available under the SA Forum Artistic .
Oct 12, 2011 – While the Artistic License 2.0 will simplify integration of SA . “The SA Forum's Artistic License 2.0 offers more flexibility to open .
First of all, you can get the Artistic License 2.0 from The Perl Foundation. I think it was back in 1996 when I had my "first contact" with free software. At that time I .
Jun 2, 2011 – Ricardo SIGNES / Software-License-0.103002 / Software::License::Artistic_2_0 . Software::License::Artistic_2_0 - The Artistic License 2.0 .
Apr 20, 2006 – Artistic License 2.0 public review -- article related to News and The Perl Foundation.
Feb 28, 2011 – License: “Artistic License 2.0, or any subsequent version of the Artistic License” — https://github.com/perl6/mu/blob/master/misc/camelia.txt .
alt title(s): Artistic Licence Economics; Artistic License Economics . . Accellerando also mentions "Economics 2.0", the foundation of the society of the .
R-project.org/Licenses/Artistic-1.0 Name: Artistic License Version: 2.0 SSS: Artistic-2.0 OSI: open FSF: free_and_GPL_compatible URL: http://www. .
Artistic Licenses. [OSI Approved License] You got here because you followed .
Sep 22, 2011 – The packages available on this page are provided under the Artistic License 2.0, which is an OSI approved license. This license allows .
May 6, 2011 – 1 project tagged "Artistic License 2.0" . Artistic Licens.. (1) . A Perl/ Catalyst-based hierarchical Web 2.0 wiki with AJAX preview, .
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Artistic License 2.0. Copyright (c) 2000-2006, The Perl Foundation. Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but .
Sep 21, 2011 – Contents. 1 Overview; 2 SPDX; 3 LICENSE Field Standard . Artistic License 2.0. Artistic-2.0 . BSD 2-clause "Simplified" or "FreeBSD" License .
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John Cowan wrote: > Allison Randal scripsit: > >> The Artistic License 2.0 is an updated version of the Artistic License > > Summary: I think this license .
Artistic License 2.0 (#ArtisticLicense2). This license is a free software license, compatible with the GPL thanks to the relicensing option in section 4(c)(ii). .
This RFC proposes a rewrite of the Artistic License, called "The Artistic License, Version 2.0". This new license attempts to accomplish the spirit of the original .
4 answers - Dec 9, 2009Perl's Artistic License 2.0 says that the source code distribution may . The copyright holders can relicence any code they hold the copyright to in .
OCLC Research Public License 2.0 . Some versions of the artistic license contain the following clause: 8. . One such example is the Perl Artistic License. .
Oct 12, 2011 – Open Source Artistic License 2.0 Enables More Flexible and Modular Use . The Artistic License 2.0 addresses this issue by enabling users to .
6 days ago – Wednesday, October 26, 2011 9; Making Sense of OSS Licenses Goals . Q Public License (QPL-1.0) Artistic license 2.0 (Artistic-2.0) License .
SourceForge.net. Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory.
Date: July 8, 2011 Author: Markus 3 Comments. Chris Jones, the developer of Adventure Game Studio, has graciously opened up the source code to his .
Re: For Approval: Artistic License 2.0. Matthew Flaschen scripsit: > I agree .
Jan 28, 2011 – Headers and footers, includes (like SSI includes), and menus are implemented, with more features planned. Artistic License 2.0 · Internet .
Amazon.com: Artistic License eBook: Julie Hyzy: Kindle Store. . 2.0 out of 5 stars Not as good as later novels. This is more of a romance than a cozy .
Jul 11, 2008 – Remove all packages licensed under only the Artistic 1.0 license before . the license, recommending strongly that all users move to Artistic 2.0: .
Jun 15, 2010 – The dual-licensing in much module boilerplate these days is unnecessary. You can simplify your licensing by using only the Artistic License 2.0 .
"Re: For Approval: Artistic License 2.0: msg#00055". March 14, 2007. http://osdir. com/ml/licenses.open-source.general/2007-03/msg00055.html. Retrieved July .
Den vollständigen Text "Artistic License 2.0" können Sie nach erfolgter Anmeldung lesen. Alle Dokumente können Sie in die üblichen .
Jul 16, 2007 – (NOTE: This license has been superseded by the Artistic License, Version 2.0.) Some versions of the artistic license contain the following .
Aug 17, 2008 – The Artistic License 2.0 is no clearer than this that its conditions are conditions, not covenants. The GPL is admittedly clearer - it says that the .
"Original License" means this Artistic License as Distributed with the Standard Version of the Package, in its current version or as it may be modified by The Perl .
Our profound thanks to Roberta Cairney, John Sullivan, and Charles E. Gotlieb for their work in drafting and refining the Artistic License 2.0, as well as TPF's .
Mar 27, 2011 – Do note that the Artistic License is considered non-free by the FSF. . use the Clarified Artistic License (also called Artistic License 2.0) instead. .
25+ items – License, The Perl 5 License (Artistic 1 & GPL 1). Special Files .
3 answers - Nov 9, 2009The Artistic License 2.0 does not require code to be redistributed. It is possible to take code licensed in this way and use it in a propreitary .
Aug 16, 2010 – Starting with build 33 of COPASI, the software will be distributed under the Artistic License 2.0, an approved open source license. .
Jump to Approvals: Apple Public Source License version 1.x, No, No ? No, No. Apple Public Source License version 2.0, Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes. Artistic License .
The OSI has “superseded” the license, recommending strongly that all users move to Artistic 2.0.. Fedora (a very popular Linux distribution) no longer permits .