May 10, 11
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  • Feb 11, 2011 . Arlington Road - User Rating: 4 stars. Pros: Great ending, scary performances Cons: plot stutters mid-movie Updated Feb 11 '00 .
  • Nov 5, 1999 . As I sat down to watch Arlington Road I prepared for a long, drawn-out thriller with a large pay-off at the end. .
  • Read what all the top critics had to say about Arlington Road at . But the ending was by a nose the most insulting part of the whole ordeal. .
  • History Is Ending
  • Benchmark, Arlington Road
  • Characters are usually miserable and bordering on meltdown, no situation is straightforward, and things usually end badly. Arlington Road begins as an .
  • Arlington Road,
  • Characters are usually miserable and bordering on meltdown, no situation is straightforward, and things usually end badly. Arlington Road begins as an .
  • I must hit the road,
  • Arlington Road, Sully, Penarth
  • Thousands of Arlington Graves
  • Arlington Road (1999) Trivia on IMDb: Cameos, Mistakes, Spoilers and more. . SPOILER:After the bomb goes off at the end of the movie and you see parts of .
  • Arlington Road Is A Dead End
  • Alternate Ending
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  • Aug 10, 2007 . Your overall enjoyment of 'Arlington Road' will still likely come down to the ending. If it hits you like it hit me, you'll consider the .
  • Arlington National Cemetery at
  • Yet, despite the plodding, predictable way in which the plot develops, Arlington Road is not without a kernel of originality. The ending, which is by far .
  • The Arlington Road ending was a bit too unbelievable. Although, I realize that ignorant people like this type of ending, they should know that it has a .
  • Jun 11, 2008 . Arlington Road Ending. Both Skeleton Key and Arlington Road were written by Ehren Kruger, and he uses essentially the same gimmick in both .
  • Arlington Road - spoiler, ending and plot for this and other movies.
  • A description of tropes appearing in Arlington Road. . the professor's wife during a failed FBI mission is implied to be this in the montage at the end, .
  • Jan 26, 2011 . Comments on Arlington Road. Other comments on this video 0 .
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  • On this road through cancer.
  • 1 post - 1 author - Last post: Apr 15, 2007Characters are usually miserable and bordering on meltdown, no situation is straightforward, and things usually end badly. Arlington Road .
  • May 3, 2000 . Arlington Road started out fine and was fine halfway thru. But when we reached the end it had felt like I had supported every militia, .
  • Movie: Arlington Road (1999) - movie information and what customers say about the . This film a fairly taut thriller with a pleasantly unusaul ending. .
  • Arlington West
  • "Arlington Road" was directed by Mark Pellington and written by Ehren Kruger, . build-up of suspense and the completely unexpected--but right on--ending. .
  • Arlington Road Blu-ray (1999): Starring Jeff Bridges, Tim Robbins and Joan Cusack. . A look into the alternate ending of the film (480p, 9:59) and 1080p .
  • Dec 6, 1999 . The Movie: Arlington Road starts and ends very strong, and very unpredictably too, might I add. Apart from the start and end of this film, .
  • There are critics who have called "Arlington Road" overheated and improbable --- especially the end. Well, it fooled me. And terrified me. .
  •  Rating: 7.2/10 - from 38,014 users
  • My Happy Ending
  • Apr 28, 2003 . The parkway replaces Collierville-Arlington Road (TN 205), . and starts just north of Macon Road, ending at TN 205 just southwest of Eads. .
  • happy ending, though.
  • This site may harm your computer.
  • Characters are usually miserable and bordering on meltdown, no situation is straightforward, and things usually end badly. Arlington Road begins as an .
  • for sale Arlington Road,
  • Watch Arlington Road online - A college professor begins to suspect that his neighbour is a . Love movies with a great surprising twist and ending. .
  • Arlington Road DVD Review
  • Arlington Road Trailer 2 min - Nov 8, 2008 - Uploaded by andymilburn3
  • Washington DC, Arlington
  • If there is one thing that ultimately redeems "Arlington Road", it would have to be the ending. Even though it ends up being derived from a series of .
  • Shop Low Prices on: Arlington Road (Widescreen) : Movies. . Actor Commentary, Alternate Ending, Behind The Scenes Featurette, Director Commentary, .
  • Jul 9, 1999 . "Arlington Road" is a conspiracy thriller that begins well and makes good points , . we realize it's not just the ending that's cuckoo. .
  • Arlington Road has squeezed some publicity and fame out of it's ending . Whilst, The Sixth Sense was made good by it's ending, Arlington Road's ending is .
  • More sizes. Benchmark at the
  • Mar 6, 2008 . I truly admire the makers of Arlington Road for sticking to their guns and creating an ending to the movie which doesn't cling slavishly to .
  • Arlington Road - Ending 4 min - Oct 19, 2010
  • There are critics who have called “Arlington Road” overheated and improbable --- especially the end. Well, it fooled me. And terrified me. .
  • Dec 19, 2010 . Arlington Road - User Rating: 3 stars. Pros: Possibly the .
  • Spoiler warning! Every film found here has the ending given away! . Arachnid · Arachnophobia · Arctic Tale · The Aristocrats · Arlington Road · Armageddon .
  • Arlington Road Camden Town
  • Arlington Road DVD reviewed by Movies For Guys. . and actor Jeff Bridges, production notes, alternate ending, trailers and a Making Of Featurette. .
  • So I guess it's not a good movie because the hero doesn't kill the bad guy at the end. Give me a break. Arlington Road has the best ending since the Usual .
  • Arlington Road also sets up a plot with a great ending, but the level of the suspension of disbelief required is high. For example, how could anyone predict .
  • Arlington Road
  • Characters are usually miserable and bordering on meltdown, no situation is .
  • Arlington Road is beautifully directed by Mark Pellington, superbly acted by Bridges and Tim Robbins, and contains one awesome ending. Full movie review » .
  • But Arlington Road possesses a stunning ending that's a real gut punch, one that may leave you needing a second viewing to catch all of its smartly executed .
  • Mar 6, 2011 . Arlington Road - User Rating: 4 stars. Pros: Ending .
  • Apr 28, 2011 . Arlington Road (1999). The Unhappy Ending: Jeff Bridges' university lecturer unwittingly delivers Tim Robbins' car-bomb to a packed federal .
  • Arlington Road is a 1999 American drama/mystery film, which tells the story of a widowed George Washington University professor who suspects his new .
  • Arlington Cemetery
  • Arlington Road,
  • Jul 7, 2009 . What's more, the bleakness of Arlington Road is completely justified, and the dark-hearted ending in which Oliver's group actually succeeds .
  • Mistakes, goofs, trivia, quotes, trailers, pictures and more for Arlington Road. . Continuity: At the end of the movie when Michael chases the delivery .
  • 33 Responses to Arlington Road (1999). MASSatHOME. The movie got higher rate ( more stars) cus of the ending. If the end has been a hollywood ending (good .
  • Labels: road
  • Arlington Road is a very, very rare movie and not the traditional type .
  • Jul 22, 1999 . Take a ride down ARLINGTON ROAD and that's where you'll end up. Having been widowed three years earlier when his FBI-agent wife was killed, .
  •  Rating: 61% - 87 reviews

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