May 23, 11
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  • Jan 8, 2011 . The following pictures show pieces of the Robert E. Lee plantation home, called the Custis-Lee Mansion or Arlington House. .
  • Custis gave the Syphaxes 17 acres of land within the Arlington House plantation, across the Potomac River from Washington. The couple went on to have eight .
  • Gibson House
  • Life of the Gray Family at Arlington House. Selina Norris Gray was born and raised a slave at Arlington House, the Virginia plantation of George Washington .
  • Dec 13, 2009 . Beautiful, privately owned large plantation home, located on Main St. in Franklin, LA. Home was for sale at time of Waymarking.
  • Washington DC, Arlington
  • Plantation
  • Early in the War, Mrs. Lee and her daughters left Arlington House and she was staying at her son Rooney's plantation in New Kent County at White House when .
  • Arlington builder was born. The center of a massive plantation, the house overlooked the nation's capital from a high hill in Arlington, Virginia, .
  • This first generation of slaves helped build Arlington House and the various plantation outbuildings, and worked on the 1100-acre estate. .
  • On these pages are some of the stories of Arlington House, from the early . .. the affairs of the Arlington plantation, in the wake of Mr. Custis's death. .
  • at Arlington House Museum,
  • Emily Murphy House
  • But what if you were told Arlington House, the plantation house sitting high on the hill in Arlington National Cemetery? The glorious view from the front of .
  • On June 30, 1831 Lee inherited the Arlington House Plantation when he married Mary Anna Randolph Custis. Arlington House was located directly across the .
  • May 16, 2011 . While Mary Lee headed to a White House Plantation and eventually Richmond, Gray remained during Arlington with a remaining slaves. .
  • Arlington House was surrounded by an 1100-acre plantation. Slaves grew crops, tended gardens, cared for livestock, and worked as cooks, maids, and valets. .
  • Arlington House was owned and
  • Arlington Plantation Memories
  • History: George Washington Parke Custis, grandson of Martha Washington, owned three plantations: Arlington, White House and Romancoke. In his 1857 will, .
  • List of people interred at Arlington National Cemetery based on authorization by . of three generations of slaves who served Arlington House plantation. .
  • in Arlington House would
  • Jan 21, 2011 . Did you know that Arlington National Cemetery was originally Civil War General Robert E. Lee's home and plantation? Arlington House which .
  • of Arlington House, 1864,
  • Arlington Cemetery
  • Arlington Plantation is the site of the 17th century home of John Custis II, leading citizen of the Eastern Shore and the Virginia Colony. .
  • Feb 8, 2011 . Arlington House, located on a high hill within Arlington National . just over half of the 1100 acres of the original Arlington plantation. .
  • Jul 25, 2006 . Arlington National Cemetery surrounds Arlington House, occupying more than half of the 1100 acres of land that was Arlington Plantation, .
  • Arlington Plantation House is located in Washington, Louisiana. Louisiana's comprehensive online resource for RV Parks and Campgrounds.
  • Arlington House
  • May 14, 2011 . While Mary Lee headed to the White House Plantation and eventually Richmond, Gray remained at Arlington with the remaining slaves. .
  • Consequently, he did not have a great many slaves at Arlington; very few, comparatively speaking. On his “White Houseplantation, down on the Pamunkey .
  • Arlington Plantation House is located in Franklin, Louisiana. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places on October 5, 1982. .
  • Arlington National Cemetery
  • A tidewater plantation
  • House
  • Oct 27, 2010 . Robert Edward Lee, Jr., was born on 27 October 1843 to happy parents Robert E. and Mary Lee at Arlington House plantation in Virginia .
  • of Arlington House.
  • Arlington West
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  • 401 Plantation Drive, Arlington TX 76014 Home for Sale for $99000 with 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths. Find listings near 401 Plantation Drive, .
  • Union officers who used Arlington Plantation as their headquarters included MacPherson, McMillan and MacArthur. General Grant also visited the house. .
  • Custis-Lee Mansion, also known as Arlington House located at Arlington National Cemetery. This plantation was the home of Robert E. Lee, .
  • May 21, 2008 . After a long, sleepless night of deliberation at Arlington House, . Army base and Lee's former plantation had become a burial ground. .
  • May 22, 2010 . Photo-sharing community. Discover the world through photos.
  • Convenient to Arlington Plantation House, the BEST WESTERN Forest Inn is located at 1909 Main Street, Franklin, Louisiana.
  • Arlington-Plantation - Where was Arlington Plantation House? : The Arlington Plantation House in Washington, Louisiana was built in 1829.
  • Arlington House
  • Arlington House was originally built by George Washington Parke Custis and his plantation slaves between 1802 and 1818 to be his family home as well as to .
  • Arlington House Museum, Barbados is an 18th century house with three floors of . of colonization, the plantation system and sugar cane on the island; .
  • Sep 3, 2008 . Beautiful Arlington House, the family home of General Robert E. Lee and . Robert E. Lee never challenged the seizure of the plantation; .
  • Arlington House Plantation
  • Arlington House WHAT IS IT? Plantation home of Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate armies during the Civil War. In 1883, after extensive legal .
  • Arlington House … has one of the most beautiful situations imaginable… . John Nicolay, visiting Robert E. Lee's Arlington plantation home after it was .
  • Belle Meade Plantation, Nashville; The Athenaeum Rectory, Columbia . Ramsey House Plantation, Knoxville; Holy Innocents Cemetery, Arlington .
  • in Arlington Cemetery
  • Our House Plans
  • The Arlington Plantation House in Washington, Louisiana was built in 1829. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. .
  • White House Picture
  • Boone Hall Plantation, South
  • Sep 22, 2009 . One of the things that I've been thinking about is the challenges involved in interpreting Arlington House as a former plantation given the .
  • Constructed in 1832, Arlington Plantation House was the home of Edward Sparrow, a wealthy member of the Confederate government during the Civil War. .
  • Arlington House was built in the 1840s by the Newman family and served as the main house for a middling plantation through to the Civil War. .
  • Jatropha Plantation
  • Arlington House. Antebellum plantation house that was home to Martha Washington's grandson, George Washington Parke Custis, and, later, to Confederate .
  • Arlington House
  • Jan 23, 2011 . Among the most permanent slave/slave families on the plantation were . From its earliest days, Arlington House was home not only to the .
  • With growing wealth Custis started around 1670 to add an even bigger brick house which he named “Arlington House,” after the plantation. .
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  • Arlington House
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  • This first generation of slaves helped build Arlington House and the various .
  • May 19, 2011 . The Arlington Plantation House in Washington, Louisiana was built in 1829. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982 .
  • Plantation Slaves
  • Aug 14, 2008 . Recently opened in February 2008, the Barbados Arlington House - Museum is situated in the . Arlington House Plantation Memories Display .

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