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Definition of aristocrats from Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary with Spanish and English word translations and examples.
a·ris·to·crat ( -r s t -kr t , r s-). n. 1. A member of a ruling class or of .
Looking up definition of S&p 500 Dividend Aristocrats and learn meaning of S&p 500 Dividend Aristocrats in Financial Terms Dictionary.
aristocracy n. , pl. , -cies . A hereditary ruling class; nobility .
Definition of aristocrats. What is meaning of aristocrats in all languages. Translation of aristocrats in the Dictionary.
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aristocrat noun - definition from Cambridge Dictionary Online: a person of high social rank; a member of the aristocracy.
Definition of aristocrat from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
Definition of Aristocrats with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and additional links for more information.
Definition of Aristocrats in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of Aristocrats. Pronunciation of Aristocrats. Translations of Aristocrats. Aristocrats synonyms .
aristocrat - definition of aristocrat from EnglishDefined.com: a member of the aristocracy. Synonym noble.
/ˌær əˈstɒk rə si/ Show Spelled[ar-uh-stok-ruh-see] Show IPA. –noun, plural - cies. 1. a class of persons holding exceptional rank and privileges, .
Synnonyms of ARISTOCRATS, Antonyms of ARISTOCRATS, Defintion of ARISTOCRATS, Sentence with ARISTOCRATS, Alternative of ARISTOCRATS and Opposite of .
Aristocrats definition, Anagrams of aristocrats, words that start with Aristocrats, and words that can be created from aristocrats.
ARISTOCRATS Defined Using a Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Search Engine.
a : one who has the bearing and viewpoint typical of the aristocracy b : one who favors aristocracy. 3. : one believed to be superior of its kind <the .
Is Aristocrats a Scrabble word? Is it Scrabble dictionary, and What is Aristocrats definition, Anagrams of Aristocrats, Scrabble score for Aristocrats, .
Part of Speech: noun. Definition: polite, well-mannered person. Synonyms: aristocrat, brick, good egg, good person, nice person, noble, scholar .
Part of Speech, Definition. Adjective, 1. Belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy; "an aristocratic family"; "aristocratic Bostonians" .
Dividend Aristocrats: The term "dividend aristocrats" is used to describe Standard & Poor' (S .
Skip to definition. . A woman who is an aristocrat. Derived forms: female aristocrats. Type of: aristocrat, blue blood, patrician .
aristocracy (noun) the members of the highest class with a lot of inherited property and wealth in a society; a government by a minority, privileged, .
S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats - definition of S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats - Companies that have raised dividend payments to stockholders each year over a .
ar·is·toc·ra·cy. noun \ˌa-rə-ˈstä-krə-sē, ˌer-ə-\. plural ar·is·toc·ra·cies .
aristocrat n. A member of a ruling class or of the nobility. A person having the tastes, manners, or other characteristics of the aristocracy: a.
“This was more than enough to excite the terror of the Parisians and to arouse their anger against those whom they called aristocrats and whom they accused .
ar·is·toc·ra·cy ( r -st k r -s ). n. pl. ar·is·toc·ra·cies. 1. A hereditary ruling class; nobility. 2. a. Government by a ruling class. .
A long definition and discussion of aristocracy as a form of government from its origins in the Greek polis to its use in American representative democracy.
noun. Translation of ARISTOCRAT. : aristócrata masculine or feminine. The .
The term was derived from the Greek aristokratia, meaning "rule of the best". See aristocracy (class) for the historical roots of the term. .
ARISTOCRAT: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation, synonyms , and antonyms of the term ARISTOCRAT in the Online Dictionary.
Define aristocrat. What is aristocrat? aristocrat meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.
Dictionary definitions and example sentences on Wordnik.com.
S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats - Definition of S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats on Investopedia - Companies that have had an increase in dividends for 25 .
Define aristocrat in American English. What is aristocrat? aristocrat .
May 18, 2011 – Aristocracy, by definition, should be rule by the best. Aristocracy, by the author's implication, suggests rule by a powerful, .
Dividend Aristocrats (or more accurately, “S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats”), are companies within the S&P 500 that have raised their dividend rate at least .
Definition: 1. member of highest social class: a member of the nobility or the highest social class in a country. 2. supporter of aristocratic rule: a .
Is a member of a ruling class or of the nobility or a person who advocates government by an aristocracy. . view more.
Dividend Aristocrat - Definition of Dividend Aristocrat on Investopedia - A company that has continuously increased the amount of dividends it pays to its .
a·ris·to·crat ( -r s t -kr t , r s-). n. 1. A member of a ruling class or of .
Mar 18, 2011 – Watch The Tillman Story, The Aristocrats & Documentary DVD Review in high definition at G4tv.com.
aris·to·crat noun. a member of the aristocracy; nobleman; a person with the tastes, manners, beliefs, etc. of the upper class; a person who believes in .
Consider editing to improve it. View articles referencing this definition. Dividend. . Dividend Aristocrats, Who They Are And Why They Matter .
Definition of aristocrat , meaning of aristocrat , Aristocrat - 1 aristocrat .
/əˈrɪs təˌkræt, ˈær ə stə-/ Show Spelled[uh-ris-tuh-krat, ar-uh-stuh-] Show IPA. –noun. 1. a member of an aristocracy, especially a noble. .
Definition of aristocracy , meaning of aristocracy , Aristocracy - 1 nobility, aristocracy a privileged class holding hereditary titles 2 gentry, .
ARISTOCRATS definition : n. plural form of aristocrat.
aristocrat definition : aristocrat (aristocrats plural )An aristocrat is someone whose family has a high social rank, especially someone who has a title. .
a·ris·to·crat ( -r s t -kr t , r s-). n. 1. A member of a ruling class or of the nobility. 2. A person having the tastes, manners, or other characteristics .